Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter med data fra SAMINOR-undersøkelsen / Loahpahuvvon dutkanprošeavttat main geavahuvvojit dutkandieđut SAMINOR-iskkadeamis / Competed research projects using data from the SAMINOR Study
7750.00002. Iron status and prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis in a multiethnic population in Northern Norway.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) has an autosomal recessive inheritance. The C282Y homozygosity is the most common genetic mutation in persons of Northern European descent. A screen of two multiethnic populations in Northern Norway was performed to investigate whether the prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis was consistent with previous results in Northern Europe. Material and Methods: Participants in two population-based studies in Northern Norway were analyzed for serum ferritin (s-ferritin) and transferrin saturation. Participants with transferrin saturation or s-ferritin above the reference limits in two separate blood samples were tested for three different HFE mutations, namely C282Y, H63D and S65. Results: The estimated prevalence of the C282Y/C282Y mutation in the two municipalities studied was lower than in comparable studies in Norway. The prevalence was lowest in the Sør-Varanger population (men 0.19% and women 0.22%), which also had the highest proportion of individuals with Sami and Kven affiliation. In Tromsø the prevalence was consistent with previous results in Norway. Conclusions: The prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis is lower in multiethnic populations in Northern Norway than in previous studies from other parts of Norway.
Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Iron status in a multiethnic population (age 36–80 yr) in northern Norway: the SAMINOR study. European Journal of Haematology 2007, Volume 79, Issue 5, Page 447-454.
Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Melhus, Marita; Brustad, Magritt; Lund, Eiliv. Iron stores in relation to dietary patterns in a multiethnic population: the SAMINOR study. Public Health Nutr 2011, 14(6):1039-1046.
Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild: Iron status and prevalence of hereditary haemochromatosis in multiethnic population in northern Norway. The SAMINOR study. The Sør-Varanger study. The Tromsø V study. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM Skriftserie nr. 98. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2008. (ISBN 82-90263-10-4).
8010.00013. Living conditions and health among the Sami and other indigenous peoples in the Arctic.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: To artikler skal skrives:
1) Kardiovaskulær sykdom (CVD) er den vanligste dødsårsaken i Norge. I tillegg til faren for tidlig død, kan forekomsten av koronarsykdom og hjerneslag ha betydelige negative konsekvenser for pasientens helse og livsutfoldelse. En rekke risikofaktorer som tobakksbruk, alkoholforbruk, fedme, høyt blodtrykk og høyt totalkolesterol er knyttet til forekomst av CVD. Tidligere forskning viser også at risiko for utvikling av CVD og hypertensjon øker ved akkulturasjon. Undertegnede ønsker å undersøke en slik problemstilling i en samisk kontekst og da fokusere på marginalisering (den mest helseutsatte tilstanden av akkulturasjon).
2) Psykisk helse og akkulturasjon er et voksende fagfelt, men lite forskning er gjort i denne sammenheng i den samiske befolkning. Jeg ønsker å se på effekten av marginalisering på HSCL-10-scoren i den samiske befolkning.
Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Melhus, Marita; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild. Marginalisation and cardiovascular disease among rural Sami in Northern Norway: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:522.
Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Melhus, Marita; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild. Ethnic difference in the prevalence of angina pectoris in Sami and non-Sami populations: the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2014, 73: 21310.
Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Braaten, Tonje; Melhus, Marita; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild. Prevalence of self-reported myocardial infarction in Sami and non-Sami populations: the Saminor study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015,74: 24424.
Eliassen, Bent Martin. Social determinants of self-rated health and cardiovascular disease among the Sami and other Arctic indigenous peoples. The SLiCA study and the SAMINOR study. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 142. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2013. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-59-6).
8010.00043. Gender based violence, ethnicity and mental health - a subproject in SAMINOR 2.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: CECILIE JAVO.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Violence is assumed to have health consequences. Little is known of the differential effects of Gender based violence on women and men.The overall aim og this study is to provide cultural sensitive knowledge wich might inform clinical practice, as well as to controbute to the prevention of gender based violence (GBV), in particular in Sàmi areas. The study will explore the relationship between GBV and health outcomes, in particular mental health indicators.
Eriksen AM, Hansen KL, Javo C, Schei B. Emotional, physical and sexual violence among Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: The SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Scand J Public Health. 2015 May 12. pii: 1403494815585936. [Epub ahead of print]
Eriksen AMA, Schei B, Hansen KL, Sørlie T, Fleten N, Javo C. Childhood violence and adult chronic pain among indigenous Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: A SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2016, 75: 32798.
Eriksen, Astrid Margrethe Anette: “Breaking the silence”. Interpersonal violence and health among Sami and non-Sami – a population-based study in Mid- and Northern Norway. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 180. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2017. (ISBN 978-82-8378-001-7).
Eriksen AMA, Hansen KL, Schei B, Sørlie T, Stigum H, Bjertness E, Javo C. Childhood violence and mental health among indigenous Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: a SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2018, 77: 1508320.
8010.00050. Validering av selvrapportert hjerteinfarkt (MI) og hjerneslag/hjerneblødning, og oppfølgingsstudie av hjerte- og karsykdom og -død i SAMINOR 1.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: BENT-MARTIN ELIASSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Questionnaires are commonly used to collect data on the prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In Norway, however, very little research has been conducted concerning the validity of these questionnaires. Even less knowledge is available on the validity of these variables in the multiethnic population of northern Norway. Thus, in this study we shall measure the validity of self-reported myocardial infarction and stroke in the Sami and non-Sami populations of northern Norway. Data from SAMINOR 1 and CVDNOR shall be used.
Furthermore, we propose to conduct a follow-up study on CVD and death from CVD by using data from SAMINOR 1, CVDNOR and the Causes of Death Registry. Herein we shall explore if there are differences in the risk of CVD and CVD death between Sami and non-Sami. The follow-up time is 5 to 6 years. The endpoint is vast and includes a number of CVDs and cardiovascular related diseases.
Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Melhus, Marita; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Borch, Kristin Benjaminsen; Braaten, Tonje; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel. Validity of self-reported myocardial infarction and stroke in regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – The SAMINOR 1 Survey and the CVDNOR project.BMJ Open 2016 Nov 30; 6(11).
8010.00060: NordTRO: Religion og helse i Nord-Norge
Prosjektleder/ Principal investigator: ANNA RITA SPEIN
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Både norske og internasjonale studier har vist at personlig tro, religiøs tilhørighet og deltakelse i religiøse aktiviteter ofte er assosiert med bedre kroppslig og mental helse. Det er også studier som viser at noen former for religiøs tro og menighetsstrukturer kan være assosiert med økt grad av angst og depresjon. Voksne læstadianere har rapportert dårligere helse sammenlignet med andre religiøse grupper. Det mangler kunnskap om de positive og negative effektene religion har på helse i Nord-Norge, justert for samisk/ikke-samisk etnisitet. NordTRO er et forskningsprosjekt basert på data fra SAMINOR 2, del 1 – spørreskjemaundersøkelsen. Prosjektet har til hensikt å undersøke hvordan religiøs bakgrunn og/eller egen religiøs identitet påvirker helserelatert atferd, selvmordsatferd og bruk av helsetjenester i en multietnisk voksenpopulasjon i Nord-Norge.
Kiærbech H, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. Religion and Health In Arctic Norway—The association of religious and spiritual factors with non-suicidal self-injury in the Sami and non-Sami adult population—The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. Ment Health Relig Cult 2021, 24:7, 670-686.
Kiærbech H, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. Religion and Health in Arctic Norway – the association of religious and spiritual factors with suicidal behaviour in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey, Int J Circumpolar Health 2021, 80:1.
Kiærbech H, Broderstad AR, Silviken A, Lorem GF, Kristiansen RE, Spein AR. The association of religious factors with mental health-service utilisation and satisfaction in a mixed Sámi and Norwegian adult population: Adopting the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023; 82:1.
Kiærbech, Henrik. How Religion and Spirituality Impact Mental Health and Mental Help-Seeking Behavior in Arctic Norway: an Epidemiological Study Adopting the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. UiT Norgnes arktiske universitet, 2024 (ISBN 978-82-7589-971-0)
8010.00062. Use of traditional medicine (TM) in the SAMINOR 1 study.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: AGNETE KRISTOFFERSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Traditional medicine (TM) or "folk medicine" is knowledge, beliefes and traditions oncerning sickness, disease prevention, treatments and cures that are associated with a particular ethnic group. In northern Norway, the traditional folk medicine is influenced by the Sami folk medicine, reflecting the Sami understanding of nature, hamunity and life, shaped by both Christiany and traditional Sami nature worship. Examples are blood-stemming, laying on hands and "reading", the reciting of special verses known only to the healers. Use of traditional healing in northern Norway is presumed to be widely used, in particular in areas with inhabitants of Sami ethnicity. Knowledge about traditional medicine use in Sami areas is important to secure for a culture sensitive health care in these regions. The overall purpose of this proposal is therefore to present the prevalence and associations for TM use in areas with Sami and Norwegian population and examining the influence of ethnicity, geography, gender, age, education, household income, religiosity and self-reported health.
Kristoffersen AE, Stub T, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Prevalence and associations for use of a traditional medicine provider in the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a population-based study on Health and Living Conditions in Regions with Sami and Norwegian Populations. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017, 17:530.
8010.00082. Mental health in the Sámi and non-Sámi populations of Norway from 2004 to 2012
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: TROND HEIR
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Studiens formål er å frembringe ny kunnskap om psykiske vansker blant samiske voksne i Norge, sammenlignet med ikke-samisk befolkning bosatt i de samme områdene. Man vil benytte data fra SAMINOR 1 og SAMINOR 2 – spørreskjemaundersøkelsen. Studien har tre forskningsspørsmål: 1) Er det forskjell i forekomst av psykiske problemer (angst/depresjon) i samisk befolkning sammenliknet med ikke-samisk befolkning, og har forekomsten/forskjellene forandret seg over tid (fra 2003/2004 til 2012)? 2) Er det forskjeller i sammenhengen mellom psykisk helse og ulike risikofaktorer som rusproblemer, opplevd vold og overgrep, tidligere skoleinternat-liv, tidligere selvmordsforsøk og manglende familiær støtte, i de to etniske gruppene? 3) Er det forskjeller i forekomst av psykiske problemer og kontekstuelle faktorer mellom sørsamisk, lulesamisk og nord-samisk bosettingsområde?
Publikasjoner/Publications: Ingen/None
8010.00084. Vold og overgrep og helse i flerkulturelle samfunn
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ASTRID M.A. ERIKSEN
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Det er kjent at vold har en negativ påvirkning på flere helseutfall. De overordnede målene med denne studien er å få mer kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom helseplager og det å ha blitt utsatt for vold og overgrep blant samiske og ikke-samisk befolkning. Videre vil prosjektet frembringe kunnskap om psykososial helse blant samer og ikke-samer som bor i rurale og urbane områder. Prosjektet vil bruke data både fra SAMINOR 2 – spørreskjemaundersøkelsen og ‘Fra bygd til by’. Ved å innhente opplysninger fra Reseptregisteret, vil vi se på om samer og ikke-samer mottar ulik behandling for psykiske helseplager og for kroniske smerter.
Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Jacobsen BK, Schei B, Broderstad AR. Intimate partner violence and its association with mental health problems: The importance of childhood violence – The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. Scandinavian J Public Health 2021, 50(8):140349482110244.
Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Jacobsen BK, Broderstad AR. Mental distress in subjects who did, or did not, move from rural Sami core areas to cities in Norway: The impact of Sami ethnicity. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift 2021; 98: 758-769.
Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Schei B, Skurtveit S, Broderstad AR. Opioid prescriptions among Sami and non-Sami with chronic pain: The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey and the Norwegian Prescription Database, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023, 82:1
Eriksen AMA, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Smylie J. Prescription of benzodiazepines and antidepressants among Sami and non-Sami — How childhood violence shapes prescription patterns: the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire survey and the Norwegian prescription database. BMC Public Health 2024; 3084.
8010.00092. Fysisk aktivitet og psykisk helse.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: KRISTIN BENJAMINSEN BORCH.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Tidligere forskning har vist en sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitet og redusert risiko for mentale helseproblemer. Det er derimot lite kunnskap om dette i samisk befolkning. Spørsmålet vi stiller er derfor: Er det en sammenheng mellom fysisk aktivitet og mental helse blant voksne samer og ikke-samer i Norge? Formålet er å undersøke sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitetsnivå og mental helse blant samisk og ikke-samisk populasjon. Videre skal det undersøkes om sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og mental helse er ulik for samer og ikke-samer og for kvinner og menn innen hver etnisk gruppe. Masteroppgaven planlegges å omformes til en vitenskapelig artikkel.
Åse Karlsen Lund: The association between physical activity and mental health among adults in Sami and non-Sami population in Norway – the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey. A cross sectional study. Master thesis in Public Health. UiT, 2022.
8030.00083. Etnisk diskriminering i relasjon til fysisk og mental helse i samiske bosetningsområder.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: KETIL LENERT HANSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Self-reported ethnic discrimination has been associated to a range of health outcomes. This study build on previous work in Norway to further investigates the prevalence of self-reported experience of ethnic discrimination and bullying among indigenous Sami population, and associations with multiple health measures. In last years, evidence indicating discrimination as an important determinant of health. The majority of ethnic discrimination research has been undertaken in adult populations. Among adult population, reported ethnic discrimination is higher among indigenous and minority populations. In Norway, indigenous Sami adult people, experience significant more discrimination than ethnic Norwegians, and experiencing ethnic discrimination was associated with adverse self-reported overall health status and psychological stress (anxiety and depression symptoms). The overall goal of this project is to continue the research on discrimination and health from the first SAMINOR study and study what other factors associated with perceived discrimination and negative health consequences.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Diskriminering av samer i Norge. I Samiske tall forteller 9. Kommentert samisk statistikk 2016, Sámi allaskuvla (2016), s. 124-147.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Minton, Stephen; Friborg, Oddgeir; Sørlie, Tore. Discrimination amongst Arctic Indigenous Sami and Non-Sami Populations in Norway - The SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Study. Journal of Northern Studies 2017; Volum 10 (2), s. 45-84.
Friborg, Oddgeir; Sørlie, Tore; Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Resilience to Discrimination Among Indigenous Sami and Non-Sami Populations in Norway: The SAMINOR2 Study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2017; Volum 48 (7), s. 1009-1027.
Sørlie, Tore; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Friborg, Oddgeir. Do Norwegian Sami and non-indigenous individuals understand questions about mental health similarly? A SAMINOR 2 study. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2018; 77(1): 1481325.
8030.00091. Physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in ethnic groups in Finnmark County, Norway.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: RUNE HERMANSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Finnmark county has had the highest coronary and total mortality in Norway. Reports have shown that the cholesterol level was higher than national average and the proportion smokers was the highest in Norway. Samis were more physical active and had lower heart rate than Norse in data from 1987. The lower heart rate among Samis, could be a result of a higher aerob activity at work and better fitness. We want to examine if these findings could give health benefits on hard end-points as cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.
Hermansen R, Broderstad AR, Jacobsen BK, Mähönen M, Wilsgaard T, Morseth B. The impact of changes in leisure time physical activity on changes in cardiovascular risk factors: results from The Finnmark 3 Study and SAMINOR 1, 1987–2003. Int J Circumpolar Health 2018, 77:1, 1459145.
Hermansen, Rune: Physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors, and mortality in ethnic groups in the Arctic region of Norway Results from two population-based studies: The Finnmark 3 study 1987-1988 and SAMINOR 1 2003-2004. Ph.d.- avhandling. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2020. (ISBN 978-82-7589-676-4).
8030.00107. Konsekvenser av lokale utslipp på nivåer av PFOS i mennesker – Harstad/Narvik lufthavn pilotstudie.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: SOLRUNN HANSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Det er nettopp påvist svært høye nivåer av miljøgiften PFOS i to vann og i grunnvannet rundt Harstad/Narvik lufthavn etter lang tids bruk av stoffet på flyplassen. Nivåene i vann og fisk er over anbefalte grenseverdier, og tiltak og videre undersøkelser anbefales. Det skal være populært å fiske i disse vannene. Samtidig som dette ble klart, ble innsamlingen av blodprøver, kliniske og antropometriske data inkludert kosthold fra 1050 deltagere i «Helse og levekårsundersøkelsen i områder med samisk og norsk bosetting» SAMINOR 2 avsluttet i Skånland og Evenes kommune. Ved å kontakte deltagere som spiser innlandsfisk på nytt kan vi raskt få oversikt over hvor mange som bruker fisk fra berørt vassdrag. Analyse av 50 blodprøver fra de som spiser denne fisken vil gi oss en klar indikasjon på nivåer i berørt befolkning. Dette vil raskt kunne gi oss en indikasjon på andelen av befolkningen som er berørt og vil danne grunnlaget for en eventuell større studie på mulige effekter av dette.
Hansen, Solrunn; Vestergren, Robin; Herzke, Dorte; Melhus, Marita; Evenset, Anita; Hanssen, Linda; Brustad, Magritt; Sandanger, Torkjel Manning. Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances through the consumption of fish from lakes affected by aqueous film-forming foam emissions – A combined epidemiological and exposure modeling approach. The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Study. Environment International 94 (2016) 272–282.
8030.00108. Aspects of self-reported oral health among indigenous Sami and non-Sami adults in Northern- and Mid-Norway. A cross-sectional study.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: TORDIS TROVIK.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: The last 30 years have seen a significant improvement in dental health. Studies shows fewer tooth extractions; the number of natural teeth increases and the number of teeth with treatment increases. These changes have occurred in parallel with an increased availability of dentists. In the population >21 years, 3/4 reports that their dental health is good, while 1/10 does not visit a dentist, despite that they report they have a need for dental care. The overall positive trend is not equally distributed in the country. Studies have shown that social inequalities in health is an important underlying cause of disease development. On the other hand, a national cross-sectional study showed a relatively weak correlation between social status and oral health status. Finnmark had the lowest percentages of children/adolescents with no caries-experience and dental health and use of dental health services is particularly poor in the areas with large Sami populations. Additionally, knowledge on dental health status among adults in Finnmark is rare. Information in this study did not include ethnicity. The overall aim of the project is to study aspects of self-reported oral health in the adult population in selected municipalities in Northern and Central Norway with large Sami populations. Further, to analyze dental health behavior, experience and satisfaction with dental health and dental health services related to gender, age and risk factors for dental diseases. The study is based on Saminor-2-data (2012); n=11600 participated; the response rate was 27%, and 34% participants reported Sami affiliation.
Vakulenko, Ivan: Aspects of self-reported oral health among adults in selected municipalities in Northern- and Mid-Norway. A cross - sectional study SAMINOR-2-DENT. Based on material from the SAMINOR-2 study. Master thesis in Public Health. UiT, Jun 2016.
Teterina, Anna: Self-reported oral health. A crodd sectional study in the municipalities with mixed Sami and Norwegian population in Northern and Mid-Norway. Master thesis in Public Health. UiT, May 2018.
8030.00109. Hemoglobin og jernstatus i samisk og norsk befolkning i 10 utvalgte kommuner i nord. SAMINOR studien.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: The SAMINOR survey is a population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with both Sami and Norwegian settlements.
The first SAMINOR study was conducted in 2003-2004. In 2012 the Centre for Sami Health Research initiated a follow up survey, SAMINOR 2. The data collection was done in two parts. Part 1, a questionnaire study in the same areas where SAMINOR1 was carried out, was conducted in 2012. It included 11 600 participants between 18 – 69 years. The clinical part (part 2) was done in the period September 2012 to June 2014, where all inhabitants aged 40-79 years in 10 municipalities in Northern Norway were invited. In total, 6004 persons visited the research station, a participation rate of 48 %. In this clinical part, focus have been addressed diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, but also enclose contaminants, dental health and sleeping behaviors. Data consist of a self-administered questionnaire, blood sampling and physical examination like height and weight, abdominal/hip circumference and blood pressure.
The aim of this particular studentproject is to describe the distribution of Hb and iron status among Sami and non-Sami population in Northern Norway.
Grønmo, Jon Ande Fors. Hemoglobin og jernstatus i ei multietnisk befolkning i nord: SAMINOR 2. Femteårsoppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin). UiT, September 2016.
8030.00110. Klassifisering av diabetes mellitus i SAMINOR 1.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Diabetes mellitus is a part of the SAMINOR study performed among the rural population in Northern Norway and the Sami population in particular. The survey is a public health investigation conducted within the epidemiological methodological framework with both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Diabetes mellitus is one of the major clinical parts of the SAMINOR study. This study demonstrated a high prevalence of overweight and obesity. Information about self-reported diabetes mellitus was available, in addition to body mass index, blood pressure, and blood lipids. Obesity is a strong indicator for developing diabetes mellitus. In the SAMINOR study diabetes mellitus was identified using a questionnaire, in addition to measured random plasma glucose = 11.1 mmol/L in participants whom did not report diabetes mellitus.
Naseribafrouei, Ali; Eliassen, Bent-Martin; Melhus, Marita, Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild. Ethnic difference in the prevalence of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus in regions with Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway – the SAMINOR1 study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2016, 75: 31697.
Naseribafrouei, Ali. The prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway. The SAMINOR Study. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 203. UiT Norges arktiske universitet. 2019. (ISBN 978-82-83 78-024-6).
8030.00112. The SAMINOR 2 clinical study – A population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with both Sami and Norwegian settlements. Study objectives, design, purpose and some results.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: The SAMINOR survey is a population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with both Sami and Norwegian settlements. The first SAMINOR study was conducted in 2003-2004. In 2012 the Centre for Sami Health Research initiated a follow up survey, SAMINOR 2. The data collection was done in two parts. Part 1, a questionnaire study in the same areas where SAMINOR1 was carried out, was conducted in 2012. It included 11 600 participants between 18 – 69 years. The clinical part (part 2) was done in the period September 2012 to June 2014, where all inhabitants aged 40-79 years in 10 municipalities in Northern Norway were invited. In total, 6004 persons visited the research station, a participation rate of 48 %. In this clinical part, focus have been addressed diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, but also enclose contaminants, dental health and sleeping behaviors. Data consist of a self-administered questionnaire, blood sampling and physical examination like height and weight, abdominal/hip circumference and blood pressure. The aim of this particular project is to describe the SAMINOR2 clinical study - study objectives, design, methods and some overall results.
Broderstad, AR, Hansen S, Melhus M. The second clinical survey of the population-based study on health and living conditions in regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey: Performing indigenous health research in a multiethnic landscape. Scandinavian J Public Health 2019: 1403494819845574. Published online 6 May 2019.
8030.00120. Self-reported myocardial infarction in Sami and non-Sami populations in northern Norway. The SAMINOR study.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: The main aim of this postdoc project is to present the prevalence of self-reported myocardial infarction by sex among Sami and non-Sami populations in 10 municipalities in northern Norway. A secondary aim is to assess if/how biological and behavioural risk factors – in particular socioeconomic status (SES) – impact the disease distributions. Data from the SAMINOR 1 study of 2003–2004 and the SAMINOR 2 clinical study of 2012–2014, shall be used. Despite a growing literature, we still do not know how the various populations in northern Norway are doing with regard to cardiovascular risk and disease burden. This merits studies exploring potential ethnic and regional diversity in cardiovascular health in this region. Ethnicity is rarely a source of causal knowledge but is directly or indirectly related to factors such as culture, diet, lifestyle, access to and concordance with health care advice, stress, and socioeconomic status. The latter is an extremely powerful predictor of premature heart disease. The SAMINOR 1 sample is considered representative for the general population in the rural areas of northern Norway. Analyses of non-response in the SAMINOR 2 clinical study is to be done; an overall concordance between responders and non-responders with regard to variables relevant to population health is however expected. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The project was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, north division (REC North). The manuscripts shall be submitted to relevant scientific journals.
Prosjektendring/Project changes: Principal investigator changed from Bent-Martin Eliassen to Ann Ragnhild Broderstad.
Prosjektet er relatert til prosjekt 8030.00124 som har resultert i følgende publikasjoner/ This project is related to project 8030.00124 which has resulted in the following publications:
Siri SRA, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Eliassen BM. Distribution of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations: The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Scand J Public Health 2018: 1403494818773534.
Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Michalsen VL, Braaten T. Changes in conventional cardiovascular risk factors and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations in two population-based cross-sectional surveys: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e028939. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-028939.
Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Broderstad AR, Melhus M, Michalsen VL, Jacobsen BK, Burchill LJ. Coronary heart disease and stroke in the Sami and non-Sami populations in rural Northern and Mid Norway—the SAMINOR Study. Open Heart 2020; 7:e001213. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2019-001213.
8030.00124. Cardiovascular disease and its risk factors in the multi-ethnic population of Northern Norway. (Opprinnelig tittel: Socioeconomic status and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the multi-ethnic population of Northern Norway.)
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: By using data from the SAMINOR 1 study (2003–2004) and the SAMINOR 2 clinical study (2012–2014), we propose to calculate and assess the total risk of CVD in the multi-ethnic population of Northern Norway in two cross sections. This is to be done by using conventional biological risk factors, NORRISK (norsk risikomodell) and other appropriate CVD risk models such as the Framingham risk score. We also suggest linking SAMINOR 1 data with endpoint data from the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) project and the Norwegian Causes of Death Register as to evaluated total risk for CVD and CVD death within a period of 5–6 years. Another aim is to explore if the proposed risk assessments varies by socioeconomic status. Despite a growing body of literature, we still do not know how the various populations in northern Norway are doing with regard to cardiovascular risk and disease burden. This merits studies exploring potential ethnic diversity in cardiovascular health in this region. The SAMINOR 1 sample is considered representative for the general population in the rural areas of northern Norway. Analyses of non-response in the SAMINOR 2 clinical study is to be done; an overall concordance between responders and non-responders with regard to variables relevant to population health is however expected. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The project was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, north division (REC North). The manuscripts shall be submitted to relevant scientific journals.
Prosjektendringer/Project changes:
1) By linking SAMINOR 1 and SAMINOR 2 The clinical survey we propose to follow individuals having participated in both surveys (n= ~3000), and explore if there over time are any ethnic differences (Sami vs non-Sami) in the levels of the following CVD risk factors: smoking, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, ApoB/ApoA-1, blood pressure and resting heart rate. 2) Using baseline data from SAMINOR 1, and endpoint data from the CVDNOR project, Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Causes of Death Registry, we shall assess if there are ethnic differences (Sami vs. non-Sami) in CVD (ICD 10: I00–99) incidence (main or secondary hospital discharge diagnoses, or out-of-hospital deaths [underlying cause]) over a 12–14 years period (2003/2004–2016).
Principal investigator changed from Bent-Martin Eliassen to Ann Ragnhild Broderstad.
Siri SRA, Braaten T, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Eliassen BM. Distribution of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations: The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Scand J Public Health 2018: 1403494818773534. Published online 27 May 2018.
Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Michalsen VL, Braaten T. Changes in conventional cardiovascular risk factors and the estimated 10-year risk of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations in two population-based cross-sectional surveys: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e028939. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-028939.
Siri SRA, Eliassen BM, Broderstad AR, Melhus M, Michalsen VL, Jacobsen BK, Burchill LJ. Coronary heart disease and stroke in the Sami and non-Sami populations in rural Northern and Mid Norway—the SAMINOR Study. Open Heart 2020; 7:e001213. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2019-001213.
Siri, Susanna Ragnhild Andersdatter. Cardiovascular risk factors and incidence of acute myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke in Sami and non-Sami populations — The SAMINOR Study. Doktorgradsavhandling. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2021 (ISBN 978-82-7589-727-3).
8030.00125. Er rusbruk assosiert med tidligere selvmordsforsøk blant samiske og norske voksne i Nord-Norge? Helse- og levekårsundersøkelsen - SAMINOR 2.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANNE SILVIKEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Several studies have documented that suicide is a serious public health problem in the Arctic region, both in the general population and especially among several indigenous people. Suicide attempts can be considered as a part of the suicidal process, but may in many respects be another phenomena. However, suicide attempters represent a risk group. About 10 % of suicide attempters are estimated to die by suicide in a lifetime perspective. There is a strong association between self-destructive behavior such as suicide attempts and substance use/abuse. Both suicide attempts and substance use/abuse can function as negative coping strategies in the struggle to live with mental health problems and/or to regulate negative affects. In addition, alcohol, both substance use and abuse disorder, is well-known risk factors for suicidal behaviour, and can both function as an proximal and distal risk factor. Method: This study is using data from a population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with mixed Sami and Norwegian settlements – the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study.
Helander, Lars Robert. The relationship between suicidal behavior and substance use among ethnic diverse adults in mid- and northern Norway. Data from the population-based SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Masteroppgave i psykologi UiT, Mai 2016.
8030.00128. The prevalence of psychotropic medication use among Sami and non-Sami in Northern Norway.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANNE SILVIKEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Mental health problems such as internalizing symptoms (anxiety and depression) are common phenomena in the general population and has been referred to as a new public health disease. Knowledge of disease burden related to internalizing symptoms such as anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as use psychotropic medication in the Sami adult population is limited. Several studies have reported that indigenous people in general use public help services less frequent than the majority population, but a similar pattern is not found among both adolescents and adult Sami in Norway. Bals and colleges (2010) found no ethnic differences in self-reported use of help services among Sami and non-Sami adolescents during 2003/04, and a master thesis from the SAMINOR 1 study (2003) showed that adult Sami reported visiting their regular GP just as often as the non-Sami (Hansen, 2015b). In a register based study on use of health care, expenditure rates were found to be similar in municipalities with a high number of Sami residents compared to other rural municipalities (Gaski, Melhus, Deraas & Førde, 2011). Population based health research is essential for understanding health situation and living conditions in the Sami population. Scientific-based knowledge on topics such as mental health and use of medication is important in prevention and implementation of means to improve the health services in multi-ethnic areas in North Norway.
8030.00129. Diabetes-utbredelse i Helse- og levekårsundersøkelsen SAMINOR i områder med samisk og norsk besetting.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Diabetes mellitus is one of the major clinical parts of the SAMINOR study performed among the rural population in Northern Norway and the Sami population in particular. The survey is a public health investigation conducted within the epidemiological methodological framework with both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. The SAMINOR Study has been carried through twice. The first SAMINOR Study demonstrated a high prevalence of overweight and obesity. Obesity is a strong indicator for developing diabetes mellitus. In the present study we will estimate the prevalence of diaetes mellitus in both SAMIOR 1 and SAMINOT 2 clinical part. In the SAMINOR study diabetes mellitus was identified using a questionnaire, in addition to measured random plasma glucose = 11.1 mmol/L in participants whom did not report diabetes mellitus. This information in also available in SAMINOR 2 clinical part in addition to HbA1c. SAMINOR 1 and 2 will be merged and both point prevalence and incidence will be calculated.
Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Svartberg J, Broderstad AR. Prevalence of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami men and women in Northern Norway – The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey, Int J Circumpolar Health 2018, 77:1, 1463786.
Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Svartberg J, Broderstad AR. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway – the SAMINOR 1 Survey (2003–2004) and the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey (2012–2014). Rural and Remote Health 2018; 18: 4623.
Naseribafrouei, Ali. The prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway. The SAMINOR Study. PhD thesis. ISM skriftserie nr. 203. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2019 (ISBN 978-82-83 78-024-6).
Naseribafrouei A, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Svarberg J, Broderstad AR. Estimated 8-year cumulative incidence of diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami inhabitants of Northern Norway - The SAMINOR Study. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2019; 19:66.
8030.00130. Fedme og overvekt i Helse- og levekårsundersøkelsen SAMINOR i områder med samisk og norsk besetting.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Obesity is one of the main health indicators measured in the SAMINOR Study performed among the rural population in Northern Norway and the Sami population in particular. The survey is a public health investigation conducted within the epidemiological methodological framework with both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. The SAMINOR Study has been carried through twice. The first SAMINOR Study demonstrated a high prevalence of overweight and obesity. Obesity is a strong indicator for developing several chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris and cancer. In the present study we will estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in both SAMINOR 1 and SAMINOR 2 clinical part. Body mass index and waist circumference are used as unit of measurement in both surveys.
Jacobsen BK, Melhus M, Kvaløy K, Siri SRA, Michalsen VL, Broderstad AR. A descriptive study of ten-year longitudinal changes in weight and waist circumference in the multiethnic rural Northern Norway. The SAMINOR Study, 2003-2014. PLoS ONE 2020;15(2): e0229234. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229234.
8030.00139. Langvarig smerte i en samisk og ikke-samisk befolkning.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ELIN DAMSGÅRD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Persistent pain is the most common reason for sick leave and disability pension in Norway, with major economic costs to society as well as suffering for those affected. Pain is more frequent in groups with low income and low education as well as in women compared to men, and it is associated with psychological factors. Northern Norway is a multicultural society with several municipalities characterized by Sami or Kven populations. There is a lack of knowledge about the prevalence of persistent pain and associated factors in the different ethnic groups. The aim of this cross-sectional study is to identify and compare pain and associated factors in a population based study with participants of sami, non sami and kven background. Knowledge in this area will contribute to form the basis of preventative and treatment strategies for persistent pain. The project is a collaboration between with the Centre for Sami Health Research (SSHF) at the University of Tromsø UiT, the Department of Health and Care Sciences, UiT, the Department of Community Medicine (UiT) and the Department of Clinical Medicine (UiT). Epidemiological data (register data) collected by SSHF in the period 2014-2015 is analyzed.
Damsgård E, Thrane G, Fleten N, Bagge J, Sørlie T, Anke A, Broderstad AR. Persistent pain associated with socioeconomic and personal factors in a Sami and Non-Sami population in Norway: an analysis of SAMINOR 2 survey data, International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2020, 79(1): 1787022, DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2020.1787022.
8030.00156. Physical activity in Sami and non-Sami populations in Northern Norway. The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator/Project summary: KRISTIN BENJAMINSEN BORCH.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Strong evidence shows that physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour increases the risk of several health conditions, including non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers, depression and risk of falls. Knowledge regarding the contemporary levels of physical activity (PA) in rural regions of Northern Norway is, however lacking, and especially with regard to the Sami population herein. In the second survey of the Population-based Study on Health and Living Conditions in Regions with Sami and Norwegian Populations – the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey (2012–2014), a questionnaire was used to collect data on ethnicity and several modifiable lifestyle factors, PA levels included. The survey also included a clinical examination. All inhabitants in 10 municipalities in the age interval 40–79 were invited. In total, 12 455 individuals were invited and 6004 participated (response rate: 48.2%). The purpose of this project is to measure and assess possible differences in the levels of PA in Sami and non-Sami populations in Northern Norway.
Prosjektendringer/Project changes: Principal investigator changed from Bent-Martin Eliassen to Kristin Benjaminsen Borch.
Borch KB, Eliassen BM, Melhus M, Damsgård E, Broderstad AR. Physical activity in Sami and non-Sami populations in rural Northern Norway, the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. BMC Public Health 2021, 21:1665. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11744-2.
8030.00167. Metabolic syndrome in a multi-ethnic population in Northern Norway – The SAMINOR Study.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is recognized as a reliable long-term predictor of adverse health outcomes. Information on the prevalence of chronic disease in various ethnic groups of Northern Norway is sparse. The Population-based Study on Health and Living conditions in Regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – The SAMINOR Study performed among the rural multi-ethnic population in Northern Norway was designed in an effort to address the lack of health information about the indigenous people in Norway – the Sami. The study consists of two cross-sectional surveys, SAMINOR 1 and SAMINOR 2, both conducted within an epidemiological methodological framework. The SAMINOR Study includes several public health related themes with an interdisciplinary approach, covering research questions on lifestyle and risk factors related to diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM) and MetS. The present project on MetS will fit in with the strategies of Helse Nord´s research, as it will bring new knowledge regarding non-communicable disease among the Sami and non-Sami population living in Northern Norway. In the proposed project, based on data from the SAMINOR Study, we will study the prevalence and time trends of MetS, the relation of anthropometric measures and level of MetS components, and to what degree MetS predicts mortality in the population of Northern Norway.
Prosjektendring/Project changes: A fourth paper has been added to this project, which will examine the correlation between BMI and height and estimate a population-specific weight-for-height index and compare this index in Sami and non-Sami.
Michalsen VL, Kvaløy K, Svartberg J, Siri SRA, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Change in prevalence and severity of metabolic syndrome in the Sami and non-Sami population in rural Northern Norway using a repeated cross-sectional population-based study design: the SAMINOR Study. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e027791. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027791.
Michalsen VL, Braaten T, Kvaløy K, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Relationships between metabolic markers and obesity measures in two populations that differ in stature—the SAMINOR Study. Obes Sci Pract. 2020. DOI: 10.1002/osp4.404.
Michalsen VL, Wild SH, Kvaløy K, Svartberg J, Melhus M, Broderstad AR. Obesity measures, metabolic health and their association with 15-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a population-based cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021; 21:510. DOI: 10.1186/s12872-021-02288-9.
Michalsen VL, Coucheron DA, Kvaløy K, Melhus M. Sex-specific height-correction of weight in a population with ethnic groups that differ in stature - the SAMINOR 1 Survey: a cross-sectional study. Socialmedicinsk tidsskrift 2021; 98: 802-312. https://socialmedicinsktidskrift.se/index.php/smt/article/view/2609/2483.
Michalsen, Vilde Lehne. Metabolic syndrome, obesity and ethnicity—The SAMINOR Study. Doktorgradsavhandling. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2021 (ISBN 978-82-7589-827-0). https://hdl.handle.net/10037/22512.
8030.00186. Internatskoleerfaringer og resiliens sett i sammenheng med utdanning, selvrapporterte overgrep, diskriminering, mobbing, velvære og helse – en SAMINOR studie.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: TORE SØRLIE.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Internatskoler var det viktigste virkemidlet i fornorskningen av samene og de finske innvandrerne i Norge som ble iverksatt med stor tyngde i 1850 årene. På 1900-tallet bodde rundt 1/3 av skolebarna i Finnmark på skoleinternat fra de var fra 7 til 14 år gamle. I tillegg til adskillelse fra hjemmemiljøet og undervisning på norsk, måtte elevene underordne seg norske rollemodeller, holdninger og leveregler. Tidligere internatskoleelever har rapportert hyppig emosjonell, fysisk eller seksuell vold under internatskoleopphold. Det er vist at mobbing på skolen og dårlig opplevd skoleklima er forbundet med nedsatte skoleprestasjoner, lavere utdanningsnivå og dårligere helse. Det foreligger imidlertid ikke studier som på gruppenivå kan utsi noe om forskjeller mellom dem med og uten internatskoleerfaringer fra Norge. Vi vil også studere betydningen av personlige, familie og nettverksrelaterte resiliens faktorer. Internatskoleerfaringer ble best kartlagt i SAMINOR 1 med tre spørsmål om tidspunkt og varighet av internatskoleopphold. I SAMINOR 2 var det kun ett ja/nei spørsmål om internatskoleopphold. I SAMINOR1 bekreftet 2613 personer erfaring med internatskole. Tilsvarende antall i SAMINOR 2 var 1442. Av de 4671 som deltok i både SAMINOR 1 og 2, svarte 583 ja på spørsmålene om internatskole. Selvrapportert vold og overgrep, posttraumatiske stressreaksjoner og resiliensfaktorer ble kun rapportert i SAMINOR 2. For å utnytte de mer utfyllende internatskole dataene fra SAMINOR 1 sett i relasjon til data om vold, overgrep, posttraumatiske stressreaksjoner, livskvalitet og resiliens fra SAMINOR 2, må data fra disse to studiene kobles.
Friborg O, Sørlie T, Schei B, Javo C, Sørbye Ø, Hansen KL. Do Childhood Boarding School Experiences Predict Health, Well-Being and Disability Pension in Adults? A SAMINOR Study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020. doi: 10.1177/0022022120962571.
8030.00215. Selvmordsatferd blant samer og nordmenn i Nord-Norge – Forekomst, assosierte risiko- og beskyttende faktorer.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANNE SILVIKEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Suicide rates in the Arctic region are in general high, and the highest rates are found among some indigenous populations, and the rates are especially high among young indigenous males aged 15-24 years old. A significant moderate increased risk for suicide was found among Sami in Northern Norway in the time period 1970-1998 (estimated suicide rate 19 per 100 000 p.y.) (Silviken, Haldorsen & Kvernmo, 2006). On the other hand, another study from the North Norwegian Youth Study found no ethnic differences in prevalence of suicide attempts between Sami adolescents and their non-Sami peers in Arctic Norway (Silviken & Kvernmo, 2007). In the SLiCA Study, reported suicidal thoughts was compared between Swedish Sami, Norwegian Sami, Greenlandic and Alaskan Inuit. The prevalence was lowest among Swedish Sami, followed by Norwegian Sami (Broderstad, Eliassen & Melhus, 2011). The prevalence of suicide ideation, attempts and self-harm, have never before been explored in the Sami and Norwegian populations in Northern Norway in a systematic way. This study is based on the second survey of the Population-based Study on Health and Living Conditions in regions with Sami and Norwegian populations – the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire Survey.
The aims of the study are to explore:
Suicidal behavior and associated risk- and protective factors among the adult population in Northern Norway. Factors that will be examined for association to suicidal behavior includes resilience factors (personal strength and family cohesion – The Resilience Scale for Adults (Friborg et al. (2005)), interpersonal violence (physical, psychological and sexual violence), discrimination, and experience of boarding schools. Analysis will focus on differences in patterns of associated factors due to gender, age, ethnicity and geographical area.
8030.00461. Sammenhengen mellom emosjonell vold i barndommen og bruk av spesialisthelsetjenester i voksen alder i samisk og ikke-samisk populasjon.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: Anja Davis Norbye
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Vonde opplevelser i barndommen kan øke risikoen for å utvikle fysisk og psykisk sykdom i voksen alder. Fysisk og psykisk sykdom er assosiert med økt bruk av tjenester i spesialisthelsetjenesten. Funn fra tidligere studier tyder på at det er vanligere med negative opplevelser i barndommen blant de med urfolksbakgrunn, sammenlignet med de uten urfolksbakgrunn. Det mangler forskning på sammenhengen mellom negative opplevelser i barndommen og bruk av spesialisthelsetjeneste blant voksne i den samiske og ikke-samiske befolkningen. Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke sammenhengen mellom det å ha opplevd emosjonell vold i barndommen og bruk av spesialisthelsetjenesten i voksen alder ved hjelp av data fra SAMINOR 2 del 1 – spørreskjemaundersøkelsen. Masteroppgaven planlegges å omformes til en vitenskapelig artikkel.
Farhiyo Ahmed Osman: The association between emotional violence in childhood and the utilization of specialist healthcare in adults among Sami and non-Sami population: The SAMINOR 2 questionnaire survey. Masteroppgave Public Health, UiT, 2022.
8030.00546. Emotional violence in childhood is associated with higher utilization of somatic and psychiatric specialist healthcare in adulthood.
Videreføring av prosjekt 8030.00461.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: Anja Davis Norbye
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Tidligere forskning har vist at vold i barndommen har sammenheng med psykiske og somatisk sykdommer. Det er derimot mindre kjent om emosjonell vold i barndom øker helsetjenesteforbruk i voksen alder. Tidligere studier indikerer at urfolk i større grad enn majoritetsbefolkningen bruker spesialisthelsetjenester. I Norge har vi lite informasjon om helsetjenestebruk i spesialisthelsetjenesten i vår populasjon. Vi ønsker derfor å undersøke om en eventuell sammenheng mellom emosjonell vold i barndom og spesialisthelsetjenestebruk er ulik blant samer og ikke-samer. For å undersøke denne sammenhengen skal vi bruke data fra befolkningsundersøkelsen SAMINOR 2 – en spørreundersøkelse fra 2012 der innbyggere fra 25 kommuner i Nord- og Midt-Norge med samisk og ikke-samisk bakgrunn ble invitert til å delta. Spørreskjemaet inkluderer mange ulike spørsmål, som både omhandler sosioøkonomiske og demografiske spørsmål, helserelaterte spørsmål og spørsmål om sosiale forhold. I denne studien vil vi bruke deltakernes svar om etnisitet, vold og ulik helsetjenestebruk. Totalt har 11 600 deltakere besvart spørreskjemaet. I tillegg til å undersøke om det er etniske forskjeller i bruk i spesialisthelsetjenester, ønsker vi også å undersøke om sammenhengen er ulik mellom bruk av somatisk og psykiatrisk spesialisthelsetjeneste.
Osman FA, Eriksen AM, Norbye AMD. The association between emotional abuse in childhood and healthcare utilization in adulthood among sami and non-sami: the SAMINOR 2 Questionnaire survey. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 754.
8110.00003. Kosthold og ernæring i den norske samiske befolkningen – SAMINOR2 klinisk del.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: MAGRITT BRUSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Based on recent scientific evidence, dietary risk factors account largely for the burden of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes in the Norwegian population. In general, there is a lack of population-based dietary studies in Norway. Recently, there has been a growing interest in vitamin D status, its optimal level and food sources. There are still knowledge gaps and inconsistencies in this research area. To the best of our knowledge, no large-scale mixed-gender studies on food / nutrient intakes and vitamin D status in relation to ethnicity, which cover an extensive geographical area of the northern part of Norway, have been conducted. The postdoctoral project “Diet and nutrition in the Norwegian Sami population – the SAMINOR 2 clinical study” is a sub-project of the SAMINOR 2 clinical study. Data were collected in 10 selected municipalities in the traditionally Sami core areas of Northern Norway by the Centre for Sami Health Research, UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2012–2014. Thus, a high proportion of the participants in this study reported to have a Sami background. In total, 4876 adults in the age group of 40-69 attended questionnaire survey (included lifestyle and food frequency questionnaire), physical examination and blood sampling. The proposal of this postdoctoral project is to generate knowledge about food / nutrient intakes and vitamin D status in a multi-ethnic population of Northern Norway, with special focus on the Sami group and traditional foods.
Petrenya N, Skeie G, Melhus M, Brustad M. Food in rural northern Norway in relation to Sami ethnicity: the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Public Health Nutrition 2018; 21(14):2665-2677. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018001374.
Petrenya N, Skeie G, Melhus M, Brustad M. No ethnic disparities in nutritional adequacy between the indigenous Sami and the non-Sami population living in rural northern Norway - the SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Nutrition Research 2019; 64:9-23.
Petrenya N, Lamberg-Allardt C, Melhus M, Broderstad AR, Brustad M. Vitamin D status in a multi-ethnic population of northern Norway – The SAMINOR 2 Clinical Survey. Public Health Nutrition 2020; 23(7):1186-1200. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980018003816.
Petrenya N, Rylander C, Brustad M. Dietary patterns of adults and their associations with Sami ethnicity, sociodemographic factors, and lifestyle factors in a rural multiethnic population of northern Norway - the SAMINOR 2 clinical survey. BMC Public Health 2019; 19:1632. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-7776-z.
8110.00004 Rein som næringsmiddel II
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: AMMAR ELTAYEB ALI HASSAN
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Det har lenge vært et stort fokus på miljøgifter i tradisjonsmat. Formålet med studien er å frembringe god og solid dokumentasjon på nivåene av organiske miljøgifter (POPs) i kjøtt og andre spiselige produkter fra rein, samt nivåer av næringsstoffer og POPs i blodet til mennesker som konsumerer store mengder reinkjøtt og andre produkter fra rein. Dette gjøres ved å analysere prøver av rein fra forskjellige reinbeitedistrikter i Midt- og Nord-Norge. Data fra SAMINOR vil bli brukt til å undersøke inntak av reinkjøtt og andre produkter fra rein i områder med både samer og ikke-samer. Blodprøver fra deltakere med høyt konsum av rein vil bli analysert for miljøgifter (POPs og tungmetaller), samt næringsstoffer (mineraler, fettsyrer, vitamin B12 og vitamin E).
Publikasjoner/Publications: Ingen/none
8290.00036. Sami ethnisity and living conditions.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: MAGRITT BRUSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Samisk etnisitet og levekår - noen måleutfordringer.
Bakgrunn: Kunnskapen om samebefolkningens helse og levekår i Norge har lenge vært mangelfull. Dette skyldes dels at det ikke utarbeides oppdaterte fortegnelser over samebefolkningens utbredelse og sammensetning. Geografiske avgrensninger og demografiske fortegnelser er sentrale rammeverk for studier hvor målet er å vinne kunnskap om hele eller deler av en gitt befolkningsgruppe. I mangel av slike rammeverk må samisk helse- og levekårsforskning baseres på alternative eller tilpassede datakilder. Disse kildene må ta høyde for at etnisitet i seg selv er et mangefasettert og dynamisk fenomen.
Hensikt: Bidra til økt kunnskap om hvordan samebefolkningens levekår kan måles.
-Dokumentere endringer i definisjoner av samiske bosettingsområder i Norge.
-Dokumentere endringer i selvrapportert samisk etnisitet over tid (etter 1970).
-Studere i hvilken grad det kan påvises sammenhenger mellom levekårsvariasjoner og endringer i selvrapportert samisk etnisitet over tid.
-Sette situasjonen med manglende samiske demografiske data inn i en større sammenheng ved å relatere den til internasjonale diskurser om etnisitetsdata.
Materiale og metoder
-SamiNor 2003 - en helse- og levekårsundersøkelse i områder med samisk og norsk bosetting.
-Folke- og boligtellingen 1970
-Kobling og statistiske analyser av data fra SamiNor 2003 og FoB 1970.
-Analyser av dokumentasjonsgrunnlag for FoB 1970 og for samisk geografisk statistikk.
-Analyser av antall innmeldte i Sametingets valgmanntall over tid. -Utvalg og litteraturgjennomgang av tekster om innhenting og bruk av etnisitetsdata i helse- og levekårsstudier internasjonalt, med vekt på urfolks situasjoner.
Pettersen, Torunn; Brustad, Magritt. Which Sámi? Sámi inclusion criteria in population-based studies of Sámi health and living conditions in Norway – an exploratory study exemplified with data from the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2013, 72: 21813.
Pettersen, Torunn; Brustad, Magritt. Same Sámi? A comparison of self-reported ethnicity measures in 1970 and 2003 in selected rural areas in northern Norway. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2015, 38:12, 2071-2089.
Pettersen, Torunn. Sámi ethnicity as a variable. Premises and implications for population-based studies on health and living conditions in Norway. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 161. UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2015. (ISBN 978-82-9026-79-4).
8290.00046. Health care utilization in Sami areas in Norway.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: BENT-MARTIN ELIASSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Previous studies have reported an under-use of health care services and less satisfaction with the general practitioner (GP) service among Sami-speaking users compared to the majority.
Recent results from register-based studies have found no differences in health care expenditure or GP referral rates between municipalities belonging to the administrative area of the Sami language and other municipalities. Updated and individual data is however needed to determine whether there are ethnic differences in health care utilisation in areas with both Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway.
Hansen, Susan: Are there differences in health care utilization in areas with both Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway? The SAMINOR 1 study. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, Juli 2015.
Oversiktsartikkel SAMINOR.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: EILIV LUND.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Formålet med prosjektet er å publisere en artikkel som beskriver datasettet i SAMINOR-undersøkelsen. Denne artikkelen er ment som en grunnlagsartikkel som kan benyttes som referanse ved senere publikasjoner. Artikkelen vil inneholde en beskrivelse av undersøkelsens utvalg, innhold og gjennomføring, deltagelsesprosenter, fordeling av enkelte bakgrunnsvariabler samt noen utvalgte variabler fra spørreskjema og helseundersøkelsen, slik som etnisitet og egenvurdert helse. Det vil ikke bli utført analyser som vil være i konflikt med pågående og framtidige forskningsprosjekter.
Lund, Eiliv; Melhus, Marita; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Nystad, Tove; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Selmer, Randi; Lund-Larsen, Per G. Population Based Study of Health and Living Conditions in Areas with both Sami and Norwegian populations – The SAMINOR Study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2007;66(2):113–128.
Medikamentbruk blant befolkningen bosatt i de norske samiske kjerneområdene. (Drug use among the population in the Norwegian Sámi areas.)
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: EILIV LUND.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å beskrive medikamentbruk og etnisitet i befolkningen i de samiske kjerneområdene i Norge. Vi vil i første omgang se om det er forkjeller i medikamentbruk i de ulike etniske gruppene i den samiske helseundersøkelsen. I hvilken grad vil sosio-økonomiske og geografiske forhold spille inn. Vi vil også undersøke om det er noen sammenheng mellom bruk av medikamenter og bruk av håndspålegging. Kan man for eksempel se mindre bruk av smertestillende og andre medikamenter blant folk som benytter seg av håndspålegging?
Bakken, Kjersti; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Use of hypnotics in Sámi and non-Sámi populations in northern Norway. Int J Circumpolar Health 2006; 65(3): 261–270.
Pasienttilfredshet blant den samisktalende befolkning.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: EILIV LUND.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Regjeringens handlingsplan for helse og sosialtjenester til den samiske befolkningen i Norge 2002-2005 har som mål at den samiske befolkningen skal ha et like godt møte med helse og sosialtjenesten som den øvrige befolkningen. I 1992 ble det vedtatt en lov om samisk språk. I følge denne loven skal den som ønsker å bruke samisk for å ivareta egne interesser overfor lokale og regionale offentlige helse- og sosialinstitusjoner i forvaltningsområdet, ha rett til å bli betjent på samisk (1). Området der denne loven praktiseres kalles forvaltningsområdet for samisk språklov.
Plan for helse og sosialtjenester; NOU 1995, påpeker at den samiske befolkningen opplever store problemer i møte med helse og sosialtjenestene. Språklige barrierer vanskeliggjør både utredning, diagnostisering, behandling, pleie, omsorg og brukerinformasjon. Manglende kunnskap om samisk kultur blant helse og sosialpersonell resulterer ofte i feilslått oppfølgning av samiske brukere (2).
Det er gjort lite forskning og utredningsarbeid rundt disse forholdene, men det foreligger en del mindre kvalitative og kvantitative brukerundersøkelser fra områder med samisk befolkning. Mesteparten av kunnskapen om denne problemstillingen kommer fra praktiske erfaringer som helse og sosialarbeidere i samiske områder har gjort seg (1).
Ved å sammenlikne samisk- og norsktalende brukere av helsetjenestene, ønsket vi å studere om det forekom forskjeller i deres tilfredshet med de kommunale legetjenestene.
Nystad, Tove Anita; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Samisktalende er mindre fornøyd med legetjenestene. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2006 ; Volum 126.(6) s. 738-740.
Nystad, Tove; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Sami speakers are less satisfied with general practitioners’ services. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008 ; 67(1): 116-123. [English version of Samisktalende er mindre fornøyd med legetjenestene. Nystad TA, Melhus M, Lund E. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2006 ; Volum 126.(6) s. 738-740].
Kostvaner og dets prediktorer i befolkningen bosatt i de norske samiske kjerneområdene. (Dietary pattern and its predictors in the population in the Norwegian Sámi areas).
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: MAGRITT BRUSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Det er gjort lite forskning på kostholdet i de samiske kjerneområdene i Norge i forhold til etnisitet. Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å beskrive kostvaner og etnisitet i befolkningen bosatt i de samiske kjerneområdene i Norge i forhold til ulike demografiske-, sosiale- og livsstilsvariable. Analysene vil benytte etnisitet som stratifiseringsfaktor. Dataene vil kunne brukes til å beskrive kostmønster og kostvaner og endring av disse over tid i forhold til en rekke bakgrunnsvariable. Dette vil kunne utgjøre et viktig bidrag til den manglende eræringsepidemiologiske kunnskapen fra de samiske kjerneområdene i Norge.
Brustad, Magritt; Parr, Christine Louise; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Childhood diet in relation to Sami and Norwegian ethnicity in northern and mid-Norway – the SAMINOR study. Public Health Nutr 2007;5:1–8. (Public Health Nutrition (2008), 11:168-175 Cambridge University Press).
Brustad, Magritt; Parr, Christine Louise; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Dietary patterns in the population living in the Sámi core areas of Norway – the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008 ; 67(1): 84-98.
Etnisk erfaring og helse – En studie av mobbing og helse blant den samiske befolkningen.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: EILIV LUND.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Hovedproblemstilling i denne doktorgradsstudiet vil være å se på etnisk erfaring og mobbing, hos deltakerne, som deltok i helseundersøkelsen: SAMINOR, for å si noe om hvordan dette har påvirket deres helse. Spesielt i relasjon til samiske verdispørsmål.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Melhus, Marita; Høgmo, Asle; Lund, Eiliv. Ethnic discrimination and bullying in the Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: The SAMINOR-study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008 ; 67(1): 99-115.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Melhus, Marita; Lund ,Eiliv. Ethnicity, self-reported health, discrimination and socio-economic status: a study of Sami and non-Sami Norwegian populations. Int J Circumpolar Health 2010; 69(2):111-28. Epub 2010 Apr 1.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Sørlie, Tore. Ethnic discrimination and psychological distress: A study of Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway. Transcultural Psychiatry 2012 ; Volum 49.(1) s. 26-50.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Høgmo, Asle M; Lund, Eiliv. Value Patterns in Four Dimensions among the Indigenous Sami Population in Norway. A population-based survey. Journal of Northern Studies 2016; Volume 10(1) pp 39-66.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert: Ethnic discrimination and bullying in relation to self-reported physical and mental health in Sami settlement areas in Norway: The SAMINOR study. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 115. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2011. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-29-9).
A population-based study on cardiovascular risk factors and self-reported type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Sami population.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: EILIV LUND.
Nystad, Tove; Utsi, Egil; Selmer, Randi; Brox, Jan; Melhus, Marita; Lund, Eiliv. Distribution of apoB/aboA-1 ratio and blood lipids in Sami, Kven and Norwegian populations: the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2008 ; 67(1): 69-83.
Nystad, Tove Anita; Melhus, Marita; Brustad, Magritt; Lund, Eiliv. Ethnic differences in the prevalence of general and central obesity among the Sami and Norwegian populations: The SAMINOR study. Scand J Public Health 2010; 38; 17 originally published online Nov 30, 2009.
Nystad, Tove Anita; Melhus, Marita; Brustad, Magritt; Lund, Eiliv. The effect of coffee consumption on serum total cholesterol in the Sami and Norwegian populations. Public Health Nutrition, Available on CJO 26 Mar 2010.
Nystad, Tove Anita: A population-based study on cardiovascular risk factors and self-reported type 2 diabetes mellitus in the sami population. The SAMINOR study. Ph.d.-avhandling. ISM skriftserie nr. 107. Universitetet i Tromsø, 2010. (ISBN 13: 978-82-90263-20-6).
Røyk- og alkoholvaner blant samer og etniske nordmenn.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: MAGRITT BRUSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: I denne masteroppgaven skal studentene se på prediktorer for røyk og alkohol basert på data fra SAMINOR.
Øygard, Gunhild; Øines, Elisabeth Jenssen: Røyk- og alkoholvaner blant samer og etniske nordmenn. 5. års oppgave (Profesjonsstudiet i Medisin) UiT, September 2009.
Etniske forskjeller i risiko for kroniske muskel- og skjelettsmerter blant en befolkning i Nord-Norge: SAMINOR-undersøkelsen.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: KETIL LENERT HANSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Jeg vil i denne studien fokusere på muskelskjelettsmerter blant utøvere av primærnæringer. Tidligere studier viser at disse er mer utsatt for muskelskjelettsmerter enn personer i andre yrker. Finnes det etniske forskjeller i rapporteringen om muskel- og leddsmerter og bruk av smertestillende blant utøvere av primærnæringer og kan arbeidsulykker være en årsak til muskel- og skjelettsmerter?
Aleksandersen, Risten Turi: Etniske forskjeller i risiko for kroniske muskel- og skjelettsmerter blant en befolkning i Nord-Norge: SAMINOR-undersøkelsen. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, August 2013.
Metabolsk syndrom og diabetes mellitus.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Målsetningen med dette prosjektet er å beskrive prevalensen av metabolsk syndrom og diabetes mellitus blant samer og ikke-samer basert på data fra SAMINOR 1.
Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Melhus, Marita. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus in Sami and Norwegian populations. The SAMINOR—a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2016 ; Volum 6(4).
Laktoseintoleranse blant den samiske, kvenske og ikke-samiske befolkningen i SAMINOR-materialet
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: KNUT JOHNSEN.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Det er tidligere publisert høy forekomst av laktoseintoleranse blant samer i Finland (T Sahi), (prevalens fra 25-60%). I Sverige har 9% av befolkningen laktoseintoleranse og samme tall for Finland er mellom 14-23% med en sør-nord gradient. Tilsvarende undersøkelser blant samer er ikke gjort i Norge, men den generelle prevalensen for hele befolkningen er rundt 10%.
SAMINOR undersøkelsen har noen spørsmål knyttet til melkeinntak (har du hatt plager i mage/tarm etter inntak av melk?). Preanalyser viser at det er en etnisk forskjell mellom gruppene i dette materialet.
Laktoseintoleranse skyldes nedsatt aktivitet av enzymet laktase i tynntarmslimhinnen. Laktose toleranse er dominant arvelig (recessivt autosomal). Det er funnet punktmutasjon på genet som koder for enzymet laktase, som forklarer hvor enkelte folkegrupper (nord-europeere) beholder latase-aktiviteten hele livet igjennom.
Prosjektets overordnede problemstilling er å finne prevalensen av melkeintoleranse blant befolkningen i SAMINOR-materialet.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Brustad, Magritt; Johnsen, Knut. Prevalence of self-reported stomach symptoms after consuming milk among indigenous Sami and non-Sami in Northern- and Mid-Norway - the SAMINOR study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015, 74: 25762.
Experiences of ethnic discrimination in Sami settlement areas in Norway and associations with multiple health domains
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: KETIL LENERT HANSEN.
Prosjektbeskrivelse/Project summary: Selv-rapportert diskriminering har blitt knyttet til en rekke helse utfall i forskjellige land og blant ulike etniske grupper. I mitt doktorgradsarbeid har jeg vist at det er en assosiasjon mellom etnisk diskriminering og selv-rapportert helse og psykisk helse (i form av stress og depresjonssymptomer).
I denne studien ønsker jeg å gå videre med denne forskningen, og studere hvilken andre risikofaktorer (i tillegg til helsemål/helseatferd) som kan være assosiert med selv-rapportert diskriminering.
Hvordan diskriminering påvirker somatisk- og psykisk helse er knyttet til et komplekst samspill mellom sosiale, kulturelle, psykologiske og biologiske faktorer. I denne studien ønsker vi å undersøke assosiasjonen mellom etnisk diskriminering/mobbing og ulike helse utfall/risiko faktorer.
Hansen, Ketil Lenert. Ethnic discrimination and health: the relationship between experienced ethnic discrimination and multiple health domains in Norway’s rural Sami population. Int J Circumpolar Health 2015, 74: 25125.
Forskjeller i risiko for utvikling av diabetes mellitus type 2 blant samer og ikke samer basert på FINDRISC scoringssytem, SAMINOR 1.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: ANN RAGNHILD BRODERSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary:
Are there ethnic differences in the risk for diabetes type 2 in the SAMINOR 1 population. The diabetes type 2 risk is predicted by the score individuals get from answering eight questions in the FINDRISC form. Match FINDRISC questions with the Saminor 1 questionnaire.
Siri, Susanna Ragnhild Andersdatter: Difference in FINDRISC score for predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus among Sami and non-Sami, the SAMINOR 1 Study. Masteroppgave i folkehelsevitenskap UiT, September 2014.
Oversiktsartikkel SAMINOR 2, trinn 1.
Prosjektleder/Principal investigator: MAGRITT BRUSTAD.
Prosjektsammendrag/Project summary: Artikkelen skal være en oversikt over datainnsamlingsprosedyrer og en beskrivelse av deltakelse og metode.
Brustad, Magritt; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Broderstad, Ann Ragnhild; Hansen, Solrunn; Melhus, Marita. A population-based study on health and living conditions in areas with mixed Sami and Norwegian settlements – the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study. Int J Circumpolar Health 2014, 73: 23147.