LAMCOM – Libraries, archives, and museums in the community
Photo: Tore Brattli

LAMCOM—Libraries, archives, and museums in the community is a research group studying the community impact of LAMs in the digital age.

The group focuses on how public libraries, archives, museums, Sami, other indigenous, and minority documentation centers develop and implement new community-oriented strategies, priorities, models of cooperation, working methods, and activities. Community vulnerabilities are many when facing big slow-moving change processes—ecological change, technological change, migration, ageing, and policy regime change.

Main projects:

SAMCOM - Sámi cultural centers as community and cultural resilience infrastructure

PubLIB for Refugees

Peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters

Barlindhaug, G. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and the Preservation of Historic Documents. Proceedings from the Document Academy9 (2).

Barlindhaug, G. (2020). The Ontological Status of Sound Recording: An Artistic Blend between Documentation and Sonic Aesthetics. Proceedings from the Document Academy7(1).

Francke, H. (2021). Trust in the academy: A conceptual framework for understanding trust on academic web profiles. Journal of Documentationahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

Mansour, A., & Francke, H. (2021). Collective Privacy Management Practices: A Study of Privacy Strategies and Risks in a Private Facebook Group. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction5(CSCW2), 1–27.

Olsson, L., Francke, H., Lindelöw, C. H., & Willén, N. (2020). The first Swedish Read & Publish agreement: An evaluation of the Springer Compact pilot. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries30(1), 1–33.

Francke, H. (2019). The academic web profile as a genre of “self-making.” Online Information Review (Print), 43(5), 760-74.

Francke, H., Söderlind, Å., Pilerot, O., Elf, G. & Limberg, L. (2016). Folkbiblioteken i medielandskapet In O. Westlund, (ed.), Människorna, medierna & marknaden : Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring, pp. 515-537. Stockholm: Wolters Kluwer.

Mansour, A. & Francke, H. (2017). Credibility assessments of everyday life information on Facebook: a sociocultural investigation of a group of mothers. Information Research, 22(2), paper 750.

Grenersen, G. (2022). The Finnmark Library: A Scholarly Library in “Ultima Thule.” Mémoires Du Livre / Studies in Book Culture13(1), 1–35.

Grenersen, G. (2020). Libraries and the Sámi population in Norway – Assimilation and Resistance. In R. Audunson et al. (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age (pp. 325–344). De Gruyter Saur.

Grenersen, G. (2018). Libraries and the Establishment of a Sámi Political Sphere. Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy,  5(2).

Grenersen, G. (2016). Documentation, Information and the Animal Connection. Proceedings from the Document Academy3(2).

Grenersen, G., Kemi, K., & Nilsen, S. (2016). Landscapes as documents the relationship between traditional Sámi terminology and the concepts of document and documentation. Journal of Documentation

Grenersen, G. (2012). What is a document institution? A case study from the South Sámi community. Journal of Documentation68(1), 127–133.

Grini, M. (2023). Arresting Actors: A Sámi Drum and its Complex Relations. Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 92(2), 125–151.

Grini, M. (2022). Kunsten å vende hjem: Lars Hættas miniatyrduodji. Kunst og kultur105(2–3), 158–171.

Grini, M. (2021, in press). Duodji Matters: Comments on ‘Decolonizing Production: Healing, Belonging, and Social Change in Sápmi’ by Natalia Magnani and Matthew Magnani. Current Anthropology

Grini, M. (2019). Sámi (re)presentation in a differentiating museumscape: Revisiting the art-culture system. Nordisk Museologi27(3), 169–185.

Grini, M. (2019). Så fjernt det nære: Nasjonalmuseet og samisk kunst [So close and yet so far: The National art museum and Sami art]. Kunst Og Kultur102(3), 176–190.

Grini, M., & Oskal, N. (2018). Fra Karesjok, Tana-elv og Vadsøe Sogn i Sommerdragt: Resepsjonshistorikk og tolkningsmuligheter. DIN - Tidsskrift for Religion Og Kultur, (2), 88–99.

Grini, M. (2017). Contemporary Sámi Art in the Making of Sámi Art History: The Work of Geir Tore Holm, Outi Pieski and Lena Stenberg. In S. Aamold, E. Haugdal, & U. A. Jørgensen (Eds.), Sámi art and aesthetics: Contemporary perspectives (pp. 297–323). Aarhus University Press.

Latham, K. (2020). Two-headed Calves, Unicorn Horns, and Trephined Skulls: An Essay about Beautiful Museum Monsters. Proceedings from the Document Academy7(1).
Latham, K. F., Hartel, J., & Gorichanaz, T. (2020). Information and contemplation: a call for reflection and action. Journal of Documentation, 76(5): 99-1017.
Hartel, J., Bates, M. J., Gorichanaz, T., Latham, K., Lueg, C., Rieh, S. Y., & Thomson, L. (2020). Toward an integrated information science. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology57(1).
Hartel, J., Latham, K., & Tench, B. (2020). Introducing The Tree of Contemplative Practices

Simmons, J. E., & Latham, K. F. (Eds.). (2020). Museum Studies. Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press.

Latham, K.F., Narayan, B., & Gorichanaz, T. (2019). Encountering the muse: An exploration of the relationship between inspiration and information in the museum context. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science51(4), 1067–1076.

Latham, K.F., & Simmons, J. E. (2019). Whither Museum Studies? Journal of Education for Library and Information Science60(2), 102–117.

Gorichanaz, T., & Latham, K. F. (2019). Contemplative aims for information. Information Research24(3), paper 836.

Latham, K. F. (2018). Blank slate: Using systems thinking to develop an integrated LAM curriculum. Education for Information34(2), 97–111.

Latham, K.F. (2018). The wonders of the Augsburg Cabinet: Three ways of experiencing a document.  Proceedings from the Document Academy, 5(2), Article 10.

Gorichanaz, T., Latham, K. F., & Wood, E. (2018). Lifeworld as “unit of analysis.” Journal of Documentation74(4), 880–893.

Latham, K. F. (2017). The Laboratory of Museum Studies: Museality in the Making. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science

Latham, K.F. & Simmons, J.E. (2017). Using systems thinking in teaching museum studies. In Jung, Y. & Love, A. R. (Eds), Systems thinking in museums: Theory and practice. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield

Hajibayova, L. and Latham, K.F. (2017). Exploring Museum Crowdsourcing Projects Through Bourdieu’s lens. Knowledge Organization, Special Issue on Museum Domain, 44(7): 506-514.

Lenstra, N. (2025). What Lessons Do Public Libraries and Their Partners Take from the Experiences of Working Together? Public Library Quarterly, 1–14.
Lenstra, N., Franklin, H., Dieckmann, N. F., Andreyeva, E., Maddock, J., Seguin-Fowler, R. A., Winkle, J., & Perry, C. K. (2025). Assessing the Readiness of Rural Public Librarians to Implement Public Health Programs. Journal of Community Health, 50(1), 152–158.
Lenstra, N., & Peritore, N. (2024). Public Library Partnerships for Public Health: Health in all Policies (HiAP) as a New Conceptual Framework for LIS Teaching and Research. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 65(2), 216–225.
Lenstra, N., Peritore, N., & D’Arpa, C. (2024). Partnerships and the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Threat to Opportunity. In V. Irvin & B. Mehra (Eds.), Advances in Librarianship (pp. 129–145). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Peritore, N., Lenstra, N., & D’Arpa, C. (2024). Public Librarianship and the US Food System: Results from a 2022 National Survey. Public Library Quarterly, 43(1), 91–108.
Lenstra, N., & D’Arpa, C. (2023). Sustaining Ourselves, Sustaining Relationships, Sustaining Communities. In K. C. Williams-Cockfield & B. Mehra (Eds.), Advances in Librarianship (pp. 27–35). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Lenstra, N., O’Hara, N. T., Jones, D. L., Townsend, Z., Slater, S., Pickett, A. C., Day, K. R., Meyer, M. R. U., & Perry, C. (2023). Understanding Libraries as Part of the Rural Active Living Environment: Evidence From a Content Analysis of Library Facebook Posts Made in Summer 2022. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399231206085.
Lenstra, N., Slater, S., Pollack Porter, K. M., & Umstattd Meyer, M. R. (2023). Rural Libraries as Resources and Partners for Outside Active Play Streets. Health Promotion Practice, 24(3), 575–580.
Perry, C. K., Seguin-Fowler, R., Maddock, J. E., Lenstra, N., Dieckmann, N. F., Currier, J., Andreyeva, E., Winkle, J., & Trost, S. G. (2023). Rural libraries implementing walking groups or walking groups plus civic engagement for walkability in rural communities: A comparative effectiveness trial study protocol. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1895.

Lenstra, N., & Campana, K. (2022). The Emerging Role of Outdoor Public Librarianship: Understanding the Need for Strengthened Infrastructure. Journal of Library Administration62(5), 602–620.

Lenstra, N., Oguz, F., D’Arpa, C., & Wilson, L. S. (2022). Exercising at the Library: Small and Rural Public Libraries in the Lives of Older Adults. The Library Quarterly92(1), 5–23.

Lenstra, N., Oguz, F., Winberry, J., & Wilson, L. S. (2022). Supporting Social Connectedness of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Small and Rural Public Libraries. Public Library Quarterly, 41(6), 596–616.

Lenstra, N., Slater, S., Pollack Porter, K. M., & Umstattd Meyer, M. R. (2022). Rural Libraries as Resources and Partners for Outside Active Play Streets. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399211073602.

D’Arpa, C., Lenstra, N., & Oguz, F. (2022). Public library work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: Preliminary findings of a national survey. Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference

Feuerstein-Simon, R., Lowenstein, M., Dupuis, R., Dolan, A., Marti, X. L., Harvey, A., Ali, H., Meisel, Z. F., Grande, D. T., Lenstra, N., & Cannuscio, C. C. (2022). Substance Use and Overdose in Public Libraries: Results from a Five-State Survey in the US. Journal of Community Health47(2), 344–350.

Meisel, Z. F., Grande, D. T., Lenstra, N., & Cannuscio, C. C. (2022). Substance Use and Overdose in Public Libraries: Results from a Five-State Survey in the US. Journal of Community Health47(2), 344–350.

Zimmerman, M. S., Lenstra, N., Ma, J., Rubenstein, E., & Vardell, E. (2022). Health, Libraries, Research and Education. Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference

Lenstra, N. (2021). Libraries are Outdoor Spaces. New Librarianship Symposia Series: Fall 2021
Lenstra, N., & Campana, K. (2021). Spending Time in Nature: How Do Public Libraries Increase Access? Public Library Quarterly40(5), 425–443.
Lenstra, N., & D’Arpa, C. (2021). Reimagining public library programming during a pandemic. IFLA Journal, 03400352211023076.
Lenstra, N., Oguz, F., Winberry, J., & Wilson, L. S. (2021). Supporting Social Connectedness of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Small and Rural Public Libraries. Public Library Quarterly0(0), 1–21.
Latham, J. M., & Lenstra, N. (2021). Researching Practice/Practicing Research: The Public Library in Partnership with Academia. Library Trends69(4), 717–724.
Rubenstein, E. L., Burke, S. K., D’Arpa, C., & Lenstra, N. (2021). Health Equity and Small and Rural Public Libraries During COVID-19. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology58(1), 827–829.
Rubenstein, E. L., D’Arpa, C., Burke, S. K., Lenstra, N., Rose, A., Schneider, G., & Floyd, R. (2021). Staying afloat, staying connected: Comparing small and rural public libraries’ Facebook use during Covid-19
Lenstra, N. (2020). Physical activity and libraries: How library-recreation partnerships contribute to active living. In Library Collaborations and Community Partnerships. Routledge.
Lenstra, N., & Flaherty, M. G. (2020). Closing the Gap: Public Libraries and Public Health. Delaware Journal of Public Health6(4), 40–45.
Lenstra, N., & Mathiasson, M. (2020). Free and for all? A comparative study of programs with user fees in North American and Danish public libraries. Library Managementahead-of-print
Lenstra, N., & Oguz, F. (2020). Physical and social health at the library: Studying small and rural public libraries as venues for group fitness among older adults. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology57(1), e211.
Lenstra, N., Oguz, F., & Duvall, C. S. (2020). Library services to an aging population: A nation-wide study in the United States. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science52(3), 738–748.
Adkins, D., Bossaller, J. S., Burke, S. K., D’Arpa, C., Lenstra, N., Mehra, B., & Rubenstein, E. L. (2020). Connecting Rural Public Libraries to LIS Education and Research: The Case of Health Services, Programs, and Partnerships
Charbonneau, D., Hussey, L., Lenstra, N., Saunders, L., & Williams, R. (2020). Crisis Management, COVID-19, and Libraries: Implications for LIS Education
D’Arpa, C., Lenstra, N., & Rubenstein, E. (2020). Growing Food at and through the Local Library: An Exploratory Study of an Emerging Role. In B. St. Jean, G. Jindal, Y. Liao, & P. T. Jaeger (Eds.), Roles and Responsibilities of Libraries in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy and Reducing Health Disparities (Vol. 47, pp. 41–59). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Rubenstein, E. L., D’Arpa, C., Burke, S. K., Lenstra, N., Rose, A., Schneider, V., & Floyd, R. R. (2020). “12pm Eastern, 11am Central, 10am Mountain”: Student Contributions to Research on Rural and Small Public Libraries. Alise 2020 Conference Proceedings, 89–96.


Lenstra, N., & Latham, K. F. (2019). Considering the Whole Person in GLAMs. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association68(4), 321–326.

Lenstra, N. (2019) Designing for the Informatics Lifecourse and Ageing in Place. Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction research with older people. Springer HCI Series. Book Chapter.

Lenstra, N., & Carlos, J. (2019). Public Libraries and Walkable Neighborhoods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(10), 1780.

Lenstra, N., & D’Arpa, C. (2019). Food Justice in the Public Library: Information, Resources, and Meals. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI)3(4).

D'Arpa, C., Lenstra, N., Burke, S., & Rubenstein, E. (2019). Community health and wellness: Rural library practices, perspectives, and programs. iConference 2019 Proceedings.

Lenstra, N. (2018a). The Role of Public Librarians in Supporting Physical Activity. Advances in Library Administration and Organization. 39. pp. 185 - 205.

Lenstra, N. (2018b). The Experiences of Public Library Staff Developing Programs with Physical Activities: An Exploratory Study in North Carolina. The Library Quarterly, 88(2), 142-159. 10.1086/696580

Lenstra, N. (2018c). Let’s Move! Fitness Programming in Public Libraries. Public Library Quarterly, 37(1), 61–80.

Lenstra, N., Rubenstein, E. L., Smith, C. A., Flaherty, M. G., & Gibson, A. N. (2018). How does health happen in public libraries? Ethical and emerging issues. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 55(1), 704-707.

Lenstra, N. (2017a). Agency and ageism in the community-based technology support services used by older adults. First Monday22(8). Retrieved from

Lenstra, N. (2017b). The Community-Based Information Infrastructure of Older Adult Digital Learning. Nordicom Review38(s1), 65–77.

Lenstra, N. (2017c). Yoga at the Public Library: An Exploratory Survey of Canadian and American Librarians. Journal of Library Administration0(0), 1–18.

Lenstra, N. (2017d). Movement-Based Programs in US and Canadian Public Libraries: Evidence of Impacts from an Exploratory Survey. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 12(4), 214-232.

Lenstra, N. (2017e). The informatics lifecourse: Studying the experiences of older adults learning technology in senior centers. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology54(1), 736–738.

Lenstra, N., & Baker, K. S. (2017). The Intermediation of Community and Infrastructure. Library Trends65(4), 473–490.

Lindbach, H. (2020). Gateway to the Sámi past: The Sámi hidden in archives from 18th century Scandinavia. In Library and Information Studies for Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities. Routledge.
Mariano, R., & Vårheim, A. (2021). Libraries, museums and cultural centers in foreign policy and cultural diplomacy: A scoping review. Journal of Documentationahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Olsen, H. K., Tveit, Å. K., & Evjen, S. (Eds.). (2020). Rød mix: Ragnar Audunson som forsker og nettverksbygger. ABM Media.

Olsen, H. K. (2019). What are they doing? And where? Tracking the Traffic as one of the instruments in an evidence-based redesign of a university library. LIBER Quarterly29(1), 1–32.

Ravna, Z. V. (2021). “Skills come with experience” a pedagogical study of different forms of communication in Nenets nomadic communities in Northern Russia. Learning and Instruction71, 101373.

Skare, R. (2024a). Document theory. In Handbook On Information Sciences (pp. 59–72). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Skare, R. (2024b). The importance of a complementary approach when working with historical documents. Journal of Documentation, 80(3), 618–631.
Skare, R. (2024c). The Norwegian Public Library of the Future–What are the Challenges to Meet? Proceedings from the Document Academy, 11(2), 9.

Skare, R. (2022). Document Theory. In G. Hartung, F. Schlupkothen, & K.-H. Schmidt (Eds.), Using Documents. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Document Theory (pp. 11–38). De Gruyter.

Skare, R. (2022). The Romance of the Far Fur Country (1920) et Nanouk l’Esquimau (1922): Deux documentaires sur l’Arctique entre réalité et fiction. In C. Damiens (Ed.), Ciné-expéditions: Une zone de contact cinématographique (pp. 243–260). AFRHC - Association française de recherche sur l’histoire du cinéma.

Skare, R., & Lenstra, N. (2022). Public Libraries in Norway and the U.S.: Looking Outside During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic. Proceedings from the Document Academy9(2, Article 4).

Skare, R. (2021). Folkebibliotekets digitale tilbud under koronakrisen: En case studie fra Tromsø bibliotek og byarkiv. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies2(1), 1–16.

Skare, R. (2020a). Like, Share and Comment! The Use of Facebook by Public Libraries and Museums: A Case Study from Tromsø, Norway. In R. Audunson et al. (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age (pp. 207–224). De Gruyter Saur.

Skare, R. (2020b). Paratext. In B. Hjørland & C. Gnoli (Eds.), ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization

Skare, R. (2020c). Paratext. Knowledge Organization47(6), 511–519.

Skare, R. (2020). The paratext of digital documents. Journal of Documentation77(2), 449–460.

Skare, R. (2019a). Nanook of the North: Fra Broadway i New York til Storgata i Tromsø. Nordlit41, 7–18.

Skare, R. (2019b). Documentation Studies at the University of Tromsø: A new way to educate librarians? Education for Information35(4), 455–463.

Skare, R. (2019c). Paratext – a Useful Concept for the Analysis of Digital Documents? Proceedings from the Document Academy6(1).

Skare, R., Stokstad, S., & Vårheim, A. (2019). ABM-utvikling og avvikling: Institusjonell konvergens og divergens i kulturpolitikken. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift22(02), 231–256.

Skare, R. (2018). The Public Library and Social Media. A Case Study from Tromsø, Norway.  Proceedings from the Document Academy, Volum 5 (2). Retrieved from

Skare, R. (2017). Digital Film Preservation: The Search for the Original. Proceedings from the Document Academy4(2). Retrieved from

Johnston, J., Mierzecka, A., Tóth, M., Paul, M., Kisilowska-Szurmińska, M., Khosrowjerdi, M., Vårheim, A., Rydbeck, K., Jochumsen, H., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., Pálsdóttir, Á., Olson, A., Skare, R., & Mathiasson, M. H. (2024). Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1–20.
Khosrowjerdi, M., Johnston, J., Rydbeck, K., Vårheim, A., Huvila, I., Tóth, M., Pálsdóttir, Á., & Mierzecka, A. (2024). Professional identity of public librarians, archivists and museum professionals in five European countries. Journal of Documentation, 80(6), 1570–1596.
Tóth, M., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., Vårheim, A., Johnston, J., & Khosrowjerdi, M. (2024). Librarians, archivists, and museum professionals’ role perceptions and cross sectoral collaboration – Signs of convergence? Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1-14.
Vårheim, A. (2023). Folkebibliotek i krig og krisetid – folkebibliotek og resiliens. In Å. Hedemark & I. Huvila (Eds.), Bibliotek, bildning och läsning som arena och praktik: En festskrift till Kerstin Rydbeck (pp. 31–42). Uppsala University.

