PhD project: Physical activity and bone mass from adolescence to young adulthood. Fit Futures

The influence of physical activity on bone mass from adolescence to young adulthood. Fit Futures

PhD candidate: Tord Hammer

The aim of this project is to examine how physical activity influences bone mass development and the achievement of peak bone mass in Norwegian adolescents and young adults. We will investigate the associations between physical activity, sedentary behavior and bone mass from 16 to 27 years of age. Our overall aim is to contribute to knowledge-based primary preventive strategies to maximize bone health and prevent future fractures.

The project will analyze data from the cohort study Fit Futures, which has three waves of data collection (2010-11, 2012-13 and 2021-22), and recruited 1038 participants that were starting upper secondary school in the municipalities Tromsø and Balsfjord in 2010.

The project will specifically investigate the following research questions:

1. Are there longitudinal changes in self-reported and devise measured PA from adolescence (mean 16 years of age) to young adulthood (approximately 27 years of age)? Are there gender differences in PA patterns?

2. What are the prospective associations between PA levels and PBM timing and consolidation? Are there gender differences in the PA-bone relationship?

3. What are the effects of maintaining high/moderate/low levels of PA during late adolescence into young adulthood compared to decreasing or increasing such levels? Are there gender differences in the possible effect of considerable changes in PA on bone?

Project start: 09.2023
Project end: 10.2027
Project category: PhD project

Tore Christoffersen (Head supervisor)
Tord Markussen Hammer (PhD candidate)

Project members:
Tord Markussen Hammer (PhD candidate)
Tore Christoffersen (Head supervisor)
Jonas Johansson (Co-supervisor)
Elin K. Evensen (Co-supervisor)
Bente Morseth
Nina Emaus
Sigurd Beldo
Ole Andreas Nilsen
Anne Winther
Anne-Sofie Furberg
Guri Grimnes


Tord Markussen Hammer (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Bente Morseth
Jonas Johansson
Sigurd Klemetsen Beldo
Tore Christoffersen (Principal investigator)

Financial/grant information:

The project is internally funded.