ASTI is a capacity-building project to establish UiT as a centre of excellence for research into seasonal timekeeping mechanisms. This fills a strategic gap in chronobiology research worldwide, and is an excellent fit to UiT as the world’s northernmost research university.
ASTI will combine excellence in genome-enabled approaches to define the genetic basis of seasonal timer mechanisms (transcriptomics, comparative genomics, epigenomics, gene targeting), with state of the art approaches to in-vivo analysis of seasonal changes in physiology and behaviour (microdialysis, metabolomics, endocrinology, telemetry), and integration of complementary approaches through data processing capacity (mathematical network modelling, database management and data sharing).
ASTI will cover three overlapping themes spanning both basic and applied / societally important aspects: ‘Core seasonal timer mechanisms’, ‘Comparative seasonal chronobiology’ and ‘One seasonal health’.
ASTI will enhance awareness and understanding of the importance of seasonal timekeeping mechanisms for the health and wellbeing of humans and animals living in the Arctic region.
The centre project period is 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2025. The centre director is Professor David Hazlerigg and deputy director is Dr. Shona Wood. The centre is based within the research group Arctic chronobiology and physiology at the Department of Arctic and Marine biology.
Roelof Hut, University of Groningen
Stafford Lightman, University of Bristol
Kelly Drew, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Autumn/Winter 2023 seminar program
08/09 Jaime McCutcheon (BTN, UiT, Norway) Hoarding models in rodents
15/09 Eelke Snoeren (BTN, UiT, Norway) The effects of junk food consumption on the
reward system
29/09 David Hazleirgg (ACP, UiT, Norway) Introduction to the HUBSMOLT project
06/10 David Grattan (University of Otago, New Zealand) Prolactin and its role in parental care
20/10 Daniel Appenroth (ACP, UiT, Norway) Arctic molecular clocks
27/10 Jayme van Dalum (ACP, UiT, Norway) Aldh1a1, a role in the seasonal adaptation of voles?
3/11 Andreas Jørgensen (NPE, UiT, Norway) Drivers of plant senescence
24/11 Barbara Tomotani (ACP, UiT, Norway) Circadian biology in wild populations of the great tit
01/12 Anna Hofinger (ACP, UiT, Norway) Investigating the seasonal photoneuroendocrine pathway, a comparative approach
08/12 Shona Wood (ACP, UiT, Norway) An introduction to the ERC consolidator project HiTime
Winter/Spring 2022 seminar program
Monica Trondrud (NMBU, Norway) Life on a tight budget: Svalbard reindeers’ adaption to extreme seasonality
Amy Ellison (Bangor University, UK), Calling time on disease in aquaculture: Circadian interactions of fish, their microbiomes & parasites
Noemi Rook (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) Optogenetics and viral vectors in avian cognitive neuroscience
Matei Bolborea (University of Warwick, UK) Hypothalamic tanycytes generate acute hyperphagia through activation of the arcuate neuronal network
Chiara Ciccone, UiT, Circadian clockwork and mitochondrial metabolism in a diving mammal: a link between hypoxia tolerance and time of the day.
Autumn/Winter 2021 seminar program
Request a zoom invite:
Gisela Helfer (Uni. Of Bradford, UK) It's about time: from tanycytes to naked mole rats and other clock news
Fernando Cazarez Marquez (Uni. Of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Integrating Reproduction and Energy metabolism: a round way trip via RF-amides
Kathleen Munley (Indiana University, USA) Winter madness: melatonin as a key regulator of steroid hormones and territorial aggression in a seasonally breeding rodent
Nico Furhmann (MPI Evol. Biol., Germany)
The loss of circalunar rhythms in Northern European populations of the marine midge Clunio marinus
Laura Payton (Uni. Of Oldenburg) The circadian clock and transcriptomic rhythms in a key zooplankton species during the high Arctic summer solstice
Second Year Masters Project Presentations:
Matt Coyle – Nitrogen excretion and aspects of water balance in fasting hooded seal pups
Rikke Gunnufsen – Relationship between diving behaviour and respiratory rate/surfacing in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanliae) and its implications for metabolic rate estimates
Anna Victoria Pyne Vinse - How to live-capture baleen whales for studies of their physiology
Second Year Masters Project Presentations
Christine Jæger – Hibernation, consciousness and memory
Bernhard Sørli – TBC
Therese Solberg – TBC
Second Year Masters Project Presentations
Linda Hendriksen – TBC
Marie Westvik – Nasal turbinates in Svalbard rock ptarmigan
Matthew Chiu - The potential and molecular basis for non-shivering thermogenesis mechanisms in the skeletal muscle of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata)
Jana Kalinova (UiT, Norway) Photoperiodic control of reproduction in birds
Gerrit Martens (Uni. Of Hamburg, Germany) Molecular mechanisms conveying the neuronal hypoxia tolerance in diving mammals
Winter/Spring 2021 seminar program
19/02/2021 13:15
Fredrik Markussen, Arctic chronobiology and physiology, UiT
New PhD project description: Torpor-arousal cycling during hibernation
26/02/2021 13:15
Shona Wood, Arctic chronobiology and physiology, UiT
New paper: The circadian and epigenetic basis of photoperiodic time measurement in mammals
05/03/2021 12:15
Laura van Rosmalen, Institute for evolutionary life science, University of Groningen
Guest speaker: Seasonal modifiers of reproduction and ultradian behaviour in voles
09/04/2021 12:15
Thesis defense prep
Thesis defense 12:15
Eva-Stina Edholm, Fish immunology and vaccinology, UiT,
Guest speaker: Antigen presentation and unconventional cell mediated responses in ectotherms
Vebjørn Melum, Arctic chronobiology and physiology, UiT
PhD project: What are the prerequistes for hibernation?
