Patient and public involvement in health research

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Project group

Jan H. Rosenvinge, IPS, UiT

Tove Aminda Hanssen, IHO, UiT

Kristin Liabø, University of Exeter, UK

Elisabeth Sundkvist, Public collaborator

Gunnhild Berglen, Public collaborator

Mari-Mette Graff, Public collaborator


Røssvoll, T. B., Hanssen, T. A., Rosenvinge, J. H., Liabo, K., & Pettersen, G. (2023). Patient and public involvement in occupational therapy health research: A scoping review. OTJR: Occupation, Participation & Health, 43(1), 119-126. 

Røssvoll, T. B., Rosenvinge, J. H., Liabo, K., Hanssen, T. A., & Pettersen, G. (2023). Patient and public involvement in health research from researchers' perspective. Health Expectations, 26(6), 2525-2531. 

Røssvoll, T. B., Liabo, K., Hanssen, T. A., Rosenvinge, J. H., Sundkvist, E., & Pettersen, G. (2024). What motivates public collaborators to become and stay involved in health research? Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), 24-24.


Gunn Pettersen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Toril Beate Røssvoll

Financial/grant information:

Internal / Faculty of Health Sciences