Research interests:
Previous research:
Master's thesis (2018) At the laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche-sur-Mer (France): Genetic structure and connectivity of Tridacna maxima populations in the Indo Pacific directed by Cécile Fauvelot; 5 months.
The main objective of this work was to characterize the spatial patterns of genetic structure in Tridacna maximum and infer the connectivity between populations to define the different stocks. Thus, I deepened my knowledge in different fields:
i) Genotyping with genetic markers (microsatellites)
ii) Mitochondrial DNA sequencing (IOC)
iii) Statistical analysis to characterize patterns of structure and genetic diversity based on different methods (Genepop, FreeNA, Fstat, Genetix, Structure)
iv) Other methods of statistical analysis (PCoA, AMOVA, DAPC and NMDS)
v) Integration of the results to define the different stocks / populations and their relationships.
Other experiences:
(2019) At the biologic station in Roscoff: Technical learning for culture of red seaweeds in laboratory with the aim of conducting experimental and genomic studies, directed by Christophe Destombe and Marie – Laure Guillemin; 2 months.
The main objective of this voluntary internship was to learn to manage a collection of algae for experimental and genomic studies. Thus, I deepened my knowledge in different fields:
i) Preparation of algae for their cultivation under experimental conditions (cleaning of the algae, Preparation of the culture medium ...);
ii) Cultivation of algae with different light and temperature conditions;
iii) Preparation of algae samples for mass sequencing.
(2017) At the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Barcelona): Data analysis in population genetics on Paramuricea clavata directed by Jean-Baptiste Ledoux; 2.5 month.
The main objective of this voluntary internship was to get used for the research work in genetics of populations of marine populations in preparation for my master's thesis. Thus, I deepened my knowledge in different fields:
i) Genoyping with genetic markers (microsatellites)
ii) data processing using various population genetics programs and methods (Strand Genpop, FreeNA, Fstat, Genetix, Geneclass, Bayeass)
(2015) At the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (France): the future of fossil fuels in hypersaline environment directed by Pr. P. Cuny; 2 weeks.
The main objective of this voluntary internship was to have a first experience with the research work. Thus, I deepened my knowledge in different fields:
i) Bibliographic research work.
ii) Basic techniques related to working in a microbiology laboratory (laboratory book, growing bacteria or using a hood).