PhD project: Physical match performance and training loads of female football players

The primary objective of the Female Football Centre is to obtain new and fundamental insights and knowledge on highly relevant performance factors that influence sustainable development and health of female elite football athletes. For this project, gender specific aspects related to the training principal “specificity” will receive focused attention.
The overall objective will be examined through three integrated studies, where we specifically aim to:
1. Establish the activity profiles of highly trained female football players by playing position.
2. Quantify the match-to-match variability in variables commonly used to assess match activity.
3. Track the microcycles of professional football teams and compare differences in training load by day and by squad status (starter versus non-starter).
Project start: 08.2020
Project end: 08.2024
Project category: PhD project
Svein Arne Pettersen (Head supervisor)
Andreas Kjæreng Winther (PhD candidate)
Project members:
Andreas Kjæreng Winther (PhD candidate)
Svein Arne Pettersen (Head supervisor)
Dag Johansen (Co-supervisor)
Morten Bresdgaard Randers
Sigurd Pedersen
Ivan Baptista
Financial/grant information:
The project is funded by Tromsø Forskningsstiftelse and UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet