



Doktorgradsoppgaver ved Senter for samisk helseforskning

  • Kiærbech, Henrik. How Religion and Spirituality Impact Mental Health and Mental Help-Seeking Behavior in Arctic Norway: an Epidemiological Study Adopting the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. UiT Norgnes arktiske universitet, 2024 (ISBN 978-82-7589-971-0).
  • Michalsen, Vilde Lehne. Metabolic syndrome, obesity and ethnicity—The SAMINOR Study. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2021 (ISBN 978-82-7589-827-0).
  • Siri, Susanna Ragnhild Andersdatter. Cardiovascular risk factors and incidence of acute myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations – The SAMINOR Study. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2021 (ISBN 978-82-7589-727-3).
  • Jon Petter Anders Stoor. Suicide among Sámi – Cultural meanings of suicide and interventions for suicide prevention in Nordic parts of Sápmi. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2020 (ISBN 978-82-7589-721-1).
  • Hermansen, Rune: Physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors, and mortality in ethnic groups in the Arctic region of Norway Results from two population-based studies: The Finnmark 3 study 1987-1988 and SAMINOR 1 2003-2004. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2020. (ISBN 978-82-7589-676-4).
  • Wåhlberg, Henrik: Practical health co-operation – a cluster randomised study. The impact of referral templates on quality of care and health care co-operation between primary and secondary care. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2019.
  • Naseribafrouei, Ali: The prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway. The SAMINOR Study. ISM skriftserie nr. 203. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2019. (ISBN 978-82-83 78-024-6).
  • Eriksen, Astrid Margrethe Anette: “Breaking the silence”. Interpersonal violence and health among Sami and non-Sami – a population-based study in Mid- and Northern Norway. ISM skriftserie nr. 180. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2017. (ISBN 978-82-8378-001-7).
  • Pettersen, Torunn: Sámi ethnicity as a variable. Premises and implications for population-based studies on health and living conditions in Norway. ISM skriftserie nr. 161. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2015. (ISBN 978-82-9026-79-4).
  • Eliassen, Bent Martin: Social determinants of self-rated health and cardiovascular disease among the Sami and other Arctic indigenous peoples. The SLiCA study and the SAMINOR study. ISM skriftserie nr. 142. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2013. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-59-6).
  • Hassan, Ammar Eltayeb Ali: Nutrients and toxic elements in semi-domesticated reindeer in Norway: Nutritional and food safety aspects. ISM skriftserie nr. 129, 2012. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-44-2).
  • Hansen, Ketil Lenert: Ethnic discrimination and bullying in relation to self-reported physical and mental health in Sami settlement areas in Norway: The SAMINOR study. ISM skriftserie nr. 115. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2011. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-29-9).
  • Nystad, Tove Anita: A population-based study on cardiovascular risk factors and self-reported type 2 diabetes mellitus in the sami population. The SAMINOR study. ISM skriftserie nr. 107. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2010. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-20-6).
  • Johnsen, Knut: Ankylosing spondylitis, aortic regurgitation, acetabular dysplasia and osteoarthritis of the hip. An epidemiological survey in a Norwegian Sámi population. ISM skriftserie nr. 102. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2009.
  • Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild: Iron status and prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis in multiethnic population in northern Norway. The SAMINOR study. The Sør-Varanger study. The Tromsø V study. ISM Skriftserie nr. 98. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2008. (ISBN 82-90263-10-4).
  • Silviken, Anne: Suicidal behavior among indigenous sami in artic norway. a special focus on adolescents and young adults. ISM skriftserie nr. 95. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2007. (ISBN 82-90263-07-04).
  • Spein, Anna Rita: Substance use behaviour among ethnic diverse young people in North Norway in the 1990’s. ISM skriftserie nr. 92. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2007. (ISBN 82-90263-03-01).
  • Marton, Valeria: «Nå skal du høre ka æ mene med arv». ISM skriftserie nr. 90. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2006. (ISBN 82-90263-01-5).



  • Osman, Farhiyo Ahmed. The association between emotional violence in childhood and the utilization of specialist healthcare in adults among Sami and non-Sami population: The SAMINOR 2 questionnaire survey. Masteroppgave Public Health, UiT, 2022. Veileder: Anja Davis Norbye. Biveileder: Astrid MA Eriksen.
  • Lund, Åse Karlsen. The association between physical activity and mental health among adults in Sami and non-Sami population in Norway – the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. A cross sectional study. Masteroppgave Public Health. UiT, 2022. Veileder: Kristin B Borch. Biveileder: Susanna Ragnhild Siri.
  • Degerstrøm, Mia Schelander; Esperø, Karoline Desirée. Alders- og kjønnsspesifikk prevalens av metabolsk syndrom og assosiasjon med utdanning og livsstilsfaktorer: Tromsøundersøkelsen 2015-2016. 5. årsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, 2020. Veileder: Sameline Grimsgaard. Biveileder: Vilde L. Michalsen.
  • Ramsvik, Audun. Prevalens av metabolsk syndrom assosiert med selvrapportert fysisk aktivitet. 5. årsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, 2020. Veileder: Sameline Grimsgaard. Biveileder: Vilde L. Michalsen.
  • Dahl, Ida Marie Krøyer. Sami dietary habits and the risk of cardiometabolic disease: a systematic review. Masteroppgave medisin, Syddansk Universitet, 2020. Gjestestudent ved SSHF 2019.
  • Kaald, Torhild. Kjønnsforskjeller i overlevelse og behandling av hjerteinfarkt. 2. årsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, 2018. Veileder: Maja-Lisa Løchen. Biveileder: Vilde L. Michalsen.
  • Grønmo, Jon Ande Fors: Hemoglobin og jernstatus i ei multietnisk befolkning i nord: SAMINOR 2. Femteårsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, September 2016. Veileder: Ann Ragnhild Broderstad.
  • Helander, Lars Robert: The relationship between suicidal behavior and substance use among ethnic diverse adults in mid- and northern Norway. Data from the population-based SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Masteroppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i psykologi) UiT, Mai 2016. Veileder: Anne Silviken. Biveiledere: Marita Melhus og Anna-Rita Spein.
  • Blindseth, Laila Ingrid: Komplisert sorg i Nord-Norge – undersøkelser av forekomst av komplisert sorg i et utvalg av samiske og norske etterlatte ved brå død. Masteroppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i psykologi) UiT, 2015. Veileder: Anne Silviken.
  • Hansen, Susan: Are there differences in health care utilization in areas with both Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway? The SAMINOR 1 study. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, Juli 2015. Veileder: Bent-Martin Eliassen. Biveiledere: Margrete Gaski, Ann Ragnhild Broderstad.
  • Siri, Susanna Ragnhild Andersdatter: Difference in FINDRISC score for predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami, the SAMINOR 1 Study. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, September 2014. Veileder: Ann Ragnhild Broderstad. Biveileder: Marita Melhus.
  • Aleksandersen, Risten Turi: Etniske forskjeller i risiko for kroniske muskel- og skjelettsmerter blant en befolkning i Nord-Norge: SAMINOR-undersøkelsen. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, August 2013. Veileder: Ketil Lenert Hansen. Biveileder: Marita Melhus.
  • Adekoya, Sarah Moriye: Oral Health of Adults in Northern Norway – A Pilot study. Masteroppgave Public Health, UiT, Mai 2012. Veileder: Magritt Brustad.
  • Øygard, Gunhild; Øines, Elisabeth Jenssen: Røyk- og alkoholvaner blant samer og etniske nordmenn. 5. årsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, September 2009. Veileder: Magritt Brustad.


Vitenskapelige artikler

  • (2024) Uleberg B, Bønaa KH, Govatsmark RES, Olsen F, Jacobsen BK, Stensland E, Hauglann B, Vonen B, Førde OH. Exploring variation in timely reperfusion treatment in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Norway: a national register-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2024;14:e081301. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081301.
  • (2024) Devold MR, Spein AR, Barua P, Indset MP, Syvertsen A, Pallesen S. Exploring views among Norwegian Sámi regarding gambling and gambling treatment. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2024;0(0). DOI: 10.1177/14550725241270282.
  • (2024) Siri SRA, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. The governance of the SAMINOR Study and integration of the CARE principles. Acta Borealia, 41(2), 117–126. DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2024.2410600.
  • (2024) Siri SRA, Axelsson P. Indigenous research data governance in Sápmi. Acta Borealia, 41(2), 65–71. DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2024.2410110.
  • (2024) Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Smylie J. Prescription of benzodiazepines and antidepressants among Sami and non-Sami — How childhood violence shapes prescription patterns: the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire survey and the Norwegian prescription database. BMC Public Health 2024; 3084. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-20570-1.
  • (2024) Osman FA, Eriksen AM, Norbye, AMD. The association between emotional abuse in childhood and healthcare utilization in adulthood among sami and non-sami: the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire survey. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 754. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-11211-9.
  • (2024) Kristoffersen AE, Stub T, Nilsen JV, Nordberg JH, Broderstad AR, Wider B, Bjelland M. Exploring dietary changes and supplement use among cancer patients in Norway: prevalence, motivations, disclosure, information, and perceived risks and benefits: a cross sectional study. BMC Nutr. 2024 Apr 26;10(1):65. DOI: 10.1186/s40795-024-00872-8.
  • (2024) Healey Akearok GK, Chaliak AJ,...,Broderstad AR, Dagsvold I, Siri S,..., Lavoie, JG. Diverse methodological approaches to a Circumpolar multi-site case study which upholds and responds to local and Indigenous community research processes in the Arctic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2024: 83(1):2336284. DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2024.2336284
  • (2024) Balabanski AH, Dos Santos A, Woods JA, Mutimer CA, Thrift AG, Kleinig TJ, Suchy-Dicey AM, Siri SRA, Boden-Albala B, Krishnamurthi RV, Feigin VL, Buchwald D, Ranta A, Mienna CS, Zavaleta-Cortijo C, Churilov L, Burchill L, Zion D, Longstreth WT Jr, Tirschwell DL, Anand SS, Parsons MW, Brown A, Warne DK, Harwood M, Barber PA, Katzenellenbogen JM. Incidence of Stroke in Indigenous Populations of Countries With a Very High Human Development Index: A Systematic Review. Neurology 2024, 102(5):e209138. DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209138.
  • (2024) Hetland RA, Wilsgaard T, Hopstock LA, Ariansen IKH, Johansson J, Jacobsen BK, Grimsgaard S. Social inequality in prevalence of NCD risk factors: a cross-sectional analysis from the population-based Tromsø Study 2015–2016. BMJ Open 2024;14:e080611. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080611.
  • (2024) Enget Jensen TM, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK, Ibsen DB, Skeie G. Replacing red and processed meat with lean or fatty fish and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Norwegian women. The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC): a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Nutrition 2024, 131(3):531-543. DOI: 10.1017/S0007114523002040.
  • (2024) Potrebny T, Nilsen SA, Bakken A, von Soest T, Kvaløy K, Samdal O, Sivertsen B, Aase H, Bang L. Secular trends in mental health problems among young people in Norway: a review and meta-analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2024. Epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1007/s00787-024-02371-4.
  • (2024) Averina M, Huber S, Almås B, Brox J, Jacobsen BK, Furberg AS, Grimnes G. Early menarche and other endocrine disrupting effects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in adolescents from Northern Norway. The Fit Futures study. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.117703.
  • (2023) Dresse MT, Stoor JP, San Sebastian M, Nilsson LM. Prevalence and factors associated with healthcare avoidance during the COVID-19 pandemic among the Sámi in Sweden: the SámiHET study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2023, 82(1):2213909. DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2023.2213909.
  • (2023) Parlikar N, Kvaløy K, Strand LB, Espnes GA, Moksnes UK. Loneliness in the Norwegian adolescent population: prevalence trends and relations to mental and self-rated health. BMC Psychiatry 2023, 23(1):895. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-023-05404-5.
  • (2023) San Sebastián EX, Stoor JP, San Sebastian M. Prevalence and risk factors for self-reported asthma among sámi in Sweden: a cross-sectional study. J Asthma 2023, 60(9):1646-1652. DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2169933.
  • (2023) Lundblad MW, Broderstad AR, Njølstad I. Social inequalities in health in the Arctic region: from observing to serving. Scand J Public Health 2023, 51(7):973-975. DOI: 10.1177/14034948231200515.
  • (2023) Peterson M, Akearok GH, Cueva K, Lavoie JG, Larsen CVL, Jóhannsdóttir L, Cook D, Nilsson LM, Rautio A, Timlin U, San Sebastián M, Gladun E, Rink E, Broderstad AR, Dagsvold I, Siri S, Ottendahl CB, Olesen I, Zatseva L, Young RI, Chaliak AJ, Ophus E, Stoor JPA. Public health restrictions, directives, and measures in Arctic countries in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023, 82(1): 2271211. DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2023.2271211.
  • (2023) Rognli EB, Heiberg IH, Jacobsen BK, Høye A, Bramness JG. Transition From Substance-Induced Psychosis to Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder or Bipolar Disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2023, 180(6):437-444. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.22010076.
  • (2023) San Sebastián M, Stoor JP. The self-reported health of the Sámi in Sweden: the SámiHET study. Eur J Public Health 2023, 33(3):366-371. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad040.
  • (2023) Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Schei B, Skurtveit S, Broderstad AR. Opioid prescriptions among Sami and non-Sami with chronic pain: The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey and the Norwegian Prescription Database, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023, 82:1, DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2023.2241202.
  • (2023) La Parra-Casado D, San Sebastian M, Stoor JPA. Ethnic discrimination and mental health in the Sámi population in Sweden: The SámiHET study. Scand J Public Health. 2023 Mar 8:14034948231157571. DOI: 10.1177/14034948231157571.
  • (2023) Kiærbech H, Broderstad AR, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. The association of religious factors with mental health-service utilisation and satisfaction in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population: Adopting the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023; 82:1. DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2023.2223422.
  • (2023) Sharashova E, Gerdts E, Ball J, Espnes H, Jacobsen BK, Kildal S, Mathiesen EB, Njølstad I, Rosengren A, Schirmer H, Wilsgaard T, Løchen ML. Sex-specific time trends in incident atrial fibrillation and the contribution of risk factors: the Tromsø Study 1994–2016, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023; 30:72-81.
  • (2022) Alvestad L, Jelsness-Jørgensen LP, Goll R, Clancy A, Gressnes T, Valle PC, Broderstad AR. Health-related quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease: a comparison of patients receiving nurse-led versus conventional follow-up care. BMC Health Serv Res 2022; 1602.
  • (2022) Kristoffersen AE, Wider B, Nilsen JV, Bjelland M, Mora DC, Nordberg JH, Broderstad AR, Nakandi K, Stub T. Prevalence of late and long-term effects of cancer (treatment) and use of complementary and alternative medicine in Norway. BMC Complement Med Ther 2022; 322.
  • (2022) Eik-Nes TT, Toklatian A, Raman J, Spirou D, Kvaløy K. Depression, anxiety, and psychosocial stressors across BMI classes: A Norwegian population study - The HUNT Study. Front Endocrinol 2022; 13:886148.
  • (2022) Krokstad S, Weiss DA, Krokstad MA, Rangul V, Kvaløy K, Ingul JM, Bjerkeset O, Twenge J, Sund ER. Divergent decennial trends in mental health according to age reveal poorer mental health for young people: repeated cross-sectional population-based surveys from the HUNT Study, Norway. BMJ Open 2022; 12:e057654.
  • (2022) Stoor JPA, San Sebastián M. A population-based study on health and living conditions among Sámi in Sweden: the SámiHET study, Int J Circumpolar Health 2022; 81:1,
  • (2022) Lavoie JG, Stoor JP, Rink E, Cueva K, Gladun E, Larsen CVL, Akearok GH, Kanayurak N. Cultural competence and safety in Circumpolar countries: an analysis of discourses in healthcare, Int J Circumpolar Health, 81:1,
  • (2022) Saeedzadeh Sardahaee F, Kvaløy K. Cross-sectional study of BMI, weight concern, body size perception, dieting and mental distress in adolescents: The HUNT Study. BMJ Open 2022; 12:e045962.
  • (2022) Olsen F, Uleberg BE, Jacobsen BK, Heuch I, Tande PM, Bugge E, Balteskard L. Socioeconomic and geographic differences in ablation of atrial fibrillation in Norway - a national cohort study. BMC Public Health 2022; 22:303.
  • (2022) Jensen TME, Braaten TB, Jacobsen BK, Skeie G. Non‑linear associations between healthy Nordic foods and all‑cause mortality in the NOWAC study: a prospective study. BMC Public Health 2022; 22:169.
  • (2021) Michalsen VL, Coucheron DA, Kvaløy K, Melhus M. Sex-specific height-correction of weight in a population with ethnic groups that differ in stature - the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a cross-sectional study. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift 2021; 98(5/6): 802-312.
  • (2021) Siri SRA, Michalsen VL. Challenges with the interpretation of Sami ethnicity and the height differences in epidemiologic research comparing Sami and non-Sami population. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift 2021; 98(5/6): 789-801.
  • (2021) Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Jacobsen BK, Broderstad AR. Mental distress in subjects who did, or did not, move from rural Sami core areas to cities in Norway: The impact of Sami ethnicity. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift 2021; 98(5/6): 758-769.
  • (2021) Olsen F, Jacobsen BK, Heuch I, Tveit KM, Balteskard L. Equitable access to cancer patient pathways in Norway – a national registry-based study. BMC Health Services Research 2021; 21:1272. DOI:
  • (2021) Stoor JPA, Eriksen HA, Silviken AC. Mapping suicide prevention initiatives targeting Indigenous Sámi in Nordic countries. BMC Public Health 2021; 21:2035. DOI:
  • (2021) Michalsen VL, Wild SH, Kvaløy K, Svartberg J, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Obesity measures, metabolic health and their association with 15-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a population-based cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021; 21:510. DOI:
  • (2021) Lundblad MW, Johansson J, Jacobsen BK, Grimsgaard S, Andersen LF, Wilsgaard T, Hopstock LA. Secular and longitudinal trends in body composition: The Tromsø Study, 2001 to 2016. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2021; 29:1939-1949. DOI:
  • (2021) Borch KB, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Damsgård E, Broderstad AR. Physical activity in Sami and non-Sami populations in rural Northern Norway, the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. BMC Public Health 2021; 21:1665. DOI:
  • (2021) Næss M, Sund E, Vie GÅ, Bjørngaard JH, Åsvold BO, Holmen TL, Kvaløy K. Intergenerational polygenic obesity risk throughout adolescence in a cross-sectional study design: The HUNT study, Norway. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2021; 29:1916-1924. DOI:
  • (2021) Hassan AA, Nøst TH, Brustad M, Sandanger TM. Concentrations and geographical patterns of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in meat from semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) in Norway. Science of the Total Environment 2021; 798:149278. DOI:
  • (2021) Kiærbech H, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. Religion and Health in Arctic Norway – the association of religious and spiritual factors with suicidal behaviour in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey, Int J Circumpolar Health 2021; 80:1949848. DOI:
  • (2021) Kiærbech H, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. Religion and Health In Arctic Norway—The association of religious and spiritual factors with non-suicidal self-injury in the Sami and non-Sami adult population—The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. Ment Health Relig Cult 2021; 24(7):670-686. DOI:
  • (2021) Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Jacobsen BK, Schei B, Broderstad AR. Intimate partner violence and its association with mental health problems: The importance of childhood violence – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. Scand J Public Health 2021; 14034948211024481. DOI:
  • (2021) Olsen F, Balteskard L, Uleberg B, Jacobsen BK, Heuch I, Moen A. Impact of parents' education on variation in hospital admissions for children: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open 2021; 11:e046656. DOI:
  • (2021) Løvsletten O, Njølstad I, Wilsgaard T, Hopstock LA, Jacobsen BK, Bønaa KH, Eggen AE, Løchen ML. Is the ongoing obesity epidemic partly explained by concurrent decline in cigarette smoking? Insights from a longitudinal population study. The Tromsø Study 1994-2016. Prev Med 2021; 147:106533. DOI:
  • (2021) Lundblad MW, Jacobsen, BK, Johansson J, Grimsgaard S, Andersen LF, Hopstock LA. Anthropometric measures are satisfactory substitutes for the DXA‐derived visceral adipose tissue in the association with cardiometabolic risk—The Tromsø Study 2015–2016. Obes Sci Pract 2021; 7(5): 525-534. DOI:
  • (2021) Lundblad MW, Jacobsen BK, Johansson J, De Lucia Rolfe E, Grimsgaard S, Hopstock LA. Reference Values for DXA-Derived Visceral Adipose Tissue in Adults 40 Years and Older from a European Population: The Tromsø Study 2015-2016. J Obesity 2021; 2021:6634536. DOI:
  • (2021) Granheim IPH, Silviken A, Larsen CVL, Kvernmo S. Socio-demographic, psychosocial and environmental factors associated with suicidal behaviour in Indigenous Sami and Greenlandic Inuit adolescents; the WBYG and NAAHS studies. Int J Circumpolar Health 2021; 80:1913939. DOI:
  • (2021) Høye A, Jacobsen BK, Bramness JG, Nesvåg R, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Heiberg I. Total and cause-specific mortality in patients with personality disorders: the association between comorbid severe mental illness and substance use disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021; 56:1809-1819. Erratum in: Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021 Jul 1. DOI:
  • (2021) Sagelv EH, Ekelund U, Hopstock LA, Aars NA, Fimland MS, Jacobsen BK, Løvsletten O, Wilsgaard T, Morseth Bente. Do declines in occupational physical activity contribute to population gains in body mass index? Tromsø Study 1974–2016. Occup Environ Med 2021; 78:203-210. DOI:
  • (2020) Kvaløy K, Sandsgård-Hilmarsen E, Eik-Nes TT, Bratberg GH. Underestimation of Overweight and Health Beneficial Outcomes in Two Adolescent Cohorts in Norway - The HUNT Study. J Adolesc Health 2020; 69(1):82-89. DOI:
  • (2020) Løvsletten O, Jacobsen BK, Grimsgaard S, Njølstad I, Wilsgaard T, Løchen ML, Eggen AE, Hopstock LA. Prevalence of general and abdominal obesity in 2015–2016 and 8-year longitudinal weight and waist circumference changes in adults and elderly: the Tromsø Study. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e038465. DOI:
  • (2020) Nystad K, Ingstad B, Spein AR. How Academic Experiences and Educational Aspirations Relate to Well-Being and Health among Indigenous Sami Youth in Northern Norway. A Qualitative Approach. Journal of Northern Studies 2020; 14(1):35-61.
  • (2020) Aars NA, Beldo S, Jacobsen BK, et al. Association between objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in body composition in adolescents: the Tromsø study fit futures cohort. BMJ Open 2020;10:e036991. DOI:
  • (2020) Young K, Broderstad AR, Sumarokov Y, Bjerregaard P. Disparities amidst plenty: a health portrait of Indigenous peoples in circumpolar regions. Int J Circumpolar Health 2020; 79:1805254. DOI:
  • (2020) Damsgård E, Thrane G, Fleten N, Bagge J, Sørlie T, Anke A, Broderstad AR. Persistent pain associated with socioeconomic and personal factors in a Sami and Non-Sami population in Norway: an analysis of SAMINOR 2 survey data, Int J Circumpolar Health 2020; 79:1787022, DOI:
  • (2020) Melhus M, Eliassen BM, Broderstad AR. From rural to urban living–migration from Sami core areas to cities in Norway. Study design and sample characteristics. Int J Circumpolar Health 2020; 79:1794456. DOI:
  • (2020) Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Broderstad AR, Melhus M, Michalsen VL, Jacobsen BK, Burchill LJ. Coronary heart disease and stroke in the Sami and non-Sami populations in rural Northern and Mid Norway—the SAMINOR Study. Open Heart 2020; 7:e001213. DOI:
  • (2020) Heiberg I, Nesvåg R, Balteskard L, Bramness JG, Hultman CM, Næss Ø, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ystrøm E, Jacobsen BK, Høye A. Diagnostic tests and treatment procedures performed prior to cardiovascular death in individuals with severe mental illness. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2020; 141:439-451 DOI:
  • (2020) Øberg GK, Girolami GL, Campbell SK, Ustad T, Heuch I, Jacobsen BK, Kaaresen PI, Aulie VS, Jørgensen L. Effects of a parent-administered exercise program in the neonatal intensive care unit: Dose does matter - a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2020; 100:860-869. DOI:
  • (2020) Dagsvold I, Møllersen S, Blix BH. Clinicians’ assumptions about Sami culture and experience providing mental health services to Indigenous patients in Norway. Transcultural Psychiatry 2020; 57(2):363-374. DOI:
  • (2020) Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Kvaløy K, Siri SRA, Michalsen VL, Broderstad AR. A descriptive study of ten-year longitudinal changes in weight and waist circumference in the multiethnic rural Northern Norway. The SAMINOR Study, 2003-2014. PLoS ONE 2020; 15(2):e0229234. DOI:
  • (2020) Michalsen VL, Braaten T, Kvaløy K, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Relationships between metabolic markers and obesity measures in two populations that differ in stature—the SAMINOR Study. Obes Sci Pract 2020; 6: 324-339. DOI:
  • (2020) Broderstad AR, Hansen S, Melhus M. The second clinical survey of the population-based study on health and living conditions in regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey: Performing indigenous health research in a multiethnic landscape. Scandinavian J Public Health 2020; 48(6):1403494819845574. DOI:
  • (2020) Petrenya N, Lamberg-Allardt C, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Brustad M. Vitamin D status in a multi-ethnic population of northern Norway – The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Public Health Nutrition 2020; 23(7): 1186-1200.
