Exercise physiology and performance
Our researchers have extensive background and competence in exercise physiology, and a large part of our research is therefore centered around this topic, including training adaptation, exercise performance, athletic pacing, with a specific focus on cross-country skiing and football.
- Andersen TB, Krustrup P, Bendiksen M, Orntoft CO, Randers MB, Pettersen SA: Kicking Velocity and Effect on Match Performance When using a Smaller, Lighter Ball in Women's Football. Int J Sports Med 2016, 37(12):966-972.
- Andersson EP, Bachl P, Schmuttermair A, Staunton CA, Stoggl TL: Anaerobic work capacity in cycling: the effect of computational method. European journal of applied physiology 2022, 122(12):2637-2650.
- Andersson EP, Bjorklund G, McGawley K: Anaerobic Capacity in Running: The Effect of Computational Method. Front Physiol 2021, 12:708172.
- Andersson EP, Hamberg I, Do Nascimento Salvador PC, McGawley K: Physiological responses and cycle characteristics during double-poling versus diagonal-stride roller-skiing in junior cross-country skiers. European journal of applied physiology 2021, 121(8):2229-2241.
- Andersson EP, Logdal N, Byrne D, Jones TW: Physiological responses and performance factors for double-poling and diagonal-stride treadmill roller-skiing time-trial exercise. European journal of applied physiology 2023, 123(11):2495-2509.
- Andersson EP, Noordhof D, De Koning J, Stöggl TL, Björklund G: Editorial: Anaerobic Energy/Work Supply in Endurance Activities—The Importance and Effect of Computational Method. In.; 2021.
- Ardigo LP, Stoggl TL, Thomassen TO, Winther AK, Sagelv EH, Pedersen S, Hammer TM, Heitmann KA, Olsen OE, Welde B: Ski Skating Race Technique-Effect of Long Distance Cross-Country Ski Racing on Choice of Skating Technique in Moderate Uphill Terrain. Front Sports Act Living 2020, 2:89.
- Baptista I, Johansen D, Figueiredo P, Rebelo A, Pettersen SA: A comparison of match-physical demands between different tactical systems: 1-4-5-1 vs 1-3-5-2. PLoS One 2019, 14(4):e0214952.
- Baptista I, Johansen D, Figueiredo P, Rebelo A, Pettersen SA: Positional Differences in Peak- and Accumulated- Training Load Relative to Match Load in Elite Football. Sports (Basel) 2019, 8(1).
- Baptista I, Johansen D, Seabra A, Pettersen SA: Position specific player load during match-play in a professional football club. PLoS One 2018, 13(5):e0198115.
- Borg DN, Osborne JO, Tweedy SM, Liljedahl JB, Nooijen CFJ: Bicycling and Tricycling Road Race Performance in International Para-Cycling Events Between 2011 and 2019. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2022, 101(4):384-388.
- Calogiuri G, Evensen KH, Weydahl A, Andersson K, Patil GG, Ihlebæk C, Raanaas RK: Green exercise as a workplace intervention to reduce job stress. Results from a pilot study. Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation 2016, 53(1):99-111.
- Calogiuri G, Mikkilä SP, Weydahl A: Can promotion of outdoor activities impact people’s vitamin D levels? Promising finding from a pilot study. Proceedings in Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference 2013, 2:276-280.
- Calogiuri G, Nordtug H, Weydahl A: The potential of using exercise in nature as an intervention to enhance exercise behavior: results from a pilot study. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2015, 121(2):350-370.
- Calogiuri G, Rossi A, Formenti D, Weydahl A: Sleep recovery in participants after racing in the Finnmarkslop - Europe’s longest dog‑sled race. J Sport Med Phys Fit 2017, 57(1-2):103-110.
- Calogiuri G, Weydahl A: Effects of Sleep Loss on the Rest-Activity Circadian Rhythm of Helpers Participating in Continuous Dogsled Races. Biological Research for Nursing 2013, 16(2):123-133.
- Calogiuri G, Weydahl A: Health challenges in long-distance dog sled racing: A systematic review of literature. International journal of circumpolar health 2017, 76(1).
- Calogiuri G, Weydahl A, Carandente F: Methodological Issues for Studying the Rest-Activity Cycle and Sleep Disturbances: A Chronobiological Approach Using Actigraphy Data. Biological Research for Nursing 2013, 15(1):5-12.
- Casolo A, Sagelv EH, Bianco M, Casolo F, Galvani C: Effects of a structured recess intervention on physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, and anthropometric characteristics in primary school children. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 2019, 2019(5):1796-1805.
- Dalen T, Overas O, van den Tillaar R, Welde B, von Heimburg ED: Influence of different soccer-specific maximal actions on physiological, perceptual and accelerometer measurement loads. Open Access J Sports Med 2018, 9:107-114.
- Danielsen KH, Vårnes TK, Mathisen G, Heitmann KA, Morseth B: Physical Activity, Physical Fitness And Body Mass Index Among Elementary School Children In The Arctic Area. In., vol. 52: American College of Sports Medicine; 2020: 62-62.
- Dobler F, Bachl P, Stoggl T, Andersson EP: Physiological Responses and Performance During a 3-Minute Cycle Time Trial: Standard Paced Versus All-Out Paced. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2022, 17(11):1583-1589.
- Formenti D, Rossi A, Calogiuri G, Thomassen TO, Scurati R, Weydahl A: Exercise Intensity and Pacing Strategy of Cross-country Skiers during a 10 km Skating Simulated Race. Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 2015, 23(2):126-139.
- Gejl KD, Hvid LG, Andersson EP, Jensen R, Holmberg HC, Ortenblad N: Contractile Properties of MHC I and II Fibers From Highly Trained Arm and Leg Muscles of Cross-Country Skiers. Front Physiol 2021, 12:682943.
- GjOvaag T, Berge H, Olsrud M, Welde B: Acute Post-Exercise Blood Pressure Responses in Middle-Aged Persons with Elevated Blood Pressure/Stage 1 Hypertension following Moderate and High-Intensity Isoenergetic Endurance Exercise. Int J Exerc Sci 2020, 13(3):1532-1548.
- Hammer T: Relative age effect in international ski jumping: analysis of FIS World Cup and FIS Junior World Ski Championships. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 2020, 2020(03):1455-1460.
- Hammer TM, Pedersen S, Pettersen SA, Rognmo K, Sagelv EH: Affective Valence and Enjoyment in High- and Moderate-High Intensity Interval Exercise. The Tromso Exercise Enjoyment Study. Front Psychol 2022, 13:825738.
- Heitmann KA, Dalen H, Holmen Gundersen G, Ingvaldsen RP, Welde B: Intra‐arterial blood pressure traits during and after heavy resistance exercise in healthy males. Translational Sports Medicine 2019, 2(6):325-333.
- Hoog S, Andersson EP: Sex and Age-Group Differences in Strength, Jump, Speed, Flexibility, and Endurance Performances of Swedish Elite Gymnasts Competing in TeamGym. Front Sports Act Living 2021, 3:653503.
- Jonsson M, Welde B, Stoggl TL: Biomechanical differences in double poling between sexes and level of performance during a classical cross-country skiing competition. J Sports Sci 2019, 37(14):1582-1590.
- Krustrup P, Williams CA, Mohr M, Hansen PR, Helge EW, Elbe A-M, De Sousa M, Dvorak J, Junge A, Hammami A et al: The “Football is Medicine” platform – scientific evidence, large-scale implementation of evidence-based concepts and future perspectives. In., vol. 28; 2018: 3-7.
- Lidar J, Andersson EP, Sundstrom D: Validity and Reliability of Hydraulic-Analogy Bioenergetic Models in Sprint Roller Skiing. Front Physiol 2021, 12:726414.
- Linkas J, Ahmed LA, Csifcsak G, Emaus N, Furberg AS, Grimnes G, Pettersen G, Rognmo K, Christoffersen T: Are pro-inflammatory markers associated with psychological distress in a cross-sectional study of healthy adolescents 15-17 years of age? The Fit Futures study. BMC Psychol 2022, 10(1):65.
- Linkas J, Ahmed LA, Csifcsak G, Emaus N, Furberg AS, Grimnes G, Pettersen G, Rognmo K, Christoffersen T: C-Reactive Protein and TGF-alpha Predict Psychological Distress at Two Years of Follow-Up in Healthy Adolescent Boys: The Fit Futures Study. Front Psychol 2022, 13:823420.
- Linkas J, Ahmed LA, Csifcsak G, Emaus N, Furberg AS, Pettersen G, Rognmo K, Christoffersen T: Two-year changes in sleep duration are associated with changes in psychological distress in adolescent girls and boys: the fit futures study. Health Psychol Behav Med 2022, 10(1):1159-1175.
- Lögdal N, Laaksonen MS, Andersson EP: Individual fluctuations in blood lactate concentration during an ice hockey game; differences between player positions. International Journal of Exercise Science 2022, 15(6):985-993.
- Mathisen G, Jensen RM, Pettersen SA: Aerobic Games and Playful Exercises in 9-Year-Old Boys: Intensity and Fitness Effects. Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje 2016, 9(1-2):57-64.
- Mathisen G, Pettersen SA: Anthropometric factors related to sprint and agility performance in young male soccer players. Open Access J Sports Med 2015, 6:337-342.
- Mathisen G, Pettersen SA: Effect of high-intensity training on speed and agility performance in 10-year-old soccer players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2015, 55(1-2):25-29.
- Mathisen G, Pettersen SA: The effect of speed training on sprint and agility performance in female youth soccer players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 2015, 2015(03):395-399.
- Mathisen GE, Pettersen SA: The Effect of Speed Training on Sprint and Agility Performance in 15-Year-Old Female Soccer Players. LASE Journal of Sport Science 2015, 6(1):61-70.
- Medbo JI, Welde B: Effect of Computational Method on Accumulated O(2) Deficit. Front Sports Act Living 2022, 4:772049.
- Moen F, Pettersen SA, Gjertsas K, Vatn M, Ravenhorst M, Kvalsvoll A, Liland KH, Mosleth EF: The effect of bio-electro-magnetic-energy-regulation therapy on sleep duration and sleep quality among elite players in Norwegian women's football. Front Psychol 2023, 14:1230281.
- Osborne JO, Minett GM, Stewart IB, Trost S, Drovandi C, Costello JT, Pavey TG, Borg DN: Evidence that heat acclimation training may alter sleep and incidental activity. Eur J Sport Sci 2023, 23(8):1731-1740.
- Osborne JO, Solli GS, Engseth TP, Welde B, Morseth B, Noordhof DA, Sandbakk O, Andersson EP: Annual Volume and Distribution of Physical Training in Norwegian Female Cross-Country Skiers and Biathletes: A Comparison Between Sports, Competition Levels, and Age Categories-The FENDURA Project. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2023:1-9.
- Osborne JO, Stewart IB, Borg DN, Beagley KW, Buhmann RL, Minett GM: Short-term heat acclimation preserves knee extensor torque but does not improve 20 km self-paced cycling performance in the heat. European journal of applied physiology 2021, 121(10):2761-2772.
- Osborne JO, Tallent J, Girard O, Marshall PW, Kidgell D, Buhmann R: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation during maximal voluntary contraction: a Delphi survey with expert consensus. European journal of applied physiology 2023, 123(10):2203-2212.
- Otsuka K, Cornelissen G, Weydahl A, Gubin D, Beaty LA, Murase M: Rules of Heliogeomagnetics Diversely Coordinating Biological Rhythms and Promoting Human Health. Applied Sciences 2023, 13(2).
- Pedersen A, Randers MB, Luteberget LS, Moller M: Validity of Session Rating of Perceived Exertion for Measuring Training Load in Youth Team Handball Players. J Strength Cond Res 2023, 37(1):174-180.
- Pedersen S, Heitmann KA, Sagelv EH, Johansen D, Pettersen SA: Improved maximal strength is not associated with improvements in sprint time or jump height in high-level female football players: a clusterrendomized controlled trial. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2019, 11(20):20.
- Pedersen S, Johansen D, Casolo A, Randers MB, Sagelv EH, Welde B, Winther AK, Pettersen SA: Maximal Strength, Sprint, and Jump Performance in High-Level Female Football Players Are Maintained With a Customized Training Program During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Front Physiol 2021, 12:623885.
- Pedersen S, Welde B, Sagelv EH, Heitmann KA, M BR, Johansen D, Pettersen SA: Associations between maximal strength, sprint, and jump height and match physical performance in high-level female football players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2022, 32 Suppl 1:54-61.
- Pettersen SA, Brenn T: Activity Profiles by Position in Youth Elite Soccer Players in Official Matches. Sports Med Int Open 2019, 3(1):E19-E24.
- Pettersen SA, Johansen HD, Baptista IAM, Halvorsen P, Johansen D: Quantified Soccer Using Positional Data: A Case Study. Front Physiol 2018, 9:866.
- Pettersen SD, Aslaksen PM, Pettersen SA: Pain Processing in Elite and High-Level Athletes Compared to Non-athletes. Front Psychol 2020, 11:1908.
- Riiser A, Andersen V, Castagna C, Pettersen SA, Saeterbakken A, Froyd C, Ylvisaker E, Naess Kjosnes T, Fusche Moe V: The Construct Validity of the CODA and Repeated Sprint Ability Tests in Football Referees. Int J Sports Med 2018, 39(8):619-624.
- Riiser A, Pettersen SA, Andersen V, Saeterbakken AH, Froyd C, Ylvisåker E, Moe VF: Accelerations and high intensity running in field and assistant football referees during match play. Science and Medicine in Football 2017, 1(3):280-287.
- Rossi A, Calogiuri G, Formenti D, Vitale JA, Weydahl A: The chronotype can influence the perceived exertion during self-paced exercise performed at different times of day. In.; 2013: 55-56.
- Rossi A, Formenti D, Vitale JA, Calogiuri G, Weydahl A: The effect of chronotype on psychophysiological responses during aerobic self-paced exercises. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2015, 121(3):840-855.
- Sagelv EH, Engseth TP, Pedersen S, Pettersen SA, Mathisen G, Heitmann KA, Welde B, Thomassen TO, Stoggl TL: Physiological Comparisons of Elite Male Visma Ski Classics and National Level Cross-Country Skiers During Uphill Treadmill Roller Skiing. Front Physiol 2018, 9(1523):1523.
- Sagelv EH, Hammer T, Hamsund T, Rognmo K, Pettersen SA, Pedersen S: High Intensity Long Interval Sets Provides Similar Enjoyment as Continuous Moderate Intensity Exercise. The Tromso Exercise Enjoyment Study. Front Psychol 2019, 10(JULY):1788.
- Sagelv EH, Pedersen S, Nilsen LPR, Casolo A, Welde B, Randers MB, Pettersen SA: Flywheel squats versus free weight high load squats for improving high velocity movements in football. A randomized controlled trial. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2020, 12:61.
- Sagelv EH, Selnaes I, Pedersen S, Pettersen SA, Randers MB, Welde B: Effects of Linear Versus Changes of Direction Repeated Sprints on Intermittent High Intensity Running Performance in High-level Junior Football Players over an Entire Season: A Randomized Trial. Sports (Basel) 2019, 7(8):14.
- Skauge M, Rafoss K: Gendered Exercise as an Expression of Gendered Meaning? Exercise Contexts and Motives Among Norwegian Youths 13–18 Years Old, 2010–2018 | A Summary. In.: Idrottsvetenskap, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskol; 2021.
- Staunton CA, Andersson EP, Skovereng K, Bjorklund G: Heart Rate Does Not Accurately Predict Metabolic Intensity During Variable-Intensity Roller Skiing or Cycling. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2022, 17(12):1664-1671.
- Stoggl T, Welde B, Supej M, Zoppirolli C, Rolland CG, Holmberg HC, Pellegrini B: Impact of Incline, Sex and Level of Performance on Kinematics During a Distance Race in Classical Cross-Country Skiing. J Sports Sci Med 2018, 17(1):124-133.
- Stoggl TL, Hertlein M, Brunauer R, Welde B, Andersson EP, Swaren M: Pacing, Exercise Intensity, and Technique by Performance Level in Long-Distance Cross-Country Skiing. Front Physiol 2020, 11:17.
- Stokke A, Weydahl A, Calogiuri G: Barn og fysisk aktivitet i barnehagen: Hvordan kan aktivitetsnivået dokumenteres? Nordisk Barnehageforskning 2014, 8(3):1-18.
- Torvik PO, Heimburg EDV, Sende T, Welde B: The effect of pole length on physiological and perceptual responses during G3 roller ski skating on uphill terrain. PLoS One 2019, 14(2):e0211550.
- Tutt AS, Persson H, Andersson EP, Ainegren M, Stenfors N, Hanstock HG: A heat and moisture-exchanging mask impairs self-paced maximal running performance in a sub-zero environment. European journal of applied physiology 2021, 121(7):1979-1992.
- Valstad SA, von Heimburg E, Welde B, van den Tillaar R: Comparison of Long and Short High-Intensity Interval Exercise Bouts on Running Performance, Physiological and Perceptual Responses. Sports Med Int Open 2018, 2(1):E20-E27.
- Vandbakk K, Welde B, Kruken AH, Baumgart J, Ettema G, Karlsen T, Sandbakk O: Effects of upper-body sprint-interval training on strength and endurance capacities in female cross-country skiers. PLoS One 2017, 12(2):e0172706.
- Vitale JA, Bjørkesett E, Campana A, Panizza G, Weydahl A: Chronotype and response to training during the polar night: a pilot study. International journal of circumpolar health 2017, 76(1).
- Vitale JA, Calogiuri G, Weydahl A: Influence of chronotype on responses to a standardized, self-paced walking task in the morning vs afternoon: A pilot study. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2013, 116(3):1020-1028.
- Vitale JA, Lombardi G, Weydahl A, Banfi G: Biological rhythms, chronodisruption and chrono-enhancement: The role of physical activity as synchronizer in correcting steroids circadian rhythm in metabolic dysfunctions and cancer. Chronobiol Int 2018, 35(9):1185-1197.
- Vitale JA, Roveda E, Montaruli A, Letizia G, Weydahl A, Caumo A, Carandente F: Chronotype influences activity circadian rhythm and sleep: Difference in sleep quality between weekdays and weekend. Chronobiology International 2015, 32(3):405-415.
- Vitale JA, Weydahl A: Chronotype, Physical Activity, and Sport Performance: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine 2017:1-10.
- Welde B, Morseth B, Handegard BH, Lagestad P: Effect of Sex, Body Mass Index and Physical Activity Level on Peak Oxygen Uptake Among 14-19 Years Old Adolescents. Front Sports Act Living 2020, 2(78):78.
- Welde B, Stoggl TL, Mathisen GE, Supej M, Zoppirolli C, Winther AK, Pellegrini B, Holmberg HC: The pacing strategy and technique of male cross-country skiers with different levels of performance during a 15-km classical race. PLoS One 2017, 12(11):e0187111.
- Weydahl A, Calogiuri G: Hydration in female drivers in a 1044 km dog sled race in Finnmark. In., vol. 25; 2014: 82-88.
Svein Arne Pettersen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Madison Taylor
Sigurd Pedersen
Øyvind Bucher Sandbakk
Kim Arne Heitmann
Karianne Hagerupsen
Tina Pettersen Engseth
Karin Helene Danielsen