What contributes to optimization of bone strength from adolescence to adulthood?

Internal funded ph.d.-project at the Department for health and care, UiT, the Artic University of Norway :

The aim of the project, which was forwarded as an application to DAM stiftelsen in 2022, the aim is to examine the magnitude and effect of important modifiable lifestyle factors on peak bone mass in both genders using longitudinal data from the Fit Futures study collected over a time span of more than 10 years.

This PhD project will in particular study longitudinal associations between BMI, change in BMI, overweight and obesity on bone mass and bone mineral density, the impact of visceral adipose tissue on bone, and investigate if there is an association between sleep duration and sleep pattern in adolescence and changes in bone measures in adult age. The aim is to provide knowledge based public health advice on how to strengthen bone mass in young adulthood.

The PhD-candidate will be employed during Spring 2024.


Elin Kristin Evensen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)