Lectures and conference papers
Chekin, Leonid S. “Cartographic Elements in the Illustrated Chronicle Compilation (1568-76)”. Paper at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Berlin, 2015-03-26
Chekin, Leonid S. "Keppen's Ethnographic Carthography and Comparative Linguistics". Paper at the 20 Nordiska slavistmötet (Stockholm); 2016-08-19
Chekin, Leonid S. "Rask’s Russian life: On Rasmus Rask’s letters and diary from his sojourn in Saint Petersburg and beyond". Paper at the 14th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences [Workshop: On the Place of Rasmus Rask in the History of the Linguistic Sciences], Paris, 2017-08-29
Chekin, Leonid S. "Famous Danish Linguist Rasmus Rask in Finland". Paper at the Seminar "Researchers / Letters / Emotions", University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus; 2019-04-08
Chekin, Leonid S. "Rasmus Rask in Tbilisi (November 8, 1819 – March 5, 1820)". Keynote address at "Ideology and Linguistic Ideas: International conference dedicated to Rasmus Rask", Tbilisi, 2019-09-12
Chekin, Leonid S. “Svalbard, Paradise and Beyond: The Arctic Islands on Medieval and Early Modern Maps”. Zoom lecture sponsored by Washington Map Society in partnership with California, Chicago, New York, Philip Lee Phillips, Rocky Mountain, and Texas Map Societies, 2024-04-11
Chekin, Leonid S. “Julius von Klaproth and the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Paper at the 14th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, Tbilisi, 2024-08-27
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke "Fortellerstund fra Boris Gleb", Barents Spektakel (Kirkenes), 13.02.20
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke and Yngvar Steinholt: "Grensekryssende kultur i nord". Paper at Russland og Norge: Interaksjonsmodeller under ustabile forhold / Россия и Норвегия: модели взаимодействия в условиях нестабильности. Russlands statlige universitet for humaniora (rsuh.ru). Moskva (online), 2021-01-13
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke "«Et aandeligt Vagttaarn mod den østlige Kolosses forskjellige Troesbekjendelser»: Kong Oscar IIs kapell og norsk nasjonsbygging i grenseland". Kunsten kommer hjem: Brudeferden gjennom landet. The National Museum of Norway. Grense Jakobselv, 2021-06-13
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke “World War II and Cross-Border Tourism Development: Assessments and prospects”. Paper at The Russian-Norwegian Borderland: The Second World War and Post War Reconstruction. UiT/NArFU/Museum of Local Lore of the Pechenga district, Nikel, 2019-10-18.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke “A spy story and its impact in the borderland. VERA conference: From deconstructing to constructing walls”. Paper at VERA conference: From deconstructing to constructing walls: 30 years after Berlin, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 2019-11-21.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke “The Pomor Issue in Current Russian-Norwegian Relations”. Paper at Forskningsseminaret. Institutt for Arkeologi og Sosialantropologi/KURF, Tromsø, 2015-03-06.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke “The Implications and Impacts of the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Russian Federation on Facilitation of Mutual Travel for Border Residents”. Paper at The Arctic in Asia: Discourses and best practices, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, 2015-11-09.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke and Aileen Aseron Espíritu “An Economic Resource: Norwegian - Russian Border on the Outer Edges of the Schengen”. Paper at Arctic Urban Sustainability Conference, The George Washington University, Washington D. C., 2015-06-04
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: Grenselandet Sør-Varanger. Lecture at Garnisonen i Sør-Varanger, Kirkenes, 2021-08-06.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke «Grensen som scene». Paper at Stoltenbergseminaret, UiT The Arctic University of Norway / Samovarteateret, Kirkenes, 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-23 2021.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: Introduction/moderator: Det norsk-russiske grenselandet i nord: Fortid og nåtid, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Kirkenes, 2021-10-07.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: Introduction/moderator: International scientific-practical seminar: The Second World War and the Partisan Movement in the North. Museum of Local Lore, Pechenga municipality district / UiT The Arctic University of Norway (online). 2021-10-22.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: “Norwegian-Russian cross-border cooperation”. Paper at the 25th Central European Political Science Association Annual Conference Association “Challenges to Democracy: Political Processes in Central and Eastern Europe”. Central European Political Science Association / Polish Political Science Association / University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-19.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: Introduction/moderator: Lørdagsseminar: Partisanene i Nord-Norge under andre verdenskrig. UiT The Arctic University of Norway /Grenselandmuseet, Kirkenes, 2021-11-27.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: “Anthropology and the new Iron Curtain”. Presentation at Anthropology Days, Department of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Vienna, 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-29.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: Introduction/moderator: Grenseseminaret 2022, UiT Norges arktiske universitet & Barentssekretariatet, Kirkenes, 2022-10-13.
Fors, Bjarge Schwenke: “Hegemonic Borders.” Paper at Bordering on disorder: Fragile borders in a global world, Academy of International Affairs NRW, Bonn, 2022-12-05.
Goes, Sander B. "Russian Space Meets Western Business Practices: Understanding Enforcement Practices in the Russian Petroleum Sector". Paper at the 20 Nordiska slavistmötet (Stockholm); 2016-08-19
Gustafsson, Henrik: “From the Archive of Everyday Observations: Daniel Eisenberg’s Post-War Films.” Paper at NECS: European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: “Archives of/for the Future,” Lodz, Poland, June 18-20, 2015
Gustafsson, Henrik: “Witnesses in spite of themselves”. Keynote lecture at Living Together – PhD-researcher training course in literary, aesthetic and cultural-study disciplines. Joint venture of the ESSCS (European Summer School in Cultural Studies) and the Norwegian researcher training school TBLR (Tekst, Bilde, Lyd, Rom) in Bergen, August 14-18, 2017
Gustafsson, Henrik: “Ethics of Retracing”. Paper at The Screening Ethics Symposium – Workshop at the French-Norwegian Centre in Paris, 2-3 February, 2017
Gustafsson, Henrik: “‘Westworld & the Secret History of the Player Piano.” Topographies of Sound Symposium – Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, Alabama, November 12-13, 2018
Gustafsson, Henrik: “The Sedimented Screen” – keynote lecture at Monuments – The Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association of American studies. Bergen, April 25-27 2019.
Gustafsson, Henrik: “The Production of Off-Screen Space: Haran Farocki & Trevor Paglen”, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Seattle, March 13-17 2019.
Hansen, Arve: "Room for Opposition? Public Space and Mass Protests in Moscow, Minsk and Kyiv". Paper at the Sixth NaUKMA Research Colloquium (Kyiv); 2016-03-30
Hansen, Arve: "Public Space and Mass Protests: A Comparison of Physical Space in Kyiv and Minsk". Paper at the conference Active Citizenship Today: Discourses, Conditions, and Contestations (UiT); 2016-06-01
Hansen, Arve: "What’s so special about the Maidan?". Paper at the 20 Nordiska slavistmötet (Stockholm); 2016-08-19
Hansen, Arve: "Public space and mass protests in Minsk: Looking for the Belarusian Ploshcha". Paper at Transforming Spaces – Mastering Uncertainty: A Second Take on Area Atudies in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, Södertörn University, 2016-12-02
Hansen, Arve: "Battle drums, poetry, and pop music: the new and old sounds of a Ukrainian revolution". Paper at Popular Music Studies Today: 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (Kassel); 2017-06-27
Hansen, Arve: "Conversation with the writer Yuri Andrukhovych". Co-moderating at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, UiO; 2018-02-21
Hansen, Arve: "Pop, Battle Drums, and Requiem: The Sounds of the Ukrainian Revolution". Paper at BASEES Annual Conference (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam College); 2018-04-15
Hansen, Arve: "Sounds of rage and revolution: Music and urban mass protests". A guest lecture at Popakademie Baden-Württemberg; 2020-05-25
Hansen, Arve: "Belarusian Post-Election Protests 2020: Context, Responses, Future Scenarios". RSCPR Webinar (host and organiser); 2020-09-04
Hansen, Arve: "Opprør i Hviterussland". Webinar at Bergen Global (participant); 2020-09-08
Hansen, Arve: "Presentasjon av “En hviterussisk drøm” av Ekaterina Kibalchich (2011)". Den russiske filmklubben ved UiT; 2020-10-26
Hansen, Arve: "East European Urban Protest: A Spatial Perspective". RSCPR guest lecture, UiT; 2020-10-27
Hansen, Arve: "Protestene i Hviterussland: aktører og drivkrefter (innleder)". Digital russlandskaffe, Institutt for forsvarsstudier; 2020-11-03
Hansen, Arve: UiT Bokpresentasjon, 6.9.22
Hansen, Arve: UiT, konferanse, 7.9.22
Hansen, Arve: Boksamtale Deichman Bjørvika 19.9.22
Hansen, Arve: FN sambandet, UiT, foredrag for lærerstudenter 19.9.22
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. “Women's Status in the Russian Societal Space: A Vertical Approach”. Paper at the conference “Past the "Post-": Theorizing the post-post-Soviet via (new) media and popular culture”, University of Amsterdam, 2015-06-12
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "Towards a New Understanding of Women´s Role in Russian Society: The Moral Vertical". Paper at the annual conference of British Slavists (BASEES), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 2016-04-03
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "And Up She Went – the Vertical in Wings by Larisa Shepitko". Paper at Medieforskerkonferansen 2016, University of Bergen, 2016-10-20
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "Flying high – verticality in Wings (1966) by Larisa Shepitko". Paper at Transforming Spaces – Mastering Uncertainty: A Second Take on Area Atudies in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, Södertörn University, 2016-12-01
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "A Saint-like Aviatrix and the Moral Vertical in Larisa Shepit'ko's Wings (Kryl'ia, 1966). Guest lecture at the Russian Cinema Research Group, SSEES UCL (London), 2017-02-20
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "The female alien in Russian/Soviet cinema". Paper at BASEES Annual Conference (Cambridge University, Fitzwillam College); 2018-04-13
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "From Aelita (1924) to Star Worms (2011): The Female Alien and the Moral Vertical in Russian/Soviet Sci-Fi Cinema". Paper at 21ST CENTURY RUSSIAN CINEMA: On Boundaries, Margins and Space (University of Graz, Austria); 2018-06-09
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. "Performing gender in (post-)Soviet sci-fi – the Female Alien". Paper at ASEEES Convention 2018 (Boston, MA); 2018-12-09
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. The Female Alien and the Post-Soviet Identity Crisis: Are We Going Crazy? (S uma soiti! 1994). Образы экранной культуры: кино, телевидение и новые медиа // Images of Screen Culture: Cinema, Television and the New Media; 2022-01-28
Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. The New Woman of the Mountains: Gender and Precarity in Kavkazskaia Plennitsa (Gaidai, 1967). ASEEES annual conference; 2022-10-12 - 2022-10-14
Leonenko, Anastasia: Презентация научно-исследовательского проекта: “25 лет сотрудничества в Баренцевом регионе – это политическая риторика или основа для формирования новой региональной идентичности.” Novemberseminaret i russisk og russlandsstudier, UiT, 2020; 2020-11-19
Myklebost, Kari Aga: Фритьоф Нансен, Руаль Амундсен и Русский Север 1890-1930 гг. Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Gumanitarnyj Universitet, 21 November 2017
Myklebost, Kari Aga: Российско-норвежский исследовательский и издательский проект «Асимметричное соседство», его задачи и общие итоги. Murmansk Arctic State University, 24 November 2017
Myklebost, Kari Aga: Dialogtradisjon og trusselbilder. Norge og Russland 1814-2014. Nordland Akademi for kunst og vitenskap, 14 December 2017
Myklebost, Kari Aga: The Russian Revolutions of 1917: Responses in the Nordic area. Second Nordic Challenges conference, Helsinki University, 7-9 March 2018
Pilkington, Hilary: “Punk as Practice - Re-thinking Punk from a Post-Socialist Perspective”. Paper at the conference “Subcultures International: The Global Circulation of Style”, University of West London, 2015-06-19
Pilkington, Hilary: “Radical futures? Receptivity to Extreme and Populist Radical Right Agendas among Young Europeans”. Paper at the conference “Youth and Society: Looking for New Solidarities”, Higher School of Economics (St Petersburg), 2015-10-16
Pilkington, Hilary; Ivan Gololobov and Yngvar Steinholt: Punk in Russia: A short history of Evolution. Логос 2016 ;Volum 26.(4) s. 27-61
Rogatchevski, Andrei: “Scotland and Russia Today: Russian Views of the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum’. Keynote Paper at the workshop “Scotland and Russia: Cultural Perception Since 1900”, University of Aberdeen, 2015-04-10
Rogatchevski, Andrei: “Russophone Periodicals in Israel: Is a Bibliography Possible?’. Paper at ICCEES IX World Congress, Makuhari (Japan), 2015-08-04
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Representations of European vs Russian-Soviet Identity in Cold War Spy Films: James Bond Against Count Tulyev". Paper at the 9th EuPRA conference, “The Framing of Europe: Peace Perspectives on Europe's Future”, University of Tromsø, 2015-09-02
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "H C Andersen and Russian Film". Paper at the H C Andersen and Russia conference, Syddansk universitet (Odense); 2016-05-26
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Spies and Space: James Bond vs Count Tul'ev". Paper at the annual conference of British Slavists (BASEES), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 2016-04-03
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Eduard Limonov's alternative (anti)utopia". Paper at the Utopies culturelles contemporaines conference (University of Nimes, France); 2016-06-17
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Spatial representations of Western vs. Russian/Soviet identity in Cold War Spy Films". Paper at the 20e nordiska slavistmötet (Stockholm); 2016-08-20
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Crossing Borders by Imaginary Misplacement, or The Molvania Travel Guide". Paper at the Grenser i Nord panel (Perspektivet Museum, Tromsø, Forskningsdagene 2016); 2016-09-28
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Post-Soviet Rock Music: Politics and Aesthetics". Guest lecture at the Russian Studies Seminar Series, SSEES UCL (London); 2017-02-22
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "The Euromaidan's Aftermath and the Genre of Answer Song". Paper at Popular Music Studies Today: 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (Kassel); 2017-06-27
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Avant-garde Art and Rebellious Reindeer Herders in Aleksei Fedorchenko’s Feature Film "Angely revoliutsii" (Angels of the Revolution, 2014)". Paper at The Russian Revolutions of 1917: The Northern Impact and Beyond (Tromsø); 2017-10-25
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Recent Russian Documentaries about Spitsbergen in the Context of Feature Films on the Soviet Exploration of the Arctic". Paper at the workshop on "Svalbard and the Humanities" (UiT); 2017-11-28
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "The Paradoxes of Eduard Limonov: A Poet of Avante-garde and Leader of the National Bolshevik Party". Guest lecture at the Russian Studies Seminar Series, SSEES UCL (London); 2018-02-21
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "A Musical Dialogue Between the Antagonists? The Euromaidan’s Aftermath and the Genre of Answer Song". Paper at BASEES Annual Conference (Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam College); 2018-04-15
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Leonid Andreyev’s Dark (1907): Visualising the Unconscious". Paper at Darkness 2019: An Island Dynamics conference; 2019-01-16
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Stiob: An Anti-Imperial Pan-Slavic Kind of Humour?". Paper at the IAS UCL conference On Laughter; 2019-07-12
Rogatchevski, Andrei: "Interpreting for Soviet Leaders: The Memoirs of Semi-visible Men". Keynote paper at 21:a Nordiska Slavistmötet; 2019-08-15
Rogatchevski, Andrei: “Sergei Kharchenko’s «Tsvety i l’dy» (Flowers on Ice, 1971) and the Representation of Mining in Soviet Fiction”. Mining in Context: Svalbard and Elsewhere (A Workshop on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Svalbard Treaty, Longyearbyen); 2020-02-07
Rogatchevski, Andrei and Leonid S. Chekin: "Shpitsbergenovedenie - novaia nauchnaia distsiplina?". Spitsbergen Archipelago: From Terra Nullius to the Interaction Territory; a virtual conference at the Arkhangelsk Local History Museum, 2020-10-30
Rogatchevski, Andrei and Yngvar Steinholt: "The Madness and the Horror: Leonid Andreev’s Zombie Apocalypse". Novemberseminaret; 2020-11-19
Rogatchevski, Andrei: Что такое шпицбергеноведение? [What Is Svalbard Studies?]. Russland og Norge: Interaksjonsmodeller under ustabile forhold / Россия и Норвегия: модели взаимодействия в условиях нестабильности; a virtual conference at the Russian State University for Humanities, 2021-01-13
Steinholt, Yngvar: “Russia after the Crimean Annex: Silence and Absence as Theoretical Challenges”. Keynote Paper at the conference “Past the ‘Post’: Theorizing the post-post-Soviet via [new] Media and Popular Culture, University of Amsterdam, 2015-06-11
Steinholt, Yngvar: “Bird Noises: A Musical-Ornitological Interpretation of Velimir Khlebnikov's Poem ‘Mudrost' v silke’". Paper at the ICCEES 9th World Congress, Makuhari (Japan), 2015-08-06
Steinholt, Yngvar: Krimhalvøya og Russland. Senioruniversitetet; 2015-02-25
Steinholt, Yngvar; Svetlana Sokolova and Åsne Høgetveit: Searching for the political in Russian culture: The lure of reductionism from afar and from within. "Politics in Culture and Culture in Politics": A network for Exchange of Research, Didactics and Educational Practices in Russia and the Nordic Countries; 2015-02-25 - 2015-03-03
Steinholt, Yngvar: The high, the low, and the abject in Russian discourses on culture. Dirt, Punk, Trash Workshop UvA, 1 Dec 2016; 2016-12-01 - 2016-12-01
Steinholt, Yngvar: "The Architecture of Bezyskhodnost´: Space, Silence and Inertia in Ianka Diagileva´s ´Depresniak´". Paper at the annual conference of British Slavists (BASEES), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 2016-04-03
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Utopia Shackled: The Utopian Dimension of the Official Russian National Narrative". Paper at the Utopies culturelles contemporaines conference (University of Nimes, France); 2016-06-17
Steinholt, Yngvar: "The Sound of Russia: The sonic representation of Russianness in East and West". Paper at the 20e nordiska slavistmötet (Stockholm); 2016-08-20
Steinholt, Yngvar: Invisible Indispensable: Russian Punk’s Mothers of Invention. Gender and sexuality in music, theatre and visual arts of (post)Socialist/ (post)Soviet area; 2017-04-19 - 2017-04-20
Steinholt, Yngvar: Painting the Void: Psychopathology and Ianka Diagileva’s Poetry. Gender and sexuality in music, theatre and visual arts of (post)Socialist/ (post)Soviet area; 2017-04-19 - 2017-04-20
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Anthems, Appeals and Altercations: Generically Mapping the Russo-Ukrainian War of Songs". Paper at Popular Music Studies Today: 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (Kassel); 2017-06-27
Steinholt, Yngvar: “Miserable soil forgotten by God”: The Russian national anthem through history, poetry and hostile parody'. Guest lecture at the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam; 2017-10-20
Steinholt, Yngvar: The Impact of Voices Silenced and Distorted: The Case of Pussy Riot. University College London Festival of Culture; 2018-07-04
Steinholt, Yngvar and Svetlana Sokolova: Russian language, culture, and society education for understanding "the other". Open Seminar: UiT and University of Iceland Research and Education on Russia as Part of Small State Foreign Policy; 2018-03-20
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Mocking a Presentist Utopia: Russian and Ukrainian parodies of the Russian National anthem - key findings". Paper at BASEES Annual Conference (Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam College); 2018-05-15
Steinholt, Yngvar and Andrei Rogatchevski: Introducing Russia Through Film. 21 nordiska slavistmötet; 2019-08-14 - 2019-08-18
Steinholt, Yngvar: Bring on the Ban: Disrupting the Musical Symbol of Official Russia. ASEEES 2019 Convention; 2019-11-23 - 2019-11-26
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Perfection, Imperfection and Russian Protest Art: A Walk in the Existential Woods". Paper at the Imperfections conference, University of Amsterdam; 2019-03-11
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Vincent, Vincent!" - Mainnsjit-estetikk og russisk konseptualisme. Novemberseminaret; 2019-11-29
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Musikalsk nasjonsbygging ovenfra: Kremls hymne". A guest lecture at ILOS UiO; 2019-05-13
Steinholt, Yngvar: "Hammer, Chisel, Voice and Machine: Work songs, industrial music, and mining". MINING IN CONTEXT: SVALBARD AND ELSEWHERE (A WORKSHOP ON THE OCCASION OF THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SVALBARD TREATY); 2020-02-06
Steinholt, Yngvar; Kirill Kobrin; Owen Hatherley; Kjartan Fløgstad; Oscar Mc Fall; Agnes Nedregård and Branko Boero Imwinkelried. Transborder café: The Russian Trace in the West (panel). Barents spektakel 2020 paneldebatt; 2020-02-12 - 2020-02-16
Steinholt, Yngvar and Bjarge Schwenke Fors: "Grensekryssende kultur i nord". Paper at Russland og Norge: Interaksjonsmodeller under ustabile forhold / Россия и Норвегия: модели взаимодействия в условиях нестабильности. Russlands statlige universitet for humaniora (rsuh.ru). Moskva (online), 2021-01-13
Steinholt, Yngvar: Musical Predictions of Change? Attali, Belarusian Popular Music, and Lukashenka’s Crumbling Power Hegemony.. Popular music in the Post-Soviet sphere: Analysing current trends; 2021-02-04 - 2021-02-05
Steinholt, Yngvar: Introduksjon til visning av Sergej Eisenshteins "Ivan den grusomme del 1 og 2". [Kunstnerisk og museal presentasjon] Filmvisning: Eisenshteins "Ivan den grusomme" del 1 og 2. Tromsø Filmklubb; 2021-04-10
Steinholt, Yngvar: Andreev’s Hyper-Realism: Krasnyi smekh and the ongoing war. Большие и малые вехи русского апокалипсиса: Война и революция в русской литературе и искусстве первой четверти XX века; 2021-10-21
Steinholt, Yngvar: Introduksjon til konsert med Ekaterina Efremova. [Kunstnerisk og museal presentasjon] Konsert. Barentssekretariatet; Cafe Sånn, Tromsø. 2021-10-26
Steinholt, Yngvar: Grensekryssende norsk-russisk kultursamarbeid. Novemberseminaret; 2021-11-16
Steinholt, Yngvar: Belarusian Popular Music under Lukashenka: A Theoretical Perspective. BASEES annual conference 2022; 2022-04-08 - 2022-04-10
Steinholt, Yngvar: Beboteu-vevyat! Making sense of Velimir Khlebnikov's birds. Lecture in Slavonic Literature and Culture; 2022-05-17 - 2022-05-17
Steinholt, Yngvar: Harmony, Static Noise, or Noisy Static? Attali, Belarusian Popular Music, and Lukashenka’s Crumbling Power Hegemony. IASPM XXI Biennial International Conference; 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-09
Steinholt, Yngvar: Arrested Development: Music, Social, Anthems, and post-Lukashenkian Belarus. Perspectives on Contemporary Belarus; 2022-08-07
Steinholt, Yngvar: Russisk kirke, stat og sikkerhetsjeneste: Et historisk dypdyk. Foredrag for Nordisk kirkelig nettverk NKN (tidligere SKKB); 2024-09-11
Wickström, David-Emil: "My Pravoslavnye: Russkii rok, Orthodoxy and nationalism in post-Soviet Russia". Paper at the Institute of Language and Culture, UiT - the Arctic University of Norway; 2018-10-26
Wickström, David-Emil: "Song Wars: Post-Soviet Geopolitics in the Eurovision Song Contest". Paper at the Insomnia Festival, Tromsø; 2018-10-27
Wickström, David-Emil: "My Pravoslavnye: Russkii rok, Orthodoxy and nationalism in post-Soviet Russia". Paper at Centrum för forskning om religion och samhälle, Uppsala Universitet; 2018-11-06
Wickström, David-Emil: "My Pravoslavnye: Russkii rok, Orthodoxy and nationalism in post-Soviet Russia". Paper at Pious radicals? Strong religion and politics in modern Europe, Universität Siegen; 2019-03-15
Wickström, David-Emil: "A Million Voices – Post-Soviet popular music, the Russian-Orthodox Church and the nation-state". Paper at Musik und ihre gesellschaftliche Bedeutung in den staats- und postsozialistischen Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas seit 1945, Herder–Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung, Marburg; 2019-06-05
Wickström, David-Emil: Conference paper: "Ты прости нас, Украина! Пост-советская популярная музыка, протест и государство" at Индустрия провокации и протеста: современная российская популярная музыка, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020-02-24
Wickström, David-Emil: "Remains of the Musical Empire – The legacy of the VIAs in contemporary post-Soviet popular music” Conference paper at "Popular music in the Post-Soviet sphere", CBEES, Södertörn University / online, 04.02.2021
Wickström, David-Emil: "Nicht nur Amazonen, Omas und Diven: Post-sowjetische Genderrepräsentationen & Politik im Eurovision Song Contest”, a guest lecture at the Seminar Gender und Pop-Musik in Osteuropa, online, 18.01.2022
Wickström, David-Emil: “The Soviet VIA Legacy in Belarusian Popular Music”British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) 2022 Annual Conference, Cambridge Paper within the panel “Belarusian Popular Music Today”, 09.04.2022
Wickström, David-Emil: 21st Biennial IASPM Conference, Daegu/online
Traces of a Musical Empire: The VIA Legacy in Contemporary post-Soviet Popular Music
Paper within the panel “Popular Music in a Changing Belarus”, 07.07.2022
Wickström, David-Emil: Conference “Perspectives on Contemporary Belarus”, Tromsø
Lukashenko’s diskoteka? The legacy of Belarusian VIAs and Belarusian musical identity
Conference keynote, 07.09.2022
Wickström, David-Emil: Workshop “The urgency of contemporary post-Soviet popular music – Politics and aesthetics”, Mannheim
Wickström, David-Emil: Songs of War – The Russian-Ukrainian war in popular music
Workshop paper, 13.10.2022
Wickström, David-Emil: 5th IASPM D-A-CH & 32nd GfPM conference, Wien
Songs of War – Digitization, anthemization, polarization in the Russian-Ukrainian war
Conference paper, 22.10.2022
Wæhler, Turid Austin: "Coal Mining and Health on Svalbard". A presentation at the workshop MINING IN CONTEXT: SVALBARD AND ELSEWHERE; Longyearbyen, 2020-02-07
Wæhler, Turid Austin: "Symmetrisk naboskap? Norge og Russland på Svalbard". Novemberseminaret; 2020-11-19
Wæhler, Turid Austin: "Staying healthy at 78 degrees north? Health challenges on Svalbard". A paper at Arctic Frontiers; 2021-02-01 - 2021-02-04
Wæhler, Turid Austin: "Norwegian-Russian Collaboration on Svalbard: How Coexistence in a Small Mining Community Can Shed Light on Bilateral Cooperation in the Arctic". A paper at The International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) World Congress; 2021-08-02 - 2021-08-08
Wæhler, Turid Austin: "Can Norway and Russia coordinate efforts in healthcare and emergency preparedness on Svalbard? Health risks, emergency preparedness and Norwegian- Russian cooperation on Svalbard". Poster presentation at the Svalbard Science Forum 2021; 2021-11-02 - 2021-11-03
Wæhler, Turid Austin: “Can Norway and Russia coordinate efforts in healthcare and emergency preparedness on Svalbard?” Norwegian Research School of Global Health Conference; 2022-11-26
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: “Reading Samizdat”. I: READING RUSSIA. VOL. 3 A History of Reading in Modern Russia. Ledizioni 2020 ISBN 9788867055944. s. 217-272
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Translating Living Russian Poets: Experiences of Collaboration. Translating Living Russian Poets: Experiences [Internett] 2020-09-17
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Translating New Generations from Russian & Beyond. ALTA43 Convention; 2020-09-30 - 2020-10-18
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Young Russian Writers in Conversation: Part 3, Poetry. ALTA43 Convention; 2020-09-30 - 2020-10-18
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Russian Internet Poetry: A Translation Challenge. Novemberseminaret; UiT, 2020-11-18
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Book presentation/public lecture: on The Culture of Samizdat: Literature and Underground Networks Södertörn University, 29 May 2022
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Roundtable discussant at the presentation of Bryan Karetnyk's translation of Yuri Felsen's novel "Deceit", Pushkin House (London), 5 October 2022
Zitzewitz, Josephine von: Reading: Translated poetry by Olga Bragina (a Ukrainian poet writing in Russian) at ALTA45 (the annual convention of the American Literary Translators Association) as part of the Alex Levitin Bilingual Readings, 25 Oct 2022
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