Hylland, O. M., Kann-Rasmussen, N., & Vårheim, A. (2022). LAMs as objects of knowledge and cultural policy: Developing synergies. In C. H. Rasmussen, H. Larsen, & K. Rydbeck (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums in Transition: Changes, Challenges and Convergence in a Scandinavian Perspective (pp. 57–70). Routledge.

Jochumsen, H., Johnston, J., & Vårheim, A. (2022). Pursuing sustainable futures through LAMs. In C. H. Rasmussen, H. Larsen, & K. Rydbeck (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums in Transition: Changes, Challenges and Convergence in a Scandinavian Perspective (pp. 215–229). Routledge.

Rydbeck, K., Johnston, J., Pálsdóttir, Á., Khosrowjerdi, M., Vårheim, A., Audunson, R. A., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., & Jochumsen, H. (2022). Social Reading and the Public Sphere in Nordic Public Libraries: A Comparative Study. Information Research27 (Special Issue, colis2234).

Vårheim, A., & Skare, R. (2021). Mapping the research on museums and the public sphere: A scoping review. Journal of Documentationahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

Vårheim, A., Skare, R, & Stokstad, S. (2020). Institutional Convergence and Divergence in Norwegian Cultural Policy: Central Government LAM Organization 1999–2019. IR. Audunson et al. (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age (pp. 133–162). De Gruyter Saur.

Vårheim, A., Jochumsen, H., Rasmussen, C. H. & Rydbeck, K. (2020). The Use of LAM Institutions in the Digital Age. In R. Audunson et al. (Eds.), Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age (pp. 247–270). De Gruyter Saur.

Vårheim, A. (2019). Programs and Strategies for Community Resilience in a Metropolitan Area Public Library: A Case Study. Proceedings from the Document Academy6(1).

Vårheim, A., Skare, R., & Lenstra, N. (2019). Examining libraries as public sphere institutions: Mapping questions, methods, theories, findings, and research gaps. Library & Information Science Research

Vårheim, A., Skare, R., & Lenstra, N. (2019). Institutional convergence in the libraries, archives and museums sector: A contribution towards a conceptual framework. Information Research24(4), paper Colis 1918.

Audunson, R., Aabø, S., Blomgren, R., Hobohm, H.-C., Jochumsen, H., Khosrowjerdi, M., Mumenthaler, R., Schuldt, K., Rasmussen, C. H., Rydbeck, K., Tóth, M., & Vårheim, A. (2019). Public libraries as public sphere institutions: A comparative study of perceptions of the public library’s role in six European countries. Journal of Documentation75(6), 1396–1415.

Audunson, R., Aabø, S., Blomgren, R., Evjen, S., Jochumsen, H., Larsen, H., Rasmussen, C.H., Vårheim, A., Johnston, J., and Koizumi, M. (2019). Public libraries as an infrastructure for a sustainable public sphere: A comprehensive review of research. Journal of Documentation75(4), 773–790.

Vårheim, A., Skare, R., Lenstra, N., Latham, K. F., & Grenersen, G. (2018). A Research Program for Studying LAMs and Community in the Digital Age. Proceedings from the Document Academy5(2), 12.

Vårheim, A. (2017). Public libraries, community resilience, and social capital. Information Research22(1),


Vårheim, A. (2016). A Note on Resilience Perspectives in Public Library Research: Paths Towards Research Agendas. The Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy3(2), 12.

Vårheim, A. (2015). Public libraries worked in the Tohoku mega-disaster. The Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy2(1), 10.

Books, dissertations, and research reports

Grini, M. (2021). Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie: Delvise forbindelser. Stockholm University Press.,

Lindbach, H. H. (2020). Minoritetspolitiske dokumentasjonsstrategier i Nordområdet på 1700-tallet: En komparativ analyse av hvordan og hvor samer og kvener trer frem i arkivene til lokal- og regionalforvaltningen i Danmark-Norge og Sverige, med spesielt blikk på Nord-Troms, Jukkasjärvi og Enontekis [Ph.D. thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway].

Lenstra, N. (2020b). Healthy Living at the Library: Programs for All Ages. ABC-CLIO.

Ravna, Z. V. (2020). The Inter-Generational Transmission of Indigenous Knowledge By Nenets Women: Viewed in the context of the state educational system of Russia [Ph.D., UiT The Arctic University of Norway].

Barlindhaug, G. (2019). The Kids Want Noise—How Sonic Mediations Change the Aesthetics of Music [Doctoral dissertation, UiT The Arctic University of Norway].

Francke, H., & Johansson, M. (2019). Källkritik på internet. In Digitalisering – grundskola, gymnasieskola Modul: Kritisk användning av nätet Del 3: Källkritik på internet. Skolverket; DiVA. 

Francke, H., & Sundin, O. (2019). Källkritik och nya publiceringsformer. In Digitalisering – grundskola, gymnasieskola Modul: Kritisk användning av nätet Del 4: Källkritik och nya publiceringsformer. Skolverket; DiVA.

Grenersen, G. (2018). «Samisk språk og kultur i møte med institusjonalisering, dokumentasjon og digitalisering.» In Myrvoll, E.R.; Hesjedal, A; Holmgaard, S.B.; Grenersen, G.; Krogh, M.; Dunfjeld-Aagård, L.; Jåma, A.L. Digitalisering av samisk kulturarv – utfordringer og muligheter. Oslo: Norsk Institutt for kulturminneforskning 2018 (ISBN 978-82-8101-234-9) ; Vol. 107 s. NIKU Rapport(90) NIKU UiT. 

Peer-reviewed conference presentations

Francke, H., Lenstra, N., Vårheim, A., & Skare, R. (2019, September 27). Digital Literacy and Social Inclusion in Public Libraries: A Review of Research [Konferanse]. ECIL 2018 The Sixth European Conference on Information Literacy, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Francke, H., Lenstra, N., Vårheim, A. & Skare, R. (2018). Digital Literacy and Social Inclusion in Public Libraries: A Review of Research. Presented at ECIL: European Conference on Information Literacy, Oulu, Finland, September 24-27, 2018.

Grenersen, G. (2021). The Finnmark Library – “Finmarksbibliotheket”. A scholarly library at the second northernmost town in the world. What a remarkable idea! Annual meeting of the Document Academy 2021, Växjö, Sweden.

Grenersen, G. (2019). Libraries and a Sámi and Kven public sphere – a historical perspective. Presented at the Document Academy Annual Meeting, Toulon, France

Grenersen, G. (2018). Libraries and the establishment of a Sámi political sphere. Presented at the Document Academy Annual Meeting, Turin, Italy

Grenersen, G. (2017). The first Sámi intellectuals and their use of the libraries. Presented at the Document Academy Annual Meeting, Bloomington, Indiana

Grini, M. (2022, June 16). Curating the Anthropocene. Roundtable. Nordic Nature: Art, Ecology, Landscape. KODE Art Museums and Composer Homes/University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.

Grini, M. (2022, September 15). Sami Art Beyond the Nation(-State): Artefacts, Practices, and Actors in Global Relations. (Post-)Colonial Knowledge: Histories and Heritage.  Claimed Pasts. Critical Knowledge and Heritage Production.  Claimed Pasts. Critical Knowledge and Heritage Production. University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.

Grini, M. (2022, November 1). Sámi Art and the Art of Norwegian Art History. Art, Architecture and Visual Culture 1950-today. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.

Grini, M. (2021). Differencing Canons. Sámi and Norwegian Art History. SASS 2021: Ecologies and Economies, Zoom.

Latham, K.F. (submitted 2019). Positive Museology: A framework for a future of flourishing museums. International Council of Museums General Assembly, ICTOP, Kyoto, Japan, Sept 1-7.

Latham, K.F. (accepted 2019). The Shroud of Turin: Experiencing a document that isn’t there. The Document Academy, Toulon, France.

Latham, K.F. (accepted 2019). So Where is the Magic in Museums? Spiritual Ways of Knowing. Visitor Studies Association, Detroit, MI.

Latham, K.F. (2018). The wonders of the Augsburg Cabinet: Three ways of experiencing the real thing. The Document Academy, Torino, Italy.

Latham, K.F. (2017). Blank Slate: (Re)Starting ALM Curriculum from Scratch. [Presentation & Workshop. AKM21: Archives, Libraries, & Museums, Poreč, Croatia.

Mariano, R., & Vårheim, A. (2021). Mapping the research on libraries, museums, and cultural centers in foreign policy and cultural diplomacy: A scoping review. Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2021 (Online), Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Skare, R., & Lenstra, N. (2022, August 12). Public libraries in Norway and the U.S. – looking outside during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Annual meeting of the Document Academy, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio.

Skare, R. (2021). Public libraries in Norway and the Covid-19 pandemic. Annual meeting of the Document Academy, online.

Skare, R. (2020). “What is truly Scandinavian?” – A SAS commercial and its surrounding documents. DOCAM 2020, Online.

Skare, R. (2019). Paratext - a useful concept for the analysis of digital documents? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy. University of Toulon, 12-14 June, 2019, Toulon, France. 

Skare, R. (2018). The Public Library and Social Media. Presented at the Document Academy Annual Meeting, University of Torino, Turin, Italy

Skare, R. & Vårheim, A. (2018). Researching public libraries and the public sphere: A mapping of questions, methods, theories, and findings. Presented at the LIDA - LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia.

Johnston, J., Mierzecka, A., Toth, M., Vårheim, A., Rasmussen, C. H., Rydbeck, K., Pálsdóttir, Á., Jochumsen, H., & Khosrowjerdi, M. (2023). Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland. LIDA 2023: Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2023, Osijek, Croatia.

Johnston, J., Jochumsen, H., & Vårheim, A. (2022, May 18). Pursuing Sustainable Futures: The Need for Information. Metropolitan Libraries Conference 2022. IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Section. Oslo Public Library, Oslo, Norway.

Rydbeck, K., Johnston, J., Pálsdóttir, Á., Khosrowjerdi, M., Vårheim, A., Audunson, R. A., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., & Jochumsen, H. (2022). Social Reading and the Public Sphere in Nordic Public Libraries: A Comparative Study. Conceptions of Library and Information Science - CoLIS11. Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.

Tóth, M., Audunson, R. A., Vårheim, Andreas, A., Khosrowjerdi, M., Hvenegaard Rasmussen, C., & Johnston, J. (2022). Collaboration and convergent development across libraries, archives and museums. 12th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research: ICCPR 2022. University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Vårheim, A., & Skare, R. (2021). Museums as public sphere infrastructure in the digital age: A scoping review of research. Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2021 [Online], Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Vårheim, A. (2019). Texan public library programming in the digital age. Annual Meeting of the Document Academy. University of Toulon, 12-14 June, 2019, Toulon, France

Vårheim, A., Skare, R., & Lenstra, N. (2019, June 19). Institutional convergence in the LAM sector: A contribution towards a conceptual framework. CoLIS. Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10th international conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Vårheim, A., Francke, H., Grenersen, G., Latham, K.F.,  Lenstra, N., Skare, R. (2018). LAMs in the Digital Age. Presented at the Document Academy Annual Meeting, University of Torino, Turin, Italy

Non-peer-reviewed publications and presentations

Barlindhaug, G. (2019). Våre Håpefulle filmmusikk. UiT The Arctic University of Norway [Music].

Grenersen, G. (2020, October 5). Libraries and the Sámi population in Norway – Assimilation and Resistance [Book launch]. Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age, Online.

Grenersen, G. (2020, January 20). Bibotek, arkiv, museer og utviklingen av en samisk offentlighet – assimilasjon og motstand. ALMPUBSs sluttkonferanse: BIBLIOTEK, ARKIV OG MUSEER SOM OFFENTLIGHETSARENAER OG MØTEPLASSER I EN DIGITAL TID, Oslo, Norway.

Grenersen, G. (2019). Biblioteket ved Tromsø Seminarium og de samiske pionerene Isak Saba og Anders Larsen. Bob : Bok Og Bibliotek2, 46–51.

Grenersen, G. (2018). En samisk og kvensk bibliotekhistorie? Bob : Bok Og Bibliotek5/6

Grenersen, G. (2017). Fornorskningen i regi av skolen. Presented at the Snubbadagan, Snubba grendelag og foreningen Kystsamene, Snubba, Norway.

Grenersen, G. (2016). Hva var Finnefondet? Presented at the Arkivdagene, Tromsø: Statsarkivet i Tromsø.

Grini, M. (2022a, January 20). Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie: Delvise forbindelser. Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie: Delvise Forbindelser. Girjegumpi. Det samiske i norsk kunst- og arkitekturhistorie. Nasjonalmuseet – Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway.
Grini, M. (2022b, February 4). Innledning til filmvisning “Buot iežan bohccuid dovdann / Alle mine rein kjenner jeg”, Grete Andrea Kvaal. Worlding Northern Art (WONA), UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Grini, M., Haugdal, E., & Stien, H. H. (2022). Nordlige verdensgjøringer. Kunst og kultur105(2–3), 70–73.

Stien, H. H., Haugdal, E. K., & Grini, M. (2022, September 22). Nordlige verdensgjæringer: Presentasjon av Kunst og kultur 2-3 2022. Lansering Kunst og kultur 2-3 2022. Worlding Northern Art. Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway.

Grini, M. (2021). Hvordan skrive kunsthistorie i fremtiden? Panel discussion.,

Grini, M. (2021). Sámi Art Beyond the Nation(-state). Cross-border connectivity in Nordic–Baltic Art in the late 19th and 20th centuries, Paris; Södertörn, Sweden; Zoom. Omtale

Grini, M. (2021). Sámi Art and the Poetics and Politics of Norwegian Art History. Art History and Visual Studies Lecture Series, IFIKK/University of Oslo, Zoom.

Grini, M. (2021, August 27). De gamle må ut! Debatt om kunsthistoriefagets rolle og framtid. Fagutvalget for kunsthistorie; Kunsthistorisk forening, Oslo.

Grini, M. (2020). Presentation: “The Installation. Politics and Poetics of Display.” Zoomposium, The Societal Dimensions of Sámi Research, Zoom.

