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ScanDiaSyn-bloggen i oktober 2006

þriðjudagur 31. oktober

Senja Øyfjord-bilde
Overlooking the inner part of Øyfjorden: Janne, Peter, Christine, Mari, Piotr (Photo: Øystein A. Vangsnes)

One clear pattern that has emerged in my data is the following: many speakers have a (non-agreeing) perfect participle which is distinct from a (non-agreeing) passive participle. For example, E har skotte en bjørn "I have shot a bear" vs. Bjørnen bei skotten "The bear was shot" but also Dyre/Dyran bei skotten "The.animal/The.animals was shot"; this is different from the E. Norwegian/Danish/English pattern which does not distinguish the two, and from the Icelandic pattern in which the perfect is identical to the neuter singular form of the passive, and from the Swedish in which the perfect is distinct from the passive, but the passive shows agreeing forms.

- Peter Svenonius

Where is the pattern? There is NO pattern! Only chaos!!!

- Gunnar Hrafn

I'd like to point out that it wasn't just a lot of coffee that was consumed in Botnhamn. Upon arrival we were offered amounts of cakes and cookies, and after a while there was also a pretty decent lunch buffet. The informants in Botnhamn were some of the most positive and patient I've come across ever. Tarald and Merete had great difficulties finding anyone who would accept postadjectival indefinite articles when asked, but Janne claims they occur in the spontaneous data that she and Mari recorded. It's too early to give a detailed report from the wh-elicitation experiment that Marit and I had set up, but I'm quite confident that some juicy details are emerging.

Some other phrases of the day:

"Æ fikk endeli skorre skolten a han" (‘I finally managed to cut the head off of him’)
"Ka slags elskar e han?" (‘What kind of lover is he?’)
"Kor mange ha du hatt på si?" (‘How many have you had on the side?’)

There has furthermore been continued media coverage. A reporter from NRK visited us while we were in Botnhamn, a call which resulted in both radio and television reports this afternoon.

And the lutefisk was not only a well-deserved closure of a hard day of work – it was excellent!

- Øystein

This morning a flock of 15 linguists woke up way too early to take the bus to Botnhamn. The roads of Senja are steep and the tunnels narrow but this didn't prevent the bus driver from driving like a maniac.

The scenery was absolutely magnificent.

Senja Botnhamn-intervju
Merete and Tarald interviewing a Botnhamn informant, Helge observing (Photo: Øystein A. Vangsnes)
In Botnhamn (where we drank a lot of coffee), we met 16 enthusiastic informants. The elicitation went well although the poor informants had to wait a lot since there are so many of us linguists.

We departed Botnhamn at 15 and drove back to Mefjordvær, with a detour to Husøya. Husøya is a small island, where practically every square meter is covered with buildings.

The landscape was even more dramatic on the way back.

In Mefjordvær, a flock of friendly ladies (and some more coffee) awaited us. Male informants don't seem to grow on each straw here.

Now it's almost time for lutefisk.

The phrase of the day: Ja, sånn b(l)i æ å sei. (‘Yes, so become I to say.’)

- Gunnar Hrafn

Måndag 30. oktober
The first day of the NORMS fieldwork on North Norwegian is over – in fact we're well into the 31st by now... We had an intense open seminar at the university earlier today between 09.00 and 15.15 before catching a taxi to the boat that were to carry us to Senja. Now all fifteen of us are accomodated at Mefjord Brygge in Mefjordvær. We continued our intense work after dinner and discussed the upcoming fieldwork by identifying the areas of interests of the individuals and by grouping the ones that have overlapping research questions. (I bet that never have so many Macintosh laptops been observed at the same time in the bar at Mefjord Brygge!) Here are a few of the topics that will be investigated the coming days in Senja:

– wh-questions and ±V2
- wh-determiners
- pronominal demonstratives
- negation
- "OV"-structures
- resumptive pronouns
- prepositions and verb particles
- recursive indefinite articles
- verb placement (in embedded clauses)
- clefts
- comparative constructions
- expletive subjects

Tomorrow we'll go to Botnhamn where we'll have our first fieldwork session at the local school between 09.30 and 14.30. Some twenty informants have been recruited. Then back in Mefjordvær in the afternoon we'll interview some persons from this community. And then we'll finish off the day with some lutefisk!

- Øystein

Sundag 29. oktober
I'll switch to English soon: tomorrow we'll be fifteen people off to Senja for the second NORMS dialect workshop/fieldwork, see this page. I hope to be blogging from this one like I did from the one in Northern Ostrobothnia in June – this time there's even a chance that I can have of the other guys write some words as well...

Imens kan eg fortelja at eg fekk god omsetnad på pressemeldinga mi her om dagen. To siders oppslag i Nordlys på fredagen, ei side i Troms Folkeblad, samt sjølve pressemeldinga på nettversjonen, intervju på NRK Troms og Finnmark si ettermiddagssending og så var det ein videojournalist som ringte og varskudde at han ville komma og laga eit innslag med oss når me er i Botnhamn på tysdag. Ikkje nok med det: Nordlys-oppslaget vart utnemnt til vekas tips (!) i går i laurdagsnummeret, og no i kveld er eg blitt intervjua for "dagens tromsøværing"-spalta i avisa i morgon. Så det eine fører til det andre! He-he! All PR er god PR...

Vel, enno er det nokre småting som skal på plass før morgondagen. Det kjem til å gå slag i slag frå morgonen med det innleiande seminaret før avreise med hurtigbåten til Senja.

- Øystein

Torsdag 26. oktober
It's been a while... Det har vore få innlegg på bloggen i det siste, så eg får ta nokre kjappe poeng om ting som har skjedd sidan sist...

Ein viktig ting som skjedde i slutten av september, var at ein søknad til NordForsk om “Nordic Language Variation Network" gjekk inn. Dette er eit samarbeid mellom seks nordiske partnarar, og det er stor grad av overlapping med ScanDiaSyn og NORMS. Formålet med nettverket er å bringe saman sosiolingvistar og generativistar/teoretikarar til "fruktbar dialog", og det skal i første rekkje skje i samband med dei semestervise forskarutdanningsseminara som skal haldast i dei tre åra nettverket mottek støtte. Eg har nettopp oppretta ei heimeside for nettverket, dvs. NLVN, og adressen er http://nlvn.uit.no. Sjå der for meir info (etter kvart).

I midten av oktober vart elles ein ny søknad til Nordplus Språk sendt av gårde, denne gongen med fokus på ScanLex-prosjektet. Det passa best med utlysinga og er elles ei viktig oppgåve vi må få gjennomført.

Neste veke står det andre feltarbeidet i regi av NORMS for døra. Det skal føregå på Senja, og eg har vore travelt oppteken med å tilretteleggja det heile. Sjå heimesida til NORMS for meir info. Kanskje blir det blogging derifrå slik som frå Norra Österbotten i sommar... I går kveld sende eg elles ut denne pressemeldinga, og i dag har eg blitt intervjua av både Nordlys og Troms Folkeblad. Viktig med litt publikumsretta verksemd!

- Øystein




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Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø TLF: 776 44240
Oppdatert av forskar Øystein A. Vangsnes den 06.12.2006 18:01
Ansvarlig redaktør: fakultetsdirektør Jørgen Fossland

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