Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education (CuDiME)

About CuDiME

The research group CuDiME wants to contribute to development in the High North and lift the Sami and Kven communities in a sustainable and diverse world, with perspectives beyond the region and the country. This is done through research in mathematics education at international level and the development of a perspective on mathematics where both culture and language are central parts of the subject. Both material and intangible cultural heritage are made visible and invited into mathematics teaching. The research group wants to be able to help lift all parts of the region, and the education and learning of children. Aiming to be in the research front for the child's needs and adapted education in a diversity perspective, the group promotes a view where all types of variation in the student groups are valued, with adapted education to contribute to the students' identity and personal development.

Established in 2019.

Research group leader: Anita M. Simensen. Contact info under Our people.


Forskningsgruppen Matematikk og kulturelt mangfold (CuDiME) ønsker å bidra til utvikling i nord og til å løfte de samiske og kvenske samfunnene i en bærekraftig og mangfoldig verden, med perspektiver ut over regionen og landet. Dette gjennom forsking i matematikkdidaktikk av internasjonal standard og utvikling av et perspektiv på matematikk der både kultur og språk er sentrale deler av faget. Både materiell og immateriell kulturarv synliggjøres og inviteres inn i matematikkundervisningen. Forskningsgruppen ønsker å kunne bidra til å løfte alle deler av regionen i oppvekst, dannelse og læring hos barn. Med mål om å være forskningsfronten for barnets behov og innen tilpasset opplæring i et mangfoldsperspektiv, fremmer gruppen et syn hvor alle typer variasjon i elevgruppene verdsettes, med tilpasset opplæring for å bidra til elevenes identitet og personlige utvikling.

Forskningsgruppens arbeid vil bidra til tilrettelegging for at skolene i landsdelen skal kunne oppfylle første punkt i Opplæringslovens formålsparagraf, «Opplæringa i skole og lærebedrift skal, i samarbeid og forståing med heimen, opne dører mot verda og framtida og gi elevane og lærlingane historisk og kulturell innsikt og forankring». Tradisjonskunnskap og kultur går hånd i hånd med stolthet over egen bakgrunn og egne evner gjennom mestring i matematikk. Matematikkfaget er sentralt innen demokrati og medborgerskap ved at elevene utvikler evnen til å bedømme gyldigheten i ulike argument og i å fremme egne argument. Dette legger grunnlag for deltakelse i samfunnsdebatten og i å hevde seg selv og sine menneskerettigheter i samspill med andre gjennom respekt for og evnen til å kunne sette seg inn i andres argumenter. Elevenes evne til å resonere og vurdere sammen med evnen til å sette seg inn i sammenhenger i samfunnet styrkes i matematikkfaget. Matematikkfaget er sentralt innen folkehelse, livsmestring, mangfold og demokrati. Bærekraftige valg sees i større og større grad i sammenheng med teknologiutvikling, men også i sammenheng med tradisjonell utnyttelse av ressursene som bygger på urfolks forståelse av naturen. Sammen med modelleringskompetanse kan man slik fremme elevenes livsvalg enten disse er innen primærnæringene eller har perspektiver langt ut over det lokale.

Our people

Research projects

Mathematics Education in Indigenous and Migrational contexts - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (

MIM is a collaboration between research environments at USN, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Michigan State University (USA) and the University of New Brunswick (Canada). MIM is supported by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) with NOK 11.3 million for the project period 2020 to 2024 through the program Research and innovation in the education sector (FINNUT).



MIM bak to spesialutgaver av JMC - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (

Special Edition: Mathematics Education in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts: Storylines, Cultures and Strength-based Pedagogies i Journal of Mathematics and Culture

MIM-prosjektet (Mathematics Education in Indigenous and Migrational contexts) og CuDiME står bak en spesialutgave i Journal of Mathematics and Culture som proceeding etter MIM-konferansen november 2022, fordelt over to nummer:

Førsteamanuensis Anita Movik Simensen er Editor in Chief sammen med bl.a. professor Hilja Lisa Huru og professor Annica Andersson  (USN) som editors: Introduction (editorial)


Forsker på matteundervisning i urfolkskontekst | UiT

Vil gjere kvenske skuleutfordringar om til styrker - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (

Hän halluu tehhä kväänin kouluhaastheet ittensä lujjuueksi

ÁVDNET - bokprosjektet "Didaktikk for mangfold. Samiske emner i skole og lærerutdanning"

Medlemmer av CuDiME deltar i bokprosjektet ADNET med redaktørene Helge Chr. Pedersen, Silje Solheim Karlsen og Gøril Figenschou. Boka " primært skrevet for lærerstudenter, lærerutdannere og lærere i hele landet. Den er også relevant for andre med allmenn interesse for samisk samfunn, historie og kultur og dets plass innenfor skole og utdanning. Boka er den første som systematisk og forskningsbasert tar for seg emner knyttet til vårt historiske mangfold og utforsker didaktiske praksiser med utgangspunkt i møtet mellom samer, kvener og nordmenn, eller «de tre stammers møte», som har preget folk og samfunn i nord gjennom generasjonene. ..." (fra prosjektbeskrivelsen)

Conference: Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts

The MIM-conference was held in Alta November 2022. At this conference, we welcomed conversations about mathematics education in Indigenous and/or migrational contexts. Accepted papers were published in a special issue of the Journal of Mathematics and Culture (Vol 17 No. 3 and 4).


Lakselv-elever i internasjonalt forskningsprosjekt (

Master theses

Elisabeth Wirkola: Kulturens innvirkning på elevers mulighet for læring i matematikkfaget - Kritisk studie på Finnmark elevers storylines

Nora Marie Ollila Sandmo: Kultur i matematikkopplæringen? En diskursanalyse av styringsdokumenter

Martin Andreas Nilsen: Matematisk tenking i kulturell praksis. Utforsking av tradisjonell øremerking av reinsdyr

Selected publications


Wagner, D., Andersson, A., DeWolfe, S., Gerbrandt, J., Huru, H. L., Simensen, A. M., Wirkola, E. (2025) REFLECTIONS ON ABSTRACTION IN A WORLD WHERE ATTACHMENT TO PLACE MATTERS. In Le Roux, K., Coles, A., Solares-Rojas, A., Bose, A., Vistro-Yu, C. et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 27th ICMI Study Conference (Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological). MATHTED and ICMI.

Pasanha, S. G., Andersson, A., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., & Simensen, A. M. (2025). Storylines from Newcomers’ Perspectives: The Complexities of Learning Mathematics in a Norwegian Introductory Class. Education Sciences, 15(1), 96.


Simensen, A. M. (2024). Posisjonering av elever som presterer lavt i matematikk: En styrkebasert flerkasusstudie av heterogene smågrupper. MONA Matematikk og naturfagdidaktik, 4, 66–80.

Herbel-Eisenmann, B. & Wagner, D., Simensen, A. M., Huru, H. & A. Andersson A. (2024). Positioning as praxis, developed in mathematics education contexts. In M. B. McVee, L. Van Langenhove, C. H. Brock & B. A. Christensen (Eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Positioning Theory. (1st ed.). Routledge. 

Simensen, A. M & Olsen, M. H. (2024). Gifted Students’ Actualization of a Rich Task’s Mathematical Potential When Working in Small Groups. Education Sciences, 14(2), 151.

Simensen, A. M., Huru, H. L., & Andersson, A. (2024). Where does the mathematics end and the culture and language start? IndigMEC2: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous. Conference presentation.

Wirkola, E., Huru, H., Simensen, A. M., Andersson A., Herbel-Eisenmann, B. & Wagner, D. (2024). “We should never have been in a classroom”: missed learning opportunities for students with minoritized (Kven) background. Proceding's of the 2024 Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness international conference, Free State, South Africa, February 20 - 23, 2024.

Simensen, A. M., & Olsen, M. H. (2024). Matematiske læringsmuligheter for alle. In M. H. Olsen, S. I. Lied, & M. S. Tveitnes (Eds.), Inkludering i praksis (pp. 92–119). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.


Meaney, T., Huru, H. L. & Kvivesen, M. (2023) Preservice and inservice teachers’ views on digital tools for diverse learners in mathematics education. In Digital resources in mathematics education, NOMAD : Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 28(3-4), 103-124.

Huru, H., Andersson A. & Wagner, D. (2023) “…but you cannot buy the sunset”: Abstraction, attachment and detachment. For the learning of mathematics, 43(3), 7-12

Nordkild S. I., & Hætta, O. E. (2023) Mathematics teaching in lávvues from the perspectives of Indigenous education and critical peace education, Journal of Peace Education, DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2023.2206731

Andersson, A., Foyn, T., Simensen, A. M. & Wagner, D. (2023) Storylines in Voices of Frustration: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education in Changing Times. Education Sciences, 13(8):816.

Simensen, A. M., Huru, H., A. Andersson A., Herbel-Eisenmann, B. & Wagner, D. (2023) Mathematics Education Storylines and Cultures in Indigenous and Migrational ContextsJournal of Mathematics and Culture, 17(3), i-xx.

Fyhn, A. B. & Steinfjell, A. S. (2023). Relations Between Sámi and Western Ways of Sorting and Organizing Elements in a SetJournal of Mathematics and Culture, 17(3), 1-19.

Wirkola, E. & Andersson, A. (2023). Structural Changes Needed: Finnmark’s Students’ Significant and Valuable Storylines in a Cultural and Historical ContextJournal of Mathematics and Culture, 17(3), 20-41.

Simensen, A. M., Johannesen, A.-M. & Huru, H. L. (2023). Seeking a Strength-Based Approach to Assessment in a Multicultural Context: A Participator ApproachJournal of Mathematics and Culture, 17(3), 42-59.

Culligan, K., Sacha DeWolfe, S. & Simensen, A. M. (2023). Challenges, Opportunities, and Key Questions in Research for Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational (MIM) Contexts Through a Language Focused Lens.  Journal of Mathematics and Culture, 17(3), 145-161.

Huru, H. L., Sandmo, N. M. O. & Simensen, A. M. (2023) Matematikkoppgaver med utgangspunkt i tradisjonskunnskap i kvensk og sjøsamisk kultur. In Ávdnet. Samiske tema i skole og utdanning, Universitetsforlaget.

Huru, H., A. Andersson A. & Wagner, D. (2023). “No, we own the forest like the child owns their mother” – abstraction and detachment in land-based pedagogies. In Horn-Miller. K. & Kress, M. (Eds.) Land as Relation. Teaching and Learning through Place, People and Practices. Canadian Scholars.


Wirkola, E. & Andersson, A. (2022). The Finnmark students ́ positionings and storylines in mathematics education: A possibility for change? Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Paper presentation.

Nilsen, M. A. (2022). A way of using earmarking of reindeer in teaching combinatorics. Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Poster.

Sandmo, N. M. O. (2022). Culture discourses in the Norwegian and Sami mathematics education.  Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Poster.

Trabski, V. (2022) Sáhhku in middle school.  Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Poster.

Varjola, C., Trabski, V. & Wang, O. (2022). Experiences from playing the board game Sáhkku with students. Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Teachers sharing experiences - workshop session.

Simensen, A. M., Johannessen, A. M., Huru, H. L. (2022). Collaborative tests in mathematics: Seeking a strength-based approach to assessment in a multicultural context. Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta.  Paper presentation.

Fyhn, A. B. & Steinfjell, A. S. (2022). Relations between Sámi and Western ways of sorting and organizing elements in a set. Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta.  Paper presentation.

Culligan, K., DeWolfe, S. & Simensen A. M. (2022). Challenges, opportunities, key questions for research in MIM contexts. Mathematics in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts 2022 conference, Alta. Closing session.

Nordkild S. I., Fyhn, A. B. & Hætta, O. E. (2022). Lávvu as a teaching arena: Identification of mathematical activities. Proceedings of Norma 20 The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education Oslo, 2021. Svensk förening för Matematik Didaktisk Forskning.

Fyhn, A. B. & Berntsen, G. (2022). A mathematics teacher's respectful listening in a culturally diverse class. Journal of Peace Education), 1–25.

Andersson, A., Ryan, U., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Huru, H. L. & Wagner, D. (2022). Storylines in public news media about mathematics education and minoritized studentsEducational Studies in Mathematics. DOI 10.1007/s10649-022-10161-5.

Simensen, A. M., Huru, H. L., Wagner, D. & Andersson, A. (2022). Constructs and methods for identifying patterns of interaction in mathematics classrooms. In: C. Fernández, S. Llinares, Á. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 213–214). PME Universidad de Alicante.

Abtahi, Y., Andersson, A., Barwell, R., Huru, H., Wagner, D., Chatzi, D., Assaf, F., Suurtamm, C., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., & Kane, R. (2022). Ethical awarenesses arising from data collection in mathematics education at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

Simensen, A.M. (2022). Matematiske læringsmuligheter for alle: En styrkebasert flerkasusstudie om elever som presterer lavt i matematikk sin deltakelse i heterogene smågrupper. [Phd thesis] University of Agder


Ryan, U., Andersson, A., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., Huru, H. L., & Wagner, D. (2021). "Minoritised mathematics students are motivated by gratitude": An analysis of storylines in Norwegian public media. Exploring new ways to connect: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (Vol. 3, pp. 889–898).

Andersson, Annica; Wagner, David Richard. Culturally Situated Critical Mathematics Education. Brill Academic Publishers 2021 ISBN 978-90-04-46580-0.s 24 - 46.s doi: 10.1163/9789004465800_002.

Andersson, Annica; Barwell, Richard. Applying Critical Mathematics Education An Introduction. Brill Academic Publishers 2021 ISBN 978-90-04-46580-0.s 1 - 23.s doi: 10.1163/9789004465800_001.

Andersson, Annica; Ryan, Ulrika; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Wagner, David. Storylines in news media texts: A focus on mathematics education and minoritized groups. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of PME-NA 2021.

Meaney, Tamsin; Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Graham, S.R.W. (2021). Unfettering discussions about social justice: the role of conversational prompts in discussions about mathematics education for Indigenous students. Educational Studies in Mathematics. ISSN 0013-1954.s doi: 10.1007/s10649-021-10089-2.

Ryan, Ulrika; Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Wagner, David. "Minoritised mathematics students are motivated by gratitude": An analysis of storylines in Norwegian public media. (fulltekst) Proceedings of the International Mathematics Education and Society Conference 2021. ISSN 2077-9933.s 889 - 907.

Andersson, Annica; Nolan, Katherine. Flattening the Facebook Curve: Exploring Intersections of Critical Mathematics Education With the Real, the Surreal, and the Virtual During a Global Pandemic. InEducation 2021; Volum 26 (2). ISSN 1927-6117.s 24 - 50.s doi: 10.37119/ojs2021.v26i2.482.

Ryan, Ulrika; Andersson, Annica; Chronaki, Anna. “Mathematics Is Bad for Society” Reasoning about Mathematics as Part of Society in a Language Diverse Middle School Classroom. Brill Academic Publishers 2021 ISBN 978-90-04-46580-0.s 144 - 165.s doi: 10.1163/9789004465800_007.


Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Wagner, David Richard. MIM: Mathematics education responsive to diversity: A Norwegian, Canadian and American research collaboration.. 2020 ISBN 978-1-7348057-0-3.s doi: 10.51272/pmena.42.2020.

Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Robertsen, Håkon. Kystfiskermatematikk og skolematematikk: to ulike perspektiver på hva ei méd er. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2020; Volum 25 (1). ISSN 1104-2176.s 65 - 88.

Golishnikova, Elena; Simensen, Anita Movik. The role of mathematical education in the formation of a modern personality in the context of socio-cultural transformation in the arctic. 2020 ISBN 978-5-4222-0429-8.s 176 - 181.


Andersson, Annica; Österling, Lisa. Democratic Actions in School Mathematics and the Dilemma of Conflicting Values. Springer 2019 (2019) ISBN 978-3-030-16891-9. ISSN 2520-8322.s 69 - 88.s doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-16892-6_5.

Andersson, Annica; Wagner, David.
Identities available in intertwined discourses: mathematics student interaction. ZDM: Mathematics Education 2019 ;Volum 51.(3) s. 529-540

Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Hansen, Lisbet. Exploration of patterns in different contexts. (fulltekst) European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019 ISBN 978-90-73346-75-8.s 1672 - 1679.


Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Eira, Ellen J. Sara; Hætta, Ole Einar Isaksen; Juuso, Inga Anne Marit; Nordkild, Siv Ingrid; Skum, Ellen Margrethe. Bishop Sámegillii: Utfordringer ved oversetting av matematikkdidaktisk fagterminologi. (fulltekst) Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2018; Volum 23 (3-4). ISSN 1104-2176.s 163 - 184.

Huru, Hilja Lisa; Räisänen, Anna-Kaisa; Simensen, Anita Movik. Culturally based mathematics tasks: a framework for designing tasks from traditional Kven artefacts and knowledge. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2018; Volum 23 (3-4). ISSN 1104-2176.s 123 - 142.

Elevaktivitet: Kvenrosa

I forbindelse med Kvenfolkets dag i 2019 ble det utviklet aktiviteter for elever i grunnskolen og VGS med utgangspunkt i Kvenrosa i det kvenske flagget. Her finner du beskrivelse av læringsaktivitetene, og utskriftsvennlig versjoner av utklippsmaler, fargeleggingsmaler og aktiviteten "Legg sammen og fargelegg".

Materiellet skal oppdateres bl.a. i hht LK20, oppdatering kommer.

Alta Research Symposium March 13 2025 

12:30-15.30. Rom A203, Aud. Seiland

How to write a grant application in humanities and educational research

Three research projects will share their reflections on grant action based on their experiences with winning larger research grants, and implications for future grant writing.

12:30-13:45 Mathematics Education in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts - MIM: Professor Annica Andersson, The University of South-Eastern Norway, Professor Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Michigan State University and Professor David Wagner, University of New Brunswick.

We will start this session with Annica sharing the MIM story.  She will talk about how the research ideas developed over time, the collaborations and conversations, the application writing process and her experiences from leading the project the first years. Beth will talk about drawing on participatory methodologies with teachers, youth, and communities. She will share some of the commitments of this methodology and its importance to challenging where knowledge resides. Dave will then share stories from MIME (the sister project in Canada), with a brief account of the application process there. He will then focus on ways of conducting interviews to draw out relevant experiences and storylines designed to identify ways to pivot storylines drawing on the insights of participants.

13:45-14:00 Break (there will be coffee)

14:00-14:45 Sharing of experiences from Intangiblization, Materializations and Mobilities of Kven Heritage: Contemporary Articulations in Fields of Family, Museums, and Culture Industry – IMMKven:  Professor Trine Kvidal-Røvik and Professor Kjell Olsen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

14:45-15:30 Discussion.

We invite other researchers to share their experiences with successful or unsuccessful grant initiatives. We would like to go into the experiences and thoughts we as a broader research community has on what is important in winning a larger grant. The three projects MIM, MIME and IMMKven are all focused on minoritized groups, which means that we get the opportunity to discuss aspects related to this, but also more general aspects of grant writing.

The seminar will not be streamed.

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