Prognostic Biomarkers

The significance of prognostic biomarkers, particularly those based on immune cells, cannot be overstated in the field of oncology. These biomarkers provide insights into a patient's overall cancer prognosis, regardless of the treatment. Immune cell-based biomarkers specifically offer a window into the tumor microenvironment, revealing the complex interplay between the tumor and the body's immune responses. In this context, we have undertaken and continue to investigate several tissue-based adaptive and innate immunity subsets across different retrospectively collected cohorts. Our research involved various cancer types, including lung, breast, prostate, and sarcoma, and is enriched with long follow-up data. By understanding this dynamic, clinicians can make more informed decisions about therapeutic interventions and predict patient outcomes with greater accuracy. When integrated with the TNM staging system, which classifies tumors based on size, node involvement, and metastatic status, these immune cell-based biomarkers can further refine prognosis. Such integrative approaches promise to push the boundaries of personalized medicine, ensuring that patients receive the most appropriate care tailored to their unique cancer profile.

The project is ongoing.


Tom Dønnem (Principal investigator)
Sigve Andersen (Principal investigator)
Elin Richardsen (Principal investigator)
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund (Principal investigator)