for Fundamental Structures in Computational and Pure Mathematics




The Lie-Størmer Center will unite and advance the research frontiers in computational and pure mathematics by exploring fundamental mathematical structures and their increasing significance for modern computational problems. The research ambitions are guided by the following three fundamental questions.

  1. What are the underlying foundations of structured and efficient computations in mathematics?
  2. How does symmetry, respectively order, facilitate and structure computational processes?
  3. Which modern algebraic structures build new bridges between the continuous and the discrete?


People behind the Center

The mathematical expertise in algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and topology, gathered in the two center nodes at UiT and UiB stems from Norway-based and international experts. In addition to seven PIs at its core, leading Norwegian and international experts will be associated with the center as members and spend longer stays at one of the center nodes as visiting professors and co-supervisors of Ph.D. students. An independent Scientific Advisory Board of six prominent scientists will give advice regarding research directions, management, and funding and the center is governed by a Board of Directors, with representatives of each university, industry, and the Norwegian Mathematical Society.


Scientific Council

Other Key members