  • (2019) Aars NA, Jacobsen BK, Morseth B, Emaus N, Grimsgaard S. Longitudinal changes in body composition and waist circumference by self-reported levels of physical activity in leisure among adolescents: the Tromsø Study, Fit Futures. BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation 2019; 11:37. DOI:
  • (2019) Lundblad MW, Andersen LF, Jacobsen BK, Carlsen MH, Hjartåker A, Grimsgaard S, Hopstock LA. Energy and nutrient intakes in relation to National Nutrition Recommendations in a Norwegian population-based sample: the Tromsø Study 2015–16. Food & Nutrition Research 2019; 63:3616. DOI:
  • (2019) Kristoffersen, AE, Stub T, Broderstad AR, Hansen AH. Use of traditional and complementary medicine among Norwegian cancer patients in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2019; 19:341. DOI:
  • (2019) Kristoffersen, AE, Broderstad AR, Musial F, Stub T. Prevalence, and health- and sociodemographic associations for visits to traditional and complementary medical providers in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2019; 19:305. DOI:
  • (2019) Kvaløy K, Melhus M, Silviken A, Broderstad AR. Weight underestimation linked to anxiety and depression in a cross-sectional study of overweight individuals in a Sami and non-Sami Norwegian population: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e031810. DOI:
  • (2019) S Sardahaee F, Holmen TL, Micali N, Sund E, Bjerkeset O, Kvaløy K. Suicidal ideation in relation to disordered eating, body size and weight perception: a cross-sectional study of a Norwegian adolescent population - The HUNT Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e029809(7). DOI:
  • (2019) Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Michalsen VL, Braaten T. Changes in conventional cardiovascular risk factors and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations in two population-based cross-sectional surveys: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9(7):e028939. DOI:
  • (2019) Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Svarberg J, Broderstad AR. Estimated 8-year cumulative incidence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway - The SAMINOR Study. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2019; 19:66. DOI:
  • (2019) Michalsen VL, Kvaløy K, Svartberg J, Siri SRA, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Change in prevalence and severity of metabolic syndrome in the Sami and non-Sami population in rural Northern Norway using a repeated cross-sectional population-based study design: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e027791. DOI:
  • (2019) Hermansen RH, Jacobsen BK, Løchen ML, Morseth B. Leisure time and occupational physical activity, resting heart rate, and mortality in the Arctic region of Norway. The Finnmark Study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2019; 26(15):1636-1644. DOI:
  • (2019) Heiberg IH, Jacobsen BK, Balteskard L, Bramness JG, Næss Ø, Ystrøm E, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Hultman CM, Nesvåg R, Høye A. Undiagnosed cardiovascular disease prior to cardiovascular death in individuals with severe mental illness. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2019; 139(6):558-571. DOI:
  • (2019) Stoor JPA, Berntsen G, Hjelmeland H, Silviken A. “If you do not birget [manage] then you don’t belong here”: a qualitative focus group study on the cultural meanings of suicide among Indigenous Sámi in arctic Norway, Int J Circumpolar Health 2019; 78(1):1565861. DOI:
  • (2019) Petrenya N, Skeie G, Melhus M, Brustad M. No ethnic disparities in nutritional adequacy between the indigenous Sami and the non-Sami population living in rural northern Norway - the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Nutrition Research 2019; 64:9-23. DOI:
  • (2019) Isaksen T, Evensen LH, Johnsen SH, Jacobsen BK, Hindberg K, Brækkan SK, Hansen JB. Dietary intake of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and future risk of venous thromboembolism. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2019; 3(1):59-69. DOI:
  • (2019) Collins, Pamela Y.; Delgado, Roberto A.; Apok, Charlene; Baez, Laura; Bjerregaard, Peter; Chatwood, Susan; Chipp, Cody; Crawford, Allison; Crosby, Alex; Dillard, Denise; Driscoll, David; Ericksen, Heidi; Hicks, Jack; Larsen, Christina Viskum Lytken; McKeon, Richard; Partapuoli, Per Jonas; Phillips, Anthony; Pringle, Beverly; Rasmus, Stacy; Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún; Silviken, Anne; Stoor, Jon Petter Anders; Sumarokov, Yury; Wexler, Lisa. Rising Sun: Prioritized outcomes for suicide prevention in the Arctic. Psychiatric Services 2019; 70(2):152-155. DOI:
  • (2018) Vigstad S, Clancy A, Broderstad, AR. Palliative patients get greater relief from early screening of symptoms and implementation of measures. Sykepleien Forskning 2018; 13(74591):(e-74591). DOI:
  • (2018) Vigstad S, Clancy A, Broderstad AR. Palliative pasienter får bedre lindring med tidlig symptomvurdering og tiltak. Sykepleien Forskning 2018; 13(74591):(e-74591). DOI:
  • (2018) Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen B, Melhus M, Svartberg J, Broderstad A. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway – the SAMINOR 1 Survey (2003–2004) and the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey (2012–2014). Rural and Remote Health 2018; 18:4623. DOI:
  • (2018) Eriksen AMA, Hansen KL, Schei B, Sørlie T, Stigum H, Bjertness E, Javo C. Childhood violence and mental health among indigenous Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: a SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2018; 77:1508320. DOI:
  • (2018) Petrenya N, Skeie G, Melhus M, Brustad M. Food in rural northern Norway in relation to Sami ethnicity: the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Public Health Nutrition 2018; 21(14):2665-2677. DOI:
  • (2018) Siri SRA, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Eliassen BM. Distribution of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations: The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Scand J Public Health 2018; 1403494818773534. DOI:
  • (2018) Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Svartberg J, Broderstad AR. Prevalence of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami men and women in Northern Norway – The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey, Int J Circumpolar Health 2018; 77:1463786. DOI:
  • (2018) Hermansen R, Broderstad AR, Jacobsen BK, Mähönen M, Wilsgaard T, Morseth B. The impact of changes in leisure time physical activity on changes in cardiovascular risk factors: results from The Finnmark 3 Study and SAMINOR 1, 1987–2003. Int J Circumpolar Health 2018; 77:1459145. DOI:
  • (2017) Kristoffersen AE, Stub T, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Prevalence and associations for use of a traditional medicine provider in the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a population-based study on Health and Living Conditions in Regions with Sami and Norwegian Populations. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017; 17:530. DOI:
  • (2017) Kvaløy K, Melhus M, Silviken A, Brustad M, Sørlie T, Broderstad AR. Disordered eating in Sami and non-Sami Norwegian populations: the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Public Health Nutr 2017; 21(6):1094-1105. DOI:
  • (2017) Nystad K, Spein AR, Balto AM, Ingstad B. Ethnic identity negotiation among Sami youth living in a majority Sami community in Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health 2017; 76(1):1316939. DOI:
  • (2017) Wåhlberg H, Valle PC, Malm S, Hovde Ø, Broderstad AR. The effect of referral templates on out-patient quality of care in a hospital setting: A cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research 2017; 17:177. DOI:
  • (2016) Dagsvold IJ, Møllersen S, Stordahl V. “You never know who are Sami or speak Sami” Clinicians’ experiences with language-appropriate care to Sami-speaking patients in outpatient mental health clinics in Northern Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health 2016; 75:32588. DOI:
  • (2016) Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Tell GS, Borch KB, Braaten T, Broderstad AR, Graff-Iversen S. Validity of self-reported myocardial infarction and stroke in regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – The SAMINOR 1 Survey and the CVDNOR project. BMJ Open 2016; 6(11):e012717. DOI:
  • (2016) Wåhlberg H, Braaten T, Broderstad AR. Impact of referral templates on patient experience of the referral and care process: A cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open 2016; 6(10):e011651. DOI:
  • (2016) Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Ethnic difference in the prevalence of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus in regions with Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway – the SAMINOR1 study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2016; 75:31697. DOI:
  • (2016) Hansen S, Vestergren R, Herzke D, Melhus M, Evenset A, Hanssen L, Brustad M, Sandanger TM. Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances through the consumption of fish from lakes affected by aqueous film-forming foam emissions – A combined epidemiological and exposure modeling approach. The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Study. Environment International 2016; 94:272-282. DOI:
  • (2016) Anderson I, Robson B,…,Broderstad AR,…,Melhus M. Indigenous and tribal peoples' health (The Lancet–Lowitja Institute Global Collaboration): a population study. The Lancet 2016; 388(10040):131-157. DOI:
  • (2016) Broderstad, AR; Melhus, M. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus in Sami and Norwegian populations. The SAMINOR—a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2016; 6(4): e009474. DOI:
  • (2015) Silviken A, Gundersen LS, Berntsen G, Dyregrov K. Sudden and unexpected death in Sami areas in Norway - A qualitative study of the significance of religiosity in the bereavement process. Suicidology Online 2015; 6(1):53-62.
  • (2015) Stoor JPA, Kaiser N, Jacobsson L, Renberg ES, Silviken A. “We are like lemmings”: making sense of the cultural meaning(s) of suicide among the indigenous Sami in Sweden. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:27669. DOI:
  • (2015) Wåhlberg H, Valle PC, Malm S, Broderstad AR. Impact of referral templates on the quality of referrals from primary to secondary care: a cluster randomised trial. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15:353. DOI:
  • (2015) Pettersen T, Brustad M. Same Sámi? A comparison of self-reported ethnicity measures in 1970 and 2003 in selected rural areas in northern Norway. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2015; 38(12):2071-2089. DOI:
  • (2015) Eriksen AM, Hansen KL, Javo C, Schei B. Emotional, physical and sexual violence among Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: The SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Scand J Public Health 2015; 43(6):588-596. DOI:
  • (2015) Chatwood S, Paulette F, Baker R, Eriksen AMA, Hansen KL, Eriksen H, Hiratsuka V, Lavoie JG, Lou W, Mauro I, Orbinski J, Pabrum N, Retallack H, Brown A. Approaching Etuaptmumk - introducing a consensusbased mixed method for health services research. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:27438. DOI:
  • (2015) Dagsvold IJ, Møllersen S, Stordahl V. What can we talk about, in which language, in what way and with whom? Sami patients’ experiences of language choice and cultural norms in mental health treatment. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:26952. DOI:
  • (2015) Stordahl V, Tørres G, Møllersen S, Eira-Åhren IM. Ethical guidelines for Sami research: The issue that disappeared from the Norwegian Sami Parliament’s agenda? Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:27024. DOI:
  • (2015) Redvers J, Bjerregaard P, Eriksen H, Fanian S, Healey G, Hiratsuka V, Jong M, Larsen CVL, Linton J, Pollock N, Silviken A, Stoor JPA, Chatwood S. A scoping review of Indigenous suicide prevention in circumpolar regions. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:27509. DOI:
  • (2015) Hansen KL, Brustad M, Johnsen K. Prevalence of self-reported stomach symptoms after consuming milk among indigenous Sami and non-Sami in Northern- and Mid-Norway - the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:25762. DOI:
  • (2015) Hansen KL. Ethnic discrimination and health: the relationship between experienced ethnic discrimination and multiple health domains in Norway’s rural Sami population. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:25125. DOI:
  • (2015) Eliassen B-M, Graff-Iversen S, Braaten T, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Prevalence of self-reported myocardial infarction in Sami and non-Sami populations: the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015; 74:24424. DOI:
  • (2014) Dyregrov K, Berntsen G, Silviken A. The need for and barriers to professional help - a qualitative study of the bereaved in Sami areas. Suicidology Online 2014; 5(1):47-58.
  • (2014) Hassan AEA, Skjerve E, Bergh C, Nesbakken T. Microbial effect of steam vacuum pasteurisation implemented after slaughtering and dressing of sheep and lamb. Meat Science 2014; 99:32-37. DOI:
  • (2014) Brustad M, Hansen KL, Broderstad AR, Hansen S, Melhus M. A population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with mixed Sami and Norwegian settlements – the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2014, 73:23147. DOI:
  • (2014) Nystad K, Spein AR, Ingstad B. Community resilience factors among indigenous Sámi adolescents: A qualitative study in Northern Norway. Transcultural Psychiatry 2014; 51(5):651-672. DOI:
  • (2014) Silviken A, Berntsen G, Dyregrov K. Etterlattes erfaringer med lokalt hjelpeapparat i samiske områder i Nord-Norge. Sykepleien Forskning 2014 (1):36-42.
  • (2014) Eliassen B-M, Graff-Iversen S, Melhus M, Løchen M-L, Broderstad AR. Ethnic difference in the prevalence of angina pectoris in Sami and non-Sami populations: the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2014; 73:21310. DOI:
  • (2013) Hassan AA, Rylander C, Sandanger TM, Brustad M. Copper, Cobalt and Chromium in Meat, Liver, Tallow and Bone Marrow from Semi-domesticated Reindeer (Rangifer tarandustarandus L.) in Northern Norway. Food and Public Health 2013; 3(3):154-160.
  • (2013) Hassan AA, Rylander C, Brustad M, Sandanger TM. Persistent organic pollutants in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) in Northern Norway Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2013; 55:57. DOI: 10.1186/1751-0147-55-57.
  • (2013) Pettersen T, Brustad M. Which Sámi? Sámi inclusion criteria in population-based studies of Sámi health and living conditions in Norway – an exploratory study exemplified with data from the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013; 72:21813. DOI:
  • (2013) Hanno T von, Bertelsen G, Broderstad AR, Wilsgaard T, Mathiesen EB. Serum Ferritin and Hemoglobin Are Independently Associated With Wider Retinal Venular Caliber: The Tromsø Study 2001-2008. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013; 54(10):7053-7060. DOI:
  • (2013) Eliassen B-M, Melhus M, Hansen KL, Broderstad AR. Marginalisation and cardiovascular disease among rural Sami in Northern Norway: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2013; 13:522. DOI:
  • (2013) Spein AR, Pedersen CP, Silviken AC, Melhus M, Kvernmo S, Bjerregaard P. Self-rated health among Greenlandic Inuit and Norwegian Sami adolescents: associated risk and protective correlates. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013; 72:19793. DOI:
  • (2013) Wåhlberg H, Valle PC, Malm S, Broderstad AR. Practical health co-operation-the impact of a referral template on quality of care and health care co-operation: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013; 14(7). DOI:
  • (2012) Eliassen BM, Braaten T, Melhus M, Hansen KL, Broderstad AR. Acculturation and self-rated health among Arctic indigenous peoples: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2012; 12:948. DOI:
  • (2012) Moen SM, Celius EG, Sandvik L, Brustad M, Nordsletten L, Eriksen EF, Holmøy T: Bone turnover and metabolism in patients with early multiple sclerosis and prevalent bone mass deficit: a populationbased case-control study. PLoS One 2012; 7(9):e45703. DOI:
  • (2012) Jeurnink SM, Büchner FL,…, Brustad M, Lund E,…, Gonzalez CA: Variety in vegetable and fruit consumption and the risk of gastric and esophageal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer 2012; 131(6): E963-73. DOI:
  • (2012) Hassan AA, Sandanger TM, Brustad M. Selected Vitamins and Essential Elements in Meat from Semi-Domesticated Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) in Mid- and Northern Norway: Geographical Variations and Effect of Animal Population Density. Nutrients 4(7):724-39. DOI:
  • (2012) Chuang SC, Norat T,…, Brustad M,…, Vineis P. Fiber intake and total and cause-specific mortality in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Am J Clin Nutr 2012; 96(1):164-74. DOI:
  • (2012) Jakszyn P, Agudo A,…, Broderstad AR, Lund E,…, Gonzalez CA. Dietary intake of heme iron and risk of gastric cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study. Int J Cancer 2012; 130(11):2654-2663. DOI:
  • (2012) Veyhe AS, Hansen S, Sandanger TM, Nieboer E, Odland JØ: The Northern Norway mother-and-child contaminant cohort study: implementation, population characteristics and summary of dietary findings. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71:18644. DOI:
  • (2012) Nilsson LM, Winkvist A, Brustad M, Jansson JH, Johansson I, Lenner P, Lindahl B, Van Guelpen B. A traditional Sami diet score as a determinant of mortality in a general northern Swedish population. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71(1):18537. DOI:
  • (2012) Hassan AA, Brustad M, Sandanger TM: Concentrations and geographical variations of selected toxic elements in meat from semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) in mid- and northern Norway: evaluation of risk assessment. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2012; 9(5):1699-1714. DOI:
  • (2012) Hassan AA, Rylander C, Brustad M, Sandanger TM: Level of selected toxic elements in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow of young semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) from Northern Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71(1):18187. DOI:
  • (2012) Fedirko V, Riboli E,…, Brustad M,…, Jenab M. Prediagnostic 25- hydroxyvitamin D, VDR and CASR polymorphisms, and survival in patients with colorectal cancer in western European populations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2012; 21(4):582-593. DOI:
  • (2012) Molina-Montes E, Wark PA,…, Broderstad AR,…, Bueno-de-Mesquita B. Dietary intake of iron, heme-iron and magnesium and pancreatic cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition cohort. Int J Cancer 2012; 131(7):E1134-47. DOI:
  • (2012) Norum J, Hofvind S, Nieder C, Schnell EA, Broderstad AR. Mammographic screening in Sami speaking municipalities and a control group. Are early outcome measures influenced by ethnicity? Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71(1):18205. DOI:
  • (2012) Rudge CVC, Sandanger TM, Röllin H, Calderon IMP, Volpato G, Silva JLP, Duarte G, Neto CM, Sass N, Nakamura MU, Odland JØ, Rudge MVC. Levels of selected persistent organic pollutants in blood from delivering women in seven selected areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Env Int 2012; 40:162-9. DOI:
  • (2012) Hassan AA, Sandanger TM, Brustad M: Level of selected nutrients in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus L.). Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71:17997. DOI:
  • (2012) Størmer J, Norum J, Olsen LR, Eldevik P, Broderstad AR. Health consumption in Sami speaking municipalities and a control group with regard to medical imaging, Int J Circumpolar Health 2012; 71(1):17620. DOI:
  • (2012) Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Kruse Jack, Poppel B, Broderstad AR. Design and methods in a survey of living conditions in the Arctic - the SLiCA study. Int J of Circumpolar Health 2012; 71(1): 17229. DOI:
  • (2012) Hansen KL, Sørlie T. Ethnic discrimination and psychological distress: A study of Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway. Transcultural Psychiatry 2012; 49(1):26-50. DOI:
  • (2011) Spein AR, Melhus M, Kristiansen RE, Kvernmo SE. The Influence of Religious Factors on Drinking Behavior Among Young Indigenous Sami and Non-Sami Peers in Northern Norway. Journal of Religion and Health 2011; 50(4):1024-1039. DOI:
  • (2011) Norum J, Olsen A, Småstuen M, Nieder C, Broderstad AR. Health consumption in Sami-speaking municipalities with regard to cancer and radiotherapy. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011; 70(3): 319-328. DOI:
  • (2011) Nilsson LM, Dahlgren L, Johansson I, Brustad M, Sjölander P, Van Guelpen B: Diet and lifestyle of the Sami of southern Lapland in the 1930’s-1950’s and today. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011; 70(3):301-318. DOI:
  • (2011) Silviken A. "Reindrift på helsa løs". Arbeidsrelatert stress i reindriftnæringen i lys av Mark Williams' modell "Cry of Pain". Suicidologi 2011; 16(3):10-14. DOI:
  • (2011) Petrenya N, Dobrodeeva L, Brustad M, Bichkaeva F, Menshikova E, Lutfalieva G, Poletaeva A, Repina V, Cooper M, Odland JO. Fish consumption and socio-economic factors among residents of Arkhangelsk city and the rural Nenets autonomous area. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011; 70(1): 46-58. DOI:
  • (2011) Sandanger TM, Huber S, Moe MK, Braathen T, Leknes H, Lund E: Plasma concentrations of parabens in postmenopausal women and self reported use of personal care products – the NOWAC postgenome study. J Exp Sci Envi Epidem 2011; 21(6):595-600. DOI:
  • (2011) Broderstad AR, Eliassen BM, Melhus M. Prevalence of self-reported suicidal thoughts in SLiCA. The survey of living conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA). Global Health Action 2011; 4: 10226. DOI:
  • (2011) Rylander C, Odland JØ, Sandanger TM: Climate change and environmental impacts on maternal and newborn health with focus on Arctic populations. Global Health Action 2011; 4: 8452. DOI:
  • (2011) Rylander C, Sandanger TM, Petrenya N, Konoplev A, Bojko E, Odland JØ: Indications of decreasing human PTS concentrations in North West Russia. Global Health Action 2011; 4: 8427. DOI:
  • (2011) Rylander C, Dumeaux V, Olsen KS, Waaseth M, Sandanger TM, Lund E: Using blood gene signatures for assessing effects of exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in humans. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet 2011; 2(3):207-1026.
  • (2011) Hansen S, Nieboer E, Sandanger TM, Wilsgaard T, Thomassen Y, Veyhe AS, Odland JØ. Changes in Maternal Blood Concentrations of Selected Essential and Toxic Elements During and After Pregnancy. J Environ Monit 2011; 13(8):2143-2152. DOI:
  • (2011) Gaski M, Melhus M, Deraas TS, Førde OH. Use of Health care in the main area of Sami habitation in Norway - catching up with national expenditure rates. Rural and remote health 2011; 11(2):1655. DOI:
  • (2011) Edvardsen K, Veierød MB, Brustad M, Braaten T, Engelsen O, Lund E. Vitamin D-effective solar UV radiation, dietary vitamin D and breast cancer risk. Int J Cancer 2011; 128(6):1425–1433. DOI:
  • (2011) Rohrmann S, Linseisen J,…, Brustad, M, Lund, E,…, Vineis P. Consumption of meat and dairy and lymphoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer 2011; 128(3):623-634. DOI:
  • (2011) Broderstad AR, Melhus M, Brustad M, Lund E. Iron stores in relation to dietary patterns in a multiethnic population: the SAMINOR study. Public Health Nutr 2011; 14(6):1039-1046. DOI:
  • (2010) Broderstad AR, Smith-Sivertsen T, Dahl IM, Ingebretsen OC, Lund E. Low prevalence of hereditary hemochromatosis in multiethnic populations in Northern Norway, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2011; 46:3:350-357. DOI:
  • (2010) Boffetta P, Couto E,…, Lund E, Brustad M,…, Trichopoulou A. Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Overall Cancer Risk in the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2010; 102(8): 529-537. DOI:
  • (2010) Hansen KL, Melhus M, Lund E. Ethnicity, self-reported health, discrimination and socio-economic status: a study of Sami and non-Sami Norwegian populations. Int J Circumpolar Health 2010; 69(2):111-128. DOI:
  • (2010) Nystad TA, Melhus M, Brustad M and Lund E. The effect of coffee consumption on serum total cholesterol in the Sami and Norwegian populations. Public Health Nutrition 2010; 13(11): 1818-1825. DOI:
  • (2010) Nystad TA, Melhus M, Brustad M, Lund E. Ethnic differences in the prevalence of general and central obesity among the Sami and Norwegian populations: The SAMINOR study. Scand J Public Health 2010; 38:17-23. DOI:
  • (2010) Jenab M, Bueno-d-Mesquita HB,…,Brustad M, Lund E,…, Riboli E. Association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in European populations: a nested case-control study. BMJ (British Medical Journal) 2010; 340:b5500. DOI:
  • (2009) Silviken A. Prevalence of suicidal behaviour among indigenous Sami in Northern Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health 2009; 68(3):204-211. DOI:
  • (2009) Johnsen K, Goll R, Reikerås O. Acetabular dysplasia as an aetiological factor in development of hip osteoarthritis. Int Orthop 2009; 33(3):653-657. DOI:
  • (2009) Johnsen K, Mähönen M, Lunde P. Prevalence estimation and follow-up of aortic regurgitation subjects in a Norwegian Sami population. Scand Cardiovasc J 2009; 43(3):176-180. DOI:
  • (2009) Brustad M, Pettersen T, Melhus M, Lund E. Mortality patterns in geographical areas with a high vs. low Sami population density in Arctic Norway. Scand J Public Health 2009; 37(5):475-480. DOI:
  • (2008) Nystad T, Melhus M, Lund E. Sami speakers are less satisfied with general practitioners’ services. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008; 67(1): 116-123. DOI: [English version of Samisktalende er mindre fornøyd med legetjenestene. Nystad TA, Melhus M, Lund E. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2006; 126:738-740]
  • (2008) Johnsen K, Goll R, Reikerås O. Acetabular dysplasia in the Sami population: a population study among Sami in north Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2008; 67(1):149-155. DOI:
  • (2008) Spein AR. Substance use among young indigenous Sami – a summary of findings from the North Norwegian Youth Study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008; 67(1): 124-136. DOI:
  • (2008) Hansen KL, Melhus M, Høgmo A, Lund E. Ethnic discrimination and bullying in the Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: The SAMINOR-study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008; 67(1): 99-115. DOI:
  • (2008) Brustad M, Parr CL, Melhus M, Lund E. Dietary patterns in the population living in the Sámi core areas of Norway – the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008; 67(1): 84-98. DOI:
  • (2008) Nystad T, Utsi E, Selmer R, Brox J, Melhus M, Lund E. Distribution of apoB/aboA-1 ratio and blood lipids in Sami, Kven and Norwegian populations: the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008; 67(1): 69-83. DOI:
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  • (2007) Spein AR, Sexton H, Kvernmo S. Substance Use in Young Indigenous Sami: An Ethnocultural and Longitudinal Perspective. Substance Use & Misuse 2007; 42(9):1379-1400. DOI:
  • (2007) Broderstad AR, Melhus M, Lund E. Iron status in a multiethnic population (age 36–80 yr) in northern Norway: the SAMINOR study. European Journal of Haematology 2007; 79(5):447-454. DOI:
  • (2007) Silviken A, Kvernmo S. Suicide attempts among indigenous Sami adolescents and majority peers in Arctic Norway: Prevalence and associated risk factors. Journal of Adolescence 2007; 30:613-626. DOI:
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  • (2006) Spein AR, Sexton H, Kvernmo SE. Longitudinal Drinking Patterns in Indigenous Sami and Non-Indigenous Youth in Northern Norway. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 2006; 5(3):103-117. DOI:
  • (2006) Broderstad AR, Smith-Sivertsen T, Dahl IMS, Ingebretsen OC, Lund E. Serum levels of iron in Sør-Varanger, northern Norway - an iron mining municipality. Int J Circumpolar Health 2006; 65(5):432–442. DOI:
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  • (2004) Kvernmo S, Heyerdahl S. Ethnic Identity and Acculturation Attitudes among Indigenous Norwegian Sami and Ethnocultural Kven Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research 2004; 19(5):512-532. DOI:
  • (2004) Kvernmo S. Mental health of Sami youth, Int J Circumpolar Health 2004; 63(3):221-234, DOI:
  • (2004) Heyerdahl, S., Kvernmo, S. & Wichstrøm, L. Self-reported behavioural/emotional problems in Norwegian adolescents from multiethnic areas. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2004; 13: 64–72. DOI:
  • (2004) Spein AR, Sexton H, Kvernmo S. Predictors of smoking behaviour among indigenous sami adolescents and non-indigenous peers in north Norway. Scand J Public Health 2004; 32(2): 118-29. DOI:
  • (2002) Spein AR, Kvernmo SE, Sexton H. The North Norwegian Youth Study: Cigarette Smoking among Ethnically Diverse Adolescents. Ethnicity and Health 2002; 7(3): 163-179. DOI: 


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