Grini, M. (2020). Kunsthistoriens politikk. In Se Kunst Magasin (Issue 3, pp. 16–19). Institusjonsarkiv Data

Grini, M. (2020). Kunst(historie) er ikke det du tror det er: Noen refleksjoner rundt kunsthistorie som global praksis. Bildekunst mellom historie, estetikk og praksis. Ph.d.-emne, Tromsø, Zoom.

Grini, M. (2020, January 7). Året for å feire “den guddommelige kunstneren” (H. M. Lindekleiv, Interviewer) [Vårt Land].

Grini, M. (2019). Samisk (re)presentasjon i et nasjonalt museumslandskap. Gjesteforelesning Nasjonalmuseet for kunst arkitektur og design, Oslo.

Grini, M. (2019). Panelist: “Research Matters: How to study colonial histories in art and visual culture?” The Art of Nordic Colonialism, Ilisimatusarfik. University of Greenland. Omtale Prosjekt

Grini, M. (2019). Arresting Actors, Equivocal Translations: Anders Poulsen and His Drum. Henrik-Steffens-Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Omtale

Grini, M. (2019). Det store i det lille: Lars Hættas miniatyrduodji. Smávva diŋggaid stuorisvuohta: Lars Hætta duodji. Lars Hætta ja Anders Bæra muitalusat ja duodji, Sámi allaskuvla, Kautokeino, Norway. Prosjekt

Lindbach, H. H. (2019). Kjønn og etnisitet i 1700-tallets rettsreferater i Nord-Troms og Torne Lappmark. In Haaløygminne (Issue 3, pp. 373–379).

Lindbach, H. H. (2019). – EI DRAMATISK TID SOM PRESSET FOLK PÅ FLUKT. Ruijan Radio [Podcast].

Latham, K.F. (2018). Profound and transcendental information experiences [Panelmmember]. ISIC 2018: The Information Behaviour Conference, Kraków, Poland

Latham, K.F., Hartel, J., Gorichanaz, T., Nguyen, A.T. (2018). Contemplating information in the pleasurable and the profound. [SIE, chair]. iConference, Sheffield, U.K.

Latham, K.F. (2018a). Do Digital Mediators Create Relationships between Museum Visitors and Museum Collections? [Poster]. iConference meeting, Sheffield, U.K.

Latham, K.F. (2018b). Back to the Mindful Museum. MuseLab Blog:

Mariano, R. (2021). The Library Diplomacy Initiative: The role of foreign cultural centers in bridging culture and innovation. IFLA Webinar on Projects in the Libraries - Ideas, Innovations, Initiatives, Hague, Netherlands (Online).

Skare, R. (2022, September 21). Folkebibliotek som kunnskapsaktør 2.0. Samlingsutviklingsseminar for folkebibliotekene.  Troms og Finnmark fylkesbibliotek, Hammerfest.

Skare, R., Torquil, M., & Eleanor Rosamund, B. (Directors). (2022, August 16). Robert Flaherty’s ground-breaking documentary film Nanook of the North. In Robert Flaherty’s ground-breaking documentary film Nanook of the North. BBC Radio.

Skare, R., Stokstad, S., & Vårheim, A. (2020). ABM-utvikling og avvikling: Hva skjedde? Bok og Bibliotek81(2), 14–21.

Skare, R. (2020, January 20). Sosiale medier og digital deltakelse i bibliotek, arkiv og museer. ALMPUBs sluttkonferanse: BIBLIOTEK, ARKIV OG MUSEER SOM OFFENTLIGHETSARENAER OG MØTEPLASSER I EN DIGITAL TID, Oslo, Norway.

 Skare, R. (2018a). Gir digitalisert arkivmateriale et enklere forskerliv? Erfaringer med Robert Flahertys "Nanook of the North". Nå blir mediehistorien digital. Hva gjør vi med det? Nasjonalbiblioteket

Skare, R. (2018b). Lite brukeraktivitet og diskusjoner på bibliotekenes facebook-sider.  Bibliotekaren (Oslo) 2018. ISSN 0804-4147

Skare, R. (2018, April 17). Hva gjør egentlig biblioteket på Facebook? Nordlys, p. 8.

Vårheim, A. (2021, March 19). Public libraries and communities in disaster recovery . Facing the Post-Pandemic World Stronger Together: Cultivating Synergy Between the Library & Information Centers (LICs) and the Community [Online], Manila, Philippines

Vårheim, A. (2021). Messeltmo sentral i telehistorien. Kulturminnedagen 2021 - Dialog: De gamle telegrafene i dialogens historie, Høgtun kulturklynge, Moen i Målselv.

Vårheim, A. (2021). Bibliotek og lokalsamfunn under press. Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune. Bibliotekpolitisk seminar, Tromsø. 

Vårheim, A., & Mariano, R. (2021). Vulnerable communities, community resilience and social capital: Challenges and opportunities for ASEAN public libraries. In 1ST ASEAN VIRTUAL REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC LIBRARIANS (1ST ASEAN VