Pax Slavica in Flux: European Contexts (PSIF)

The research group Pax Slavica in Flux (PSIF), formerly known as Russian Space (or RSCPR), is engaged in a multidisciplinary research of Slavonic histories and cultures within a wider European and indigenous context




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Pax Slavica in Flux: European Contexts (PSIF)

Institutt for språk og kultur (ISK), UiT Norges arktiske universitet, campus Tromsø

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Research seminars, guest lectures and vivas 2025-2015 (in reverse chronological order):

11 February 2025

Henrik Gustafsson, "Anarchism, Archaeology, and Aesthetics: On Cyril Schäublin’s film Unrest (2022)"

10 January 2025

Tatjana Kuzovkina: "Why Is Faddei Bulgarin So Controversial?" (in Russian)

7 January 2025

Tatjana Kuzovkina: "The Juri Lotman Archive: What the Documents Tell Us" (in Russian; the PowerPoint presentation includes a selection of archival documents from the Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository at the Tallinn University)

9 December 2024

Yarik Kryvoi: "The Decline of the Rule of Law in Russia: From Telephone Justice to Asset Seizures"

4 November 2024

Tore Selmer: "The Forgotten Sinking of M/S Rigel: Political Suppression and Memory in Post-War Norway"

14 October 2024

Libbie Katsev: "Belarusian Musicians in Europe and the Politics of Infrastructural Imaginaries"

18 September 2024

Christopher Rossi: "Manifest Destiny: Russian Eurasianism and the Arctic"

20 August 2024

Ekaterina Mikhailova: "Becoming Bordered in Central Asia: Centre-Periphery and Cross-Border Interactions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan"

4 June 2024

Ben Phillips: "Religion and Revolution: Political Suicides and the Spectre of the Old Believers in Late-Imperial Russia, 1881-1905"

4 March 2024

Karolina Parshina: "Liminality Elements in Anna Starobinets's Lis'i brody (2022)"

23 February 2024

Ilkka Liikanen: "Three European Moments of Northern Dimension: Institution of EU Policies of External Relations and the Priorities of Finnish Foreign Policies in Building EU-Russia Relations"

26 January 2024

Turid A. Wæhler: Hybrid viva of the doctoral dissertation Healthcare Delivery and Emergency Preparedness on Svalbard: A Study of Norwegian and Russian Practices and Cooperation

24 February 2023

Andrij Krasnjasjtsjykh: "A year of war in Ukraine: The Problems of De-Russification" (in Russian)

4 November 2022 (Two-in-One, IV)

Ben Phillips: "The Sozonov Case, 1910: The Making of a Revolutionary Martyrology"

Anna Safronova: "Unfreeze Fortune: a Case Study of Dairy Cooperatives of Western Siberia, 1890-1930"

11 October 2022

Anna Obukhova: "Corpus Assisted Discourse Analysis: Svalbard (Spitsbergen) through the Prism of the Russian News Media"

5-6 September 2022

David-Emil Wickström: "The Eurovision Song Contest as a Post-Soviet Battleground"

David-Emil Wickström: "An Introduction to Film Music"

7 April 2022

Sophie Duveau: "The entanglement of huts and science: Understanding the contemporary itinerary of cultural heritage on Svalbard"

25 March 2022

Magda Dolińska-Rydzek: "Between Hope and Anxiety: Transhumanism in Contemporary Russia"

7 February 2022

Anna Andersen and Jacek Szymala: “Notatki z rogatej ziemi" (Notes from the Horned Land; dir. Jarosław Brzozowski, 1959), an archival Polish documentary about Sámi in Northern Norway: Introduction to the screening + Q&A

2 December 2021

Mads Sohl Jessen: "Hans Christian Andersen in Russia from the 1840s to Today"

9 November 2021

Sophie Hou: "Russian gas companies facing the 'Arctic turn': A reshuffle of the cards for the Russian gas sector?" 

20 October 2021

Tomáš Sniegon: "Špicberky - Za půlnočním sluncem" (Svalbard: To See the Midnight Sun, 2002): film screening + Q&A

17 September 2021

Aliaksandr Ilyukevich: "Contemporary Belarusian Popular Music" 

7 June 2021

Marina Boboedova: "Fisheries Management and Resource Rent: The Case of the Russian Red King Crab fishery" (online seminar)

8 April 2021

Libbie Katsev: "Music, Underground: Music in the Metro and competing standards of street music in Moscow" (online seminar)

4 March 2021

Kirsten Johannessen: "Skipsforlis ved Bjørnøya"

9 February 2021

Rune N. Andreassen: "En skattkiste i fare" (online seminar)

3 November 2020

Knut Andreas Grimstad: "Olga Tokarczuk - Polens frie røst"

27 October 2020 (Two-in-One, III)

Arve Hansen: "East European Urban Protest: A Spatial Perspective"

Julie Wilhelmsen: "Spiraling towards a new Cold War in the North? The Effect of Mutual and Multifaceted Securitization"

22 September 2020

Bjarge Schwenke Fors: "Tourists, spies, vodka and Soviet cinema: The story about the opening of Boris Gleb in 1965"

4 September 2020

Kristiina Silvan, Ales Herasimenka, Per A. Rudling: Belarusian Post-Election Protests 2020: Context, Responses, Future Scenarios” (a webinar hosted by Arve Hansen)

28 May 2020

Matthew Blackburn: "The Imagined Nation in Putin's Russia: Identity, Discources and Spaces" (online seminar)

4 May 2020

Anna Afanasyeva: "Historical Trauma: Exploring 'soul wounds' through Sami oral histories" (online seminar)

17 March 2020

Arve Hansen: Online viva of the doctoral dissertation "Mass Protests from a Spatial Perspective: Discontent and Urban Public Space in Kyiv, Minsk, and Moscow"

2 March 2020

Ilona Wiśniewska: "In Search of a Trustworthy Writer: A Polish Reportage from Svalbard"

10 February 2020

Liudmila Nikanorova: "(Re)Claiming Religion in Post-Soviet Siberia. The Case of the Sakha Republic"

16 January 2020

Birgit Beumers: "The Road to Nowhere? Space as Time in Recent Russian Cinema"

13 December 2019

Andray Abrahamian: "'They Aren't Coming': Russo-DPRK Relations from Independence to Trump"

22 November 2019

Ernst van Alphen: "Madness and Introspection"

Ernst van Alphen: "Legacies of Stalinism and the Gulag"

1 November 2019

Jacek Szymala: "Between Visual History and Public History: Selected Screen Versions of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Uprising"

11 October 2019

Fabienne Rachmadiev: "Art and Activism in Central Asia"

4 October 2019

Yegór Ósipov-Gipsh: "Conversations Not Finished: Memory Narratives of the 1990s in Contemporary Russia"

16 May 2019

Åsne Øysteinsdotter Høgetveit: Viva of the doctoral dissertation "The Moral Vertical in Russian Cinema: Female Pilots, Flight Attendants, Cosmonauts and Aliens"

15 May 2019 (Two-in-One, II)

Natalija Majsova: "'You Either Believe a Film or You Don’t': Soviet Film Clubs and Their Afterlives in Contemporary Russia"

Lars Kristensen: "Is Postcommunism Dead? The Case of Russian Cinema"

5 April 2019 (Two-in-One, I)

Sander Goes: "Doing business in Russia: Laws, norms, and profits"

Bjarge Schwenke Fors: "Politicized art and artistic politics on the Norwegian-Russian border"

20 March 2019

Roman Bäcker: “Russia: One Day before a Revolution”?

14 February 2019

Robert Porter: “Russian Writers I Have Known - A Slavist's (Light-Hearted) Testimony”

25 January 2019

Vladislava Vladimirova: "Transforming Ideas of Nature Conservation in Murmansk Region, Russia"

18 January 2019

Tony Anemone: "2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris: Visual Surfaces and Philosophical Depths"

16 November 2018

Miguel Linan: "The Frame of War: Cultural Memory and Political Action in Russia: The Kremlin versus the Memorial Society"

7 November 2018

Anni Lappela: “Arctic and Provincial: Noncapital Urban Spaces in Contemporary Russian Literature

26 October 2018

David-Emil Wickström: "My pravoslavnye - Russkii rok, Orthodoxy and Nationalism in Post-Soviet Russia"

4 October 2018

Maria Ilitcheva and Yulia Bardileva: "Mutual Images of the Other across the Russo-Norwegian Border"

2 October 2018

Olga Krasa-Ryabets: "The Imaginary Soviet: Individual Memories and Collective Fictional Spaces"

4 May 2018

Brita L. Bryn: "Et russiskspråklig jernbanerom"

16 March 2018

Andrii Portnov: "Heroes Do Not Die? On Commemoration in Post-Maidan Ukraine"

9 March 2018

Stephen Amico: "The Female Voice in Russian Popular Music"

12 December 2017

Jeremy Hicks: "Restaging and Editing Victory: Russian Film Memory of the Great Patriotic War and Holocaust"

17 November 2017

Mariëlle Wijermars: "Can Russia Control the Runet?"

17 October 2017

Ingunn Lunde: "Language on Display: Fiction, Writers and Linguistic Culture in Post-Soviet Russia: A Book Presentation"

27 September 2017

Jessy Kaner: "What Is the BBC Russian Service and What Is It For?"

1 September 2017

Vladimir Paperni: "Lev Tolstoi as an author" (in Russian)

22 August 2017

Stephen Lovell: "The Orality of the Russian Revolution"

4 May 2017

Josephine von Zitzewitz: "From Underground to Mainstream: The Case of Elena Shvarts"

27 March 2017

Arnold McMillin: "Russian Music in and around Chekhov: An Illustrated Talk"

3 March 2017

Olesya Khromeychuk: "From the Maidan to the Donbas: Ukrainian Women in Protest and War"

13 February 2017

Kenneth Wilson: "Questioning Putin's Popularity"

28 November 2016

Ola Goverud Andersson: "Hva er egentlig regionalisme?"

7 November 2016

Natalia Sidlina: “The Cosmonauts Exhibition at the Science Museum in London (2015-16): Curator's Talk”

4 November 2016

Petia Mankova: "Otdaljonka, or The remote Russian countryside: Heavy burden for regional budgets or a safe place in the whirlwind of reforms?"

2 May 2016

Daria Arkhipova (Akulaeva): "Life in a Russian Orphanage" (in Russian)

12 April 2016

Maria Lvova: "Articulating the Concept of Security Assemblage: The Territorial Dimension (with special reference to the Shtockman gas field and the Murmansk region"

8 April 2016

Ilya Kalinin: "Oil in late- and post-Soviet culture" (in Russian)

9 March 2016

 Kåre Johan Mjør:  "Den russiske idéen"

29 February 2016

Andreas Schönle: "Ruin philosophy, poetic discourse and the collapse of meta-narratives"

18 January 2016

Mark Gamsa: "Refractions of China in Russia and Russia in China: Ideas and Things"

9 November 2015

Leonid Chekin: "Who Discovered Svalbard and Grumant? On Phantom Realities in Medieval Texts and Cartography"

6 November 2015

Leonid Chekin: "Rasmus Rask in St Petersburg: Strange Encounters at the Dawn of Indo-European Linguistics"

30 October 2015

Hilary Pilkington: "’If you want to live, you better know how to fight’: Punk fighting and street life in Vorkuta and St Petersburg"

16 October 2015

Mark Bassin: "Whose Eurasia? Contending Visions of Russia´s Destiny in Space

19 March 2015

Arve Hansen: "Sammensetningen på Majdan"

18 February 2015

Turid Austin Wæhler: "Norsk-russisk handel i 1000 år - fra fruktbart handelssamarbeid til handelsblokade"

21 January 2015

Sander Goes: "Law Enforcement in Russia: 'A Complete Lack of Respect for the Law'?'"

Here you find a selection of publications and presentations by PSIF/RSCPR members from 2015 to date (fuller publications lists by those group members who work for UiT are available at the Cristin database):

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