Recently, the scholarly gaze has been increasingly turned from the Indigenous subject to researchers who study the Indigenous, and to the societal processes that have regulated the production of such knowledge in the past and the present. This turn has contributed to an
«Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage: Decolonisation, Restitution and Rematriation in Sápmi».
Publisher: Routledge, U.K.
can be ordered here.
We welcome two new Post Doc Fellows in our Research group: Anthropologist Dr. Erika de Vivo (MSCA Fellowship Aurora) andArt Historian Dr. Jérémie McGowan. They both started their projects with us in the summer.
«Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage: Decolonisation, Restitution and Rematriation in Sápmi».
Publisher: Routledge, U.K.
Authors: Rossella Ragazzi, Trude Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Dikka Storm, Katrine Rugeldal, Eli-Anita Schøning, Laura Junta Aikio, Cathrine Baglo, Gro Ween, Erika De Vivo, Sarah Caufield, Giacomo Nerici.
Here the curatorial team working the whole year with the project:
Curatorial workshop: "Rávdnji "utstilling, at the University Museum: Rossella Ragazzi (photo); Ingrid Sommerseth, Joar Nango, Trude Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Bjørn Hatteng, Andreas Kühne, Inger Kaisa Bekø, Polina Medvedeva, Rossella Ragazzi and several others.
More photos from the process:
UiT Sámefolket Dag, 6 Februar 2024. Innlegg:
"Luohtevuorkká. Bli kjent med og søk i universitetets joikearkiv".
ved Camilla Brattland, førsteamanuensis i samisk kulturvitenskap, SAMFORSK. UMAK.
"Gjennom prosjektet DigiJoik har gamle opptak av joik fra Tromsø museums arkiver blitt mer tilgjengelige på DigitaltMuseum og strømmetjenester. Vi kalt denne nye løsningen for Luohtevuorkká. Bli kjent med hva som ligger ute av joik og hvordan du kan søke etter joik i disse og andre arkivportaler".
Report 2022/2023:
SAMFORSK jobber, i samarbeid med arkeologer og samiske kunstner, på nye utstillingsprosjekter som skal fornye deler av den historisk utstilling Samkulturen, både med hensyn til arkeologi, historie, musikk vitenskap og kulturvitenskapelig innhold av samisk kulturarv og design.
SAMFORSK er også knyttet til faste formidlingsprosjekt ved museet blant annet i tilknytting til den årlige markeringen av Samisk Uke. Hvert år har vi et seminar, flere barn aktiviteter og en Vin og Viten arrangement vendt mot aktuelle samiske temaer. I år ble lanseringa av LUOHTEVUORKKA luohti samlinga holdt på Vin og Viten den 8 februar 2023 i regi av Samforsk og Digijoik.
Et arbeid med den store joikeinnsamlinga som ble oppretta ved Tromsø Museum i 1949 av lektor Arnt Bakke har sin første offentlig publisert album med samlinger av Bikko Nillá, en av de mest dyktige joiker av sin tid.
I tillegg har SAMFORSK søkt INTERREG Aurora Prosjektet «Máhtut - Sámi skills in crisis management and circular economy» og er et samarbeidsprosjekt med Universitet i Lapland og Sámi Education Institute (SAKK) i Umeå.
Flere medlemmer i SAMFORSK er også del av Dutkan Davvin («Forskning i nord») et nettverk mellom museene i Troms og Finnmark, ledet av Eva Dagny Johansen ved Alta Museum.
I oktober 2022 fikk Rossella Ragazzi, leder av forskningsgruppa SAMFORSK, Forskning FOU prisen av UMAK.
2 mars 14.00-15.30, Webinar
16 april 12.30-15.30 (museum, møterom)
6 mai 13.00-14.00 (bibliotek møterom)
24 mai 15:30-17.00 (webinar)
31 mai 12.00-13.30 (museum møterom)
21 juni 13.00-15.00 (museum møterom)
19 august 9.00-15.30 (museumsalen) seminar+workshop with all members in SAMFORSK and invited Prof. Else Grete Brodrerstad, Dr. Jérémie McGowan, Curator Mari Hjortsfors, Dr. Liisa Ravna Finbog.
10 november 14.00-15.30 (møterom)
3 desember 9.30-15.30 (møterom) Rossella Ragazzi, Trude Fonneland & Camilla Brattland leader DigiJoik. With Ola Graff (emeritus professor UM), Ingar O. Figenschau (rådgiver samlinger og arkiver UM) & Sara Marielle Gaup (artist og ekspert i joik, duódji og samiske tradisjoner) as invited participants.
Ragazzi, Rossella Espressioni di resilienza presso i Sami di Norvegia. Rivista semestrale scientifico-culturale di filofia sistemica Ecologia della Salute. AIEMS: Roma. ISSN 2281-3373
Fonneland, Trude & Äikäs, Tiina. 2021. Animals in Saami Shamanism: Power Animals, Symbols of Art, and Offerings. Religions Volum 12.(4)
Fonneland, Trude. 2021 Førestellingar om liv og død på Hillsát (Hillesøy) kring år 800. Ottar 2021. Volum 1.(334) s. 22-30
Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand. 2021. Røtter, spor og samifisering – å se seg tilbake for å skape fremtid. Norsk museumstidsskrift Volum 7 (2) 2021. ISSN 2464-2525. Pp 69 – 82.
Junka-Aikio, Laura (2021) “Self-Indigenization, Sámi Research and the Political Contexts of Knowledge Production”. Kirjassa L. Junka-Aikio, J. Nyyssönen ja V-P Lehtola toim. Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio, Laura (2021) “Indigenous Culture Jamming: Suohpanterror and the articulation of a Sámi political community” (a republication). In Sigrid Lien and Hilde Nielsen eds. Adjusting the Lens: Indigenous Activism, Colonial Legacies and Photographic Heritage.
Junka-Aikio Laura, Nyyssönen J. & Lehtola V-P. (2021). “Sámi research in transition: an introduction”. Kirjassa L. Junka-Aikio, J. Nyyssönen ja V-P Lehtola toim. Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio, Laura, Nyyssönen, J. & Lehtola, V-P eds. (2021) Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio, Laura (2021) “Arvio: kuva kolonialismista nyky-Suomessa.”, 25 October. Available at:
Nyyssönen et al. Kampen om rettighetene: Fra språk og kultur til naturressurser 1963-1990 (with Astri Andresen, Patrik Lantto, Teemu Ryymin, Katri Somby, Håkon Hermanstrand, Camilla Brattland and Anna Afanasyeva). Samenes historie fra 1751 til 2010. Astri Andresen, Bjørg Evjen and Teemu Ryymin (eds.), Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021.
Nyyssönen, Jukka 2021.Valgmanntallsregistrering i Finland, Sverige og Norge (pp. 412-416), Samenes historie fra 1751 til 2010. Astri Andresen, Bjørg Evjen and Teemu Ryymin (eds.), Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021.
Nyyssönen, Jukka. Choices and omissions of knowledge and social impact in Finnish committee reports on Sámi policies. in Sámi research in transition – an introduction, with Laura Junka-Aikio and Veli-Pekka Lehtola, both in Sámi Research in Transition Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. Laura Junka-Aikio, Jukka Nyyssönen and Veli-Pekka Lehtola (eds.), Routledge.
Nyyssönen, Jukka & Otso Kortekangas 2021. Saamelaislasten koulutushistoria kertoo maiden yhtäläisyydestä ja erityisyydestä. Kasvatus & Aika 15 (3-4) 2021
Nyyssönen, Jukka. Nation-building and colonialism: The early Skolt Sami research of Väinö Tanner. Finnish Colonial Encounters, From Anti-Imperialism to Cultural Colonialism and Complicity. Raita Merivirta, Leila Koivunen and Timo Särkkä (eds.), Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies, Palgrave MacMillan 2021.
Bjørklund, Ivar. Society, ethnicity and knowledge production – Changing relations between Norwegians and Sámi. I: Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. Routledge 2021 ISBN 9780367548384. UiT
Bjørklund, Ivar. Digital information and traditional knowledge. RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift 2021 (1) s. 36-37 UiT
Bjørklund, Ivar. Finnmarksloven, Fefo og samisk rettsutvikling i Finnmark. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8. s. 99-118 UiT
Publikasjoner fra forsknings prosjekter. Medlemmer av SoDiSami(2017-2021) og nå SAMFORSK.
Rossella Ragazzi
Rossella Ragazzi I sensi del nostro mondo: espressioni di rapporto alla salute dei Sami di Norvegia. Aiems, Rivista di Ecologia della Salute. Roma 2021.
Rossella Ragazzi and Giacomo Nerici. Discoursea, Practices and Performances in Sámi Museology. Nordisk Museologi 2020; Volum 27 (3). ISSN 1103-8152. doi: 10.5617/nm.7725. 2020
Ragazzi, Rossella and Shoji Hiroshi. Sami of Northern Europe. In Catalogue “The Treasures of Indigenous Peoples”. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology Japan. (ISBN 978-4-906962-85-3)2020
Baglo, J. Nyyssönen, R. Ragazzi Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities. Nordisk Museologi Vol. 3 (5-7) 2019.
Trude Fonneland
Trude Fonneland Nordisk Museologi 2020; Volum 27 (3). ISSN 1103-8152. doi: 10.5617/nm.7725. 2020
Trude Fonneland and Dikka Storm. Indigenous Religions in the Sixth Missionary District The Case of the Hillsá Drum. In Rydving, Håkan and Konsta Kaikkonen (eds). Religions around the Arctic, Studies in Comparative Religion, Stockholm, Stockholm University Press. Forthcoming 2021
Fonneland, Trude & Äikäs, Tiina. 2021. Animals in Saami Shamanism: Power Animals, Symbols of Art, and Offerings. Religions Volum 12.(4)
Fonneland, Trude. 2021 Førestellingar om liv og død på Hillsát (Hillesøy) kring år 800. Ottar 2021. Volum 1.(334) s. 22-30
Laura Junka-Aikio
Junka-Aikio Laura (2021 ) “Jäämerenrata, syrjäseutujen identiteetit ja nykykolonialismi” (The Arctic Ocean Railway, hinterland identities and contemporary colonialism). In Sami Lakomäki, Rinna Kullaa and Janne Lahti eds. Suomen rajaseutujen kolonialismi (Colonialism in Finland’s Borderlands). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Junka-Aikio Laura (2021) “Sámi research, self-Indigenization and the political contexts of knowledge production”. In Laura Junka-Aikio, Jukka Nyyssönen and Veli-Pekka Lehtola eds. Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio, L. Nyyssönen J. and Lehtola V-P. (2021 forthcoming) “Introduction: Sámi Research in Transition”. In Laura Junka-Aikio, Jukka Nyyssönen and Veli-Pekka Lehtola eds. Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio, L. Nyyssönen and Lehtola eds. (2021) Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change. London: Routledge.
Junka-Aikio Laura (2019) “Institutionalisation, neo-politicisation and the politics of defining Sámi Research”. Acta Borealia, 36:1, 1-22.
Junka-Aikio Laura (2018) “Indigenous Cultural Jamming: Suophanterror and the art of articulating a Sámi political community” Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 10:4, 1-14.
Junka-Aikio, Laura (2021) “Arvio: kuva kolonialismista nyky-Suomessa.”, 25 October. Available at:
Camilla Brattland
Cathrine Baglo
Baglo, Cathrine. The disappearance of the sea sámi as a cultural display category: Assimilation policies and the role of industrial expositions. (fulltekst) Nordisk Museologi 2020; Volum 27 (3). ISSN 1103-8152.s 25 - 44.s doi: 10.5617/nm.7725.
Baglo, Cathrine and Stien, Hanne Hammer. Alt eller ingenting: Annerledesgjøren og agens i to (post)koloniale kunstprosjekter. (data) Kunst og kultur 2018; Volum 101 (3). ISSN 0023-5415.s 166 - 185.s doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3029-2018-03-04. 2018
Baglo, J. Nyyssönen, R. Ragazzi Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities. Nordisk Museologi Vol. 3 (5-7) 2019.
Jukka Nyyssönen
Nyyssönen Jukka Саамы: Отдельные аспекты исследований на севере, The Sámi: Some aspects of Nordic research, from the workshop Research on the Sami over three centuries, Chief editor of the special issue 2.7.2017 in Arktika i Sever, Arctic and North No. 27, 2017.
Nyyssönen, Jukka and Veli-Pekka Lehtola: Введение. От расовых различий к возрождению народа: аспектыисследований саамов в Финляндии и Норвегии, Арктика и Север 2017, No. 27,
Nyyssönen, Jukka & Lehtola, Veli-Pekka, Introduction. From depictions of race to revitalizing a people: aspects of research on the Sámi in Finland and Norway, Arctic and North. 2017. N 27.
Nyyssönen, Jukka Narratives of Sámi School History in Finland: The Histories of Assimilation Made Visible, Nordic Journal of Educational History, Vol. 5, no. 1, 2018.
Nyyssönen, Jukka Cultural heritage of the Sami in Finnish national histories 1894-2009, AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 15:4, 2019,
Nyyssönen, Jukka Rangifer tarandus in Textual Service - Positioning Reindeer as Agent in Human – Non-Human Interactional Context in Three Texts, in Shared Lives of Humans and Animals, Animal Agency in the Global North, Tuomas Räsänen and Taina Syrjämaa (eds.), Routledge, Routledge Human/animal studies series 2017.
Nyyssönen Jukka with Otso Kortekangas, Pigga Keskitalo, Andrej Kotljarchuk, David Sjögren and Merja Paksuniemi: Introduction in Narratives of Sámi School History in Finland: Assimilation and Empowerment, in Sámi Educational History in a Comparative International. 2018.
Baglo, J. Nyyssönen, R. Ragazzi Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities. Nordisk Museologi Vol. 3 (5-7) 2019.
Nyyssönen Jukka Narratives of Sámi School History in Finland: Assimilation and Empowerment, in Sámi Educational History in a Comparative International Perspective, Otso Kortekangas, Pigga Keskitalo, Jukka Nyyssönen, Andrej Kotljarchuk, Merja Paksuniemi and David Sjögren (eds.), ISBN: 3-030-24112-2, Palgrave Macmillan 2019.
Nyyssönen, Jukka Ympäristöuhka ja kanssatoimija, objekti ja hyötyjä, Poron sijoittuminen poronhoidon tutkimuksessa, in Kanssakulkijat, Monilajisten kohtaamisten jäljillä. Tuomas Räsänen and Nora Schuurman (eds.). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1464, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 2020.
Nyyssönen Jukka, 2022. Changing States, Changing Sámi? Framing the state and the Sámi in studies of history in Finland and Norway, 1929-1954. In Sami World, Sanna Valkonen, Aile Aikio, Saara Alakorva, Sigga-Marja Magga (eds), Routledge.
Nyyssönen, Jukka (In evaluation): Situating reindeer in forestry research by Metla – shifting objectifications and positionings of a competing harvester and an environmental threat, article delivered for the Department of History at the University of Turku, publication in Society & Animals. 2021
Eli-Anita Øivand Schøning
Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand. 2024. Máhttsat ja Mujttalit - Árran's Negotiations in the Bååstede Project, In Trude Fonneland and Rossella Ragazzi eds., Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage. Decolonization, Restitution, and Rematriation in Sápmi. Routledge. ISBN 9781003426318,
Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand. 2023. Muitát, mujttalit, å minnes på ny – et museologisk perspektiv på kunnskapsproduksjon i Árran Julevsáme guovdásj og Várdobáiki sámi guovddáš [Doctoral Thesis]. The Arctic University of Norway.
Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand. 2023. «Tore Hunds čehporis» – en samifiseringsfortelling i «Nasjonaljubileet 2030 – Norge i tusen år». Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2-3(40), p. 115–127.
Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand. 2021. Røtter, spor og samifisering – å se seg tilbake for å skape fremtid. Norsk museumstidsskrift, 7(2), p. 69 – 82.
Ivar Bjørklund
Bjørklund, Ivar (2020) The Áltá Action as a Sámi Conflict. Forty years later.. Valiz, Amsterdam ISBN 9789492095794.s 39 - 51.
Bjørklund, Ivar (2019) Anders Bærs erindringer 1825-1849. Orkana Forlag ISBN 978-82-8104-346-6.s 184 - 208.
Bjørklund, Ivar (2019) Gollevarre Revisited - Reindeer, Domestication and Pastoral Transformation. Iskos 2019; Volum 22. ISSN 0355-3108.s 88 - 95.
Bjørklund, Ivar & Niemi, Einar (2019) Partisanhuset i Indre Syltevik. Et kulturminnebidrag til partisanenes historie. Orkana Forlag ISBN 9788281043442.s 317 - 333.
Røed, Knut; Bjørklund, Ivar; Olsen, Bjørnar Julius (2018) From wild to domestic reindeer – Genetic evidence of a non-native origin of reindeer pastoralism in northern Fennoscandia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Volum 19. ISSN 2352-409X.s 279 - 286.s doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.02.048.
Bjørklund, Ivar (2017) Landsmøtet 1917 og samebevegelsen i nord. Heimen - Lokal og regional historie 2017; Volum 54 (2). ISSN 0017-9841.s 121 - 129.s doi: 10.18261/issn.1894-3195-2017-02-02.
Dikka Storm
Storm, Dikka, 2023. The process of recording the Sámi place names at Stuorgieddi in the region of southern Troms, Northern Norway, In Sofie Laurine Albris (ed.). Placing Place names in Norwegian Archaeology, Current Discussions and Future Perspectives. UBAS – University of Bergen Archaeological Series 14, University Museum of Bergen (UM), Institute of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (AHKR), University of Bergen, Bergen: Aksell AS, 165-189.
Storm, Dikka, 2020 “Pietistic Mission to Senja and Vesterålen in the Early Eighteenth Century” in The Protracted Reformation in the North, Volume III from the project “The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway” (PRiNN). Editors: Lars Ivar Hansen, Sigrun Høgetveit Berg and Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen. De Gruyter.
Storm, Dikka, 2020 “The Sami” in “Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples” (3rd ed.) Eds. Sharlotte Neely & Douglas W. Hume, Canada, British Columbia, Vernon: JCharlton Publishing Ltd. 978-1-926476-29-2 (Paperback) E-book: 978-1-926476-31-5 (EPUB)
Storm, Dikka, 2019 “The role of museum institutions in relation to research on Sámi culture, history, and society in Norway until the Post World War II years” Nordisk Museologi, Volume 27, 3 s. 61-76 online -
Storm, Dikka, 2017 “The Sámi of Norway, Sweden, and Finland”. I: Native Nations: The Survival of Fourth World Peoples. Vernon, Canada: JCharlton Publishing Ltd. 2017 ISBN 978-1-926476-17-9.
Storm, Dikka, 2017 “Die Grenze zwischen christlichem und paganem Raum. Mission als Mittel der Koloniserung”. I: Credo - Christianiserung Europas im Mittelalter Band III: Beiträge zur Ausstellung. Michael Imhof Verlag 2017 ISBN 978-3-7319-0043-6. s. 121-128.
Storm, Dikka, 2017 “The Church, Pietist Mission and The Sámi. - An Account of a Northern Norwegian Mission District in the Early Eighteenth Century”, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap 2017 ; Volum 3. s. 59-75.
Storm, Dikka, Roald Kristiansen og Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen 2017, «Den langstrakte reformasjonen» Innledning. s. 2 i Ottar – Populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift fra Tromsø Museum - Universitetsmuséet nr. 4.
(Nr. 317),
Trude Fonneland and Dikka Storm. Indigenous Religions in the Sixth Missionary District The Case of the Hillsá Drum. In Rydving, Håkan and Konsta Kaikkonen (eds). Religions around the Arctic, Studies in Comparative Religion, Stockholm, Stockholm University Press. Forthcoming 2021
Erika De Vivo
De Vivo, Erika. 2024. Gállogieddi Caput Sápmi. In Trude Fonneland and Rossella Ragazzi eds., Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage. Decolonization, Restitution and Rematriation in Sápmi. Routledge.
De Vivo, Erika. 2024. Introducing Sámi peoples to late 19th century Italian readership: Mantegazza’s popular and academic accounts of Sápmi at the convergence of images and words”in Schwab, Ahrens, Markantonatos, and Riedl (eds), Ethnography, Folklore, and Nineteenth-Century Print Culture, transcript publishing.
De Vivo, Erika. 2024. Covid-19 in Sápmi: materializing the colonial fragmentation of Sámi communities” in Ruairidh Tarvet (ed),European Minorities in Times of Crisis, Routledge RAMS (Routledge Advances In Minority Studies).
De Vivo, Erika. 2024. #Meannu2118 at the convergence of fiction and reality: art, performance and storytelling between pasts and futures in a land of relations” in Mussi Indigenous storytelling and connections to the land. Palgrave Macmillan.
De Vivo, Erika. 2024. Of Goavddis and Runic Calendars: Sámi artefacts in Italian 18th and 19th -Century Collections. In Spring Ulrike and Stensvaag Kaasa (eds),Collecting the North special issue of the journal Nordic Museology.
Jérémie McGowan
Katrine Rugeldal
Ellen Marie Bråthen Steen