
ImAge-D - Imaging Ageing Endothelium at the nanoscale - MSCA Doctoral Networks

ImAgE-D official website

ImAge-D will train a new generation of Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the development and application of newly developed high-speed and high-resolution imaging tools in biomedical research. The ten DCs will be introduced to concepts and skills in physics and biomedicine, in particular in super-resolution optical imaging, analytical image reconstruction, and optical micro-manipulation methods. These skills will be applied to reveal for the first time the nanoscale functionality and morphology of living endothelial cells (EC) that present the main barrier between the blood/lymph and all organs and tissues, and how these vital cells change with ageing. Very little is known at the nanoscale about the extremely important physiological functions of EC and their role in the transfer and/or clearance of metabolites and pharmaceuticals to vital organs, and how EC change with ageing. The current generation of optical nanoscopes, however, is rather slow and can only be applied to isolated, typically fixed (i.e. dead) cells rather than biomedically relevant tissues. The new nanoscale optical microscope technologies are a new area of research where European enterprises are very active. Excellent training in new scientific and complementary skills, combined with international and intersectoral work experience, will instill an innovative, creative and entrepreneurial mindset in ImAge-D's DCs, maximising economic benefits based on scientific discoveries. These specialised, highly trained, and mobile DCs will have greatly enhanced career prospects. The training in nanoscale optical microscopy methods with highly relevant experience in the biomedical sciences will allow them to confidently navigate at the interface of academic, clinical and private sector research.


  •  Göteborgs Universitet (Sweden)
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
  • Universität Bielefeld (Germany)
  • Universität Münster (Germany)
  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweeden)
  • The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
  • Laboratorio Iberico Internacional de Nanotecnologia Lin (Portugal)
  • Anzac Health And Medical Research Foundation (Australia)
  • Cherry Biotech (France)
  • ALM Services Technology Group sp. z o.o. (Poland)
  • Norinnova Technology Transfer AS (Norway)


Peter McCourt (Principal investigator)

Financial/grant information:

HORIZON-MSCA-Doctoral Networks 2022