Indigenous knowledge for sustainability in early childhood education (INDearly)
This is a project network funded by UArctic.
Our overall goal is to build a collaborative network of scholars that aims to develop and strengthen an Indigenous-based pedagogy and courses for sustainability within the fields of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE). The idea of Indigenous-based education is to share and develop knowledge across the circumpolar north based on Indigenous values, knowledge, practices, and ways of being in the world. This network aims to serve as a think tank and a driving force for developing explorative education and research on Indigenous-based pedagogy for sustainability in the formative years of children. This implies deepening our insights into Indigenous values and knowledge systems that values reciprocity and care and exploring ways to implement them in ECE and ECTE. We will exchange teaching approaches and online guest lectures on topics that have relevance for ECTE programs on Indigenous-based pedagogy. The aim is that our collaborative work will influence policy makers to include the voices of children, ECTE students and our mutual Indigenous ancestors to build a sustainable future.
Participants: Veronica Bergan (UiT), Anne Myrstad (UiT), Marikaisa Laiti (Sámi Allaskuvla), Jaana Juutinen (University of Oulu), Angela A. Lunda (University of Alaska South East), Karl Viktor M. Johansson (Nord University), Carie Green (South Dakota State University) and Marianne Presthus Heggen (HVL).