WP3 - Region-specific valuation of ecosystem services and industrial activities (3)

Aim: To test the analytical framework from work package 2 in four case studies covering economic sectors of present and potential economic importance in Northern Norway.

  • Aquaculture, as marine aquaculture is one of the most prominent Norwegian export industries and is expected to expand significantly in the future.
  • Marine fishing tourism, studies of the economic impact from marine fishing tourism  in Norway concludes that the economic benefits from the industry are quite substantial  for coastal communities. Simultaneously, it has been argued that the current  management of marine fishing tourism is not sustainable. How does one distribute the resource between commercial and tourist fishing?
  • Mining, as there in the northernmost county in Norway, Finnmark, there are large,  profitable deposits of metals and minerals, and in recent years both national and  international companies have applied for extraction concessions. Many of the    occurrences are located close to fjords and sea tailings deposits are planned to be used.
  • Sea transport and oil spill risks, as sea transport carries the risk of oil spills that may  impact bio-based industries, tourism and recreation, and the wider population

All case studies will provide monetary valuation of changes in important ES flows in response to policy-relevant future scenarios. Hard-to-value (cultural) ecosystem service changes will be illustrated by non-monetary valuation information.


Gorm Kipperberg