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English Acquisition and Multilingualism - master


Duration:2 År
Credits (ECTS):120
Qualification:Master of English Linguistics with specialization in Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
Admission requirements:Bachelor in English
Application deadline:Nordic applicants: 15 April, EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 1 March, Non-EU/EEA applicants: 15 November
Application code:

Nordic applicants: 5064

EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 7164

Non-EU/EEA applicants: 2056

Programme description

The Master comprises a course component of 60 ECTS and a thesis of 60 ECTS. The course work consists of five compulsory modules; two of these will run in the Autumn (first semester) and three will be offered in the Spring (second semester):

In addition, the student can choose between the following two or three courses in the first semester (Autumn):

The 60 ECTS based on course work should be completed in the first year of study, while the second year (60 ECTS) should be dedicated to writing the thesis.

Programme structure

10 ects 10 ects 10 ects
1. sem. (autumn) ENG-3019 Psycholinguistics and Neurocognition of Multilingualism - 10 stp. ENG-3070 Varieties of English - 10 stp. ENG-3050 Second Language Acquisition - 10 stp. ENG-3060 Multilingualism - 10 stp.
2. sem. (spring) HIF-3082 Quantitative Methods in Linguistics - 10 stp.
3. sem. (autumn) ENG-3991 Master's Thesis in English Linguistics - 60 stp.

Learning outcomes

Upon the completion of the Master's programme the candidate will have the following learning outcomes:


The candidate has extensive knowledge about:


The candidate can:

General competence

The candidate is able to:

Teaching and assessment

The course work consists of a combination of lectures and seminars. The candidate is expected to take an active part in their own learning experience, and acceptance of an offer to study on the programme is to agree to do so. All courses include various compulsory assignments, such as oral presentations, problem-solving tasks, and smaller paper assignments.

The Master's in English Acquisition and Multilingualism is a demanding programme that requires the student to work throughout the term. The students are expected to spend 40 hours per week on their studies, including preparation for lectures and seminars, work on term papers and other assignments.

Most courses contain assignments that must be approved in order to take the exam. These may include researched or reflective writing assignments, problem solving tasks, or oral presentations.

The most common forms of examination are home exams written on assigned topics over a one-two week period or term papers on topics that students choose in cooperation with course instructor.

Grades range from A-F, where A is the highest grade and F is fail.

For further information about work requirements, exam format and evaluative criteria, see the individual course descriptions on the UiT website.

Language of instruction

The language of all teaching and examinations is English.

Exchange possibilities

Exchange studies abroad will make you more attractive on the job market. Studies abroad will increase your learning outcomes, improve your language skills, give you unique adventures and international experience. Students taking the Master's in English Acquisition and Multilingualism are encouraged to make use of one of our exchange agreements in the second semester.

The department has a student exchange agreement with the following institutions:

For an updated overview of exchange universities, please take a look at UiT's webpage on student exchange.

The application deadlines are:

1 February (autumn semester)
1 September (spring semester)

Job prospectives

With increasing migration, experts on multilingualism are constantly becoming more sought after in both public and private work places. The programme provides the candidate with a solid background in language acquisition and multilingualism. Upon completion of the study, candidates are well suited for work in educational institutions, administrative public institutions related to issues of multilingualism, as well as international associations, organisations, and enterprises that deal with multilingual and multicultural issues. The programme is also an excellent starting-point for further study at the PhD-level, as it provides the candidate with in-depth training in an exceptional research environment which places a great deal of emphasis on teamwork and co-publishing.