Jayme Van Dalum, Arctic chronobiology and physiology, UiT
PhD project: Photoperiodic resposnes in voles
ASTI LAUNCH 1st April 2021
List of key publications from 2022 -2024:
Fredrik AF Markussen, Fernando Cázarez-Marquez, Vebjørn J Melum, David Hazlerigg, Shona Wood, c-fos induction in the choroid plexus, tanycytes and pars tuberalis is an early indicator of spontaneous arousal from torpor in a deep hibernator, Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(10), 2024,
Melum VJ, de Miera CS, Markussen FAF, Simonneaux V, Hazlerigg DG, Wood SH (2024) Hypothalamic tanycytes as mediators of maternally programmed seasonal plasticity. Current Biol 34: 1-9
Chen J, Wu W, Long J, Liu X, Hazlerigg D, Zhan X. The circannual clock: Empowering seasonal anticipation in organisms. Sci Bull (Beijing). 2024 Jun 30;69(12):1839-1843. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.02.018. Epub 2024 Feb 12. PMID: 38402031.
Ciccone C, Kante F, Folkow LP, Hazlerigg DG, West AC, Wood SH (2024) Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal. J Exp Biol (2024) 227 (7): jeb246990.
Tyler NJC, Post E, Hazlerigg DG (2024) Weak coupling between energetic status and the timing of reproduction in an Arctic ungulate. Sci Rep 14: 6352
David G. HazleriggShona H. Wood; Biological timekeeping in polar environments: lessons from terrestrial vertebrates. J Exp Biol 1 December 2023; 226 (23): jeb246308. doi:
Daniel Appenroth Barbara M. Tomotani Alexander C. Westvan Dalum MJ, van Rosmalen L, Appenroth D, Fernando Cazarez Marquez, Renzo Roodenrijis, Lauren De Wit, Roelof Hut, David Hazlerigg, Ambient Temperature Effects on the Spring and Autumn Somatic Growth Trajectory Show Plasticity in the Photoneuroendocrine Response Pathway in the Tundra Vole. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/07487304231190156
Tomotani Barbara M., Timpen Fabian and Spoelstra Kamiel, 2023 Ingrained city rhythms: flexible activity timing but more persistent circadian pace in urban birds Proc. R. Soc. B.2902022260520222605
Melanie Lindner, Jip JC Ramakers, Irene Verhagen, Barbara M Tomotani, Christa Mateman, PhillipGienapp, Marcel E Visser, Genotypes selected for early and late avian lay date differ in their phenotype, but not fitness, in the wild.Sci. Adv.9,eade6350(2023).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.ade6350
Nord, A., Holje, V., Judik, B. Folkow, L.P, Pap, P.L. Seasonal changes in plumage density, plumage mass, and feather morphology in the world’s northernmost land bird, the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Polar Biol 46, 277–290 (2023).
Pasqualina Gaetano, Vilma Duarte, Anja Striberny, David Hazlerigg, Even H. Jørgensen, Marco A. Campinho, Juan Fuentes, Photoperiod and dietary treatment in freshwater modulate the short-term intestinal response to seawater in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Aquaculture, 568, 2023, 739316,
List of key publications from 2020 -2022:
Vilma Duarte, Pasqualina Gaetano, Anja Striberny, David Hazlerigg, Even H. Jørgensen, Juan Fuentes, Marco A. Campinho, Modulation of intestinal growth and differentiation by photoperiod and dietary treatment during smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.), Aquaculture, 566, 2023, 739164,
Gundappa MK, To TH, Grønvold L, Martin SAM, Lien S, Geist J, Hazlerigg D, Sandve SR, Macqueen DJ. Genome-wide reconstruction of rediploidization following autopolyploidization across one hundred million years of salmonid evolution. Mol Biol Evol. 2021 Oct 28:msab310. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab310.
Francis J. P. Ebling, John Fletcher, David G. Hazlerigg, Andrew S. I. Loudon, Gerald Lincoln: A man for all seasons Journal of Neuroendocrinology, e12968
Daniel Appenroth, Gabriela C.Wagner, David G.Hazlerigg, Alexander C. West, Evidence for circadian-based photoperiodic timekeeping in Svalbard ptarmigan, the northernmost resident bird Current Biology,
Laura van Rosmalen, Jayme van Dalum, Daniel Appenroth, Renzo T. M. Roodenrijs, Lauren de Wit, David G. Hazlerigg, Roelof A. Hut, Mechanisms of temperature modulation in mammalian seasonal timing The FASEB JournalVolume 35, Issue 5 e21605
West, Mizoro, Wood, Ince, Iversen, Jørgensen, Nome, Sandve, Martin, Loudon and Hazlerigg, Immunologic profiling of the Atlantic salmon gill by single nuclei transcriptomics, Front. Immunol. 2021
Marianne Iversen, Teshome Mulugeta, Alexander C West, Even H Jørgensen, Samuel A M Martin, Simen Rød Sandve, David Hazlerigg, Photoperiod-dependent developmental reprogramming of the transcriptional response to seawater entry in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2021, jkab072,
Appenroth, D. Nord, A., Hazlerigg, DG. Wagner, GC. Body Temperature and Activity Rhythms Under Different Photoperiods in High Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan ( Lagopus muta hyperborea) Front. Physiol. 2021, 12:633866
- An up-to-date and authoritative textbook explaining the mechanisms by which biological rhythms affect physiology and behaviour major contributions from key members of ASTI: Shona Wood, David Hazlerigg and Alex West
Markussen, F.A., Melum, V.J., Bothorel, B. et al. A refined method to monitor arousal from hibernation in the European hamster. BMC Vet Res 17, 14 (2021).
Striberny, A., (...) Hazlerigg, D.G., Jørgensen, E.H., Author links open overlay panelStriberny, A., … Hazlerigg, D.G, Jørgensen, E.H.Striberny, A., … Hazlerigg, D.G, Jørgensen, E.More than one way to smoltify a salmon? Effects of dietary and light treatment on smolt development and seawater growth performance in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 532, 15 (2021), 736044 (2021).
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Photoperiodic regulation in a wild-derived mouse strain
Impact of three light smoltification regimes on performance and genetic parameters of traits in Atlantic salmon, Bjarne Gjerde, Solomon Antwi Boison, David Hazlerigg, Trine Ytrestøyl, Turid Mørkøre, Even Jørgensen, Anja Striberny, Simen Rød Sandve
The reindeer circadian clock is rhythmic and temperature-compensated but shows evidence of weak coupling between the secondary and core molecular clock loops, Daniel Appenroth, Chandra S Ravuri, Sara K Torppa, Shona H Wood, David G Hazlerigg, Alexander C West
Weak influence of light and time of day on transcriptional response to SAV3 infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts, Therese Solberg, Chandra S Ravuri, Mattis Jayme van Dalum, Jo Espen Tau Strand, David G Hazlerigg, Eva Stina Edholm, Alexander C West
Gonads or body? Differences in gonadal and somatic photoperiodic growth response in two vole species
Laura van Rosmalen, Jayme van Dalum, David G. Hazlerigg, Roelof A. Hut
bioRxiv 2020.06.12.147777; doi:
Alexander C. West, Yasutaka Mizoro, Shona H. Wood, Louise M. Ince, Marianne Iversen, Even H. Jørgensen, Torfinn Nome, Simen Rød Sandve, Andrew S. I. Loudon, David G. Hazlerigg
bioRxiv 2020.09.03.281337; doi:
Adaptive value of circadian rhythms in High Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan
Daniel Appenroth, Gabriela C. Wagner, David G. Hazlerigg, Alexander C. West
bioRxiv 2020.08.17.254011; doi:
A refined method to monitor arousal from hibernation in the European hamster
Fredrik A. S. Markussen, Vebjørn J. Melum, Béatrice Bothorel, David G. Hazlerigg, Valérie Simonneaux, Shona H. Wood
bioRxiv 2020.04.20.009712; doi:
Diversified regulation of circadian clock gene expression following whole genome duplication
Alexander C. West, Marianne Iversen, Even H. Jørgensen, Simen R. Sandve, David G. Hazlerigg, Shona H. Wood
bioRxiv 2020.03.22.002162; doi:
Photoperiodic induction without light-mediated circadian entrainment in a high arctic resident bird
Daniel Appenroth, Vebjørn J. Melum, Alexander C. West, Hugues Dardente, David G. Hazlerigg, Gabriela C. Wagner
bioRxiv 2020.06.19.160721; doi:
Marianne Iversen, Teshome Mulugeta, Alexander West, Even Jørgensen, Samuel A. M. Martin, Simen Rød Sandve, David Hazlerigg
bioRxiv 2020.03.24.006510; doi:
Phylogenetic reclassification of vertebrate melatonin receptors to include Mel1d
Elsa Denker, Lars O. E. Ebbesson, David G. Hazlerigg, Daniel J. Macqueen
bioRxiv 574384; doi:
Circadian clock mechanism driving mammalian photoperiodism
S.H. Wood, M.M. Hindle, Y. Mizoro, Y. Cheng, B.R.C. Saer, K. Miedzinska, H.C. Christian, N. Begley, J. McNeilly, A.S. McNeilly, S.L. Meddle, D.W. Burt, A.S.I. Loudon
bioRxiv 2020.05.19.102194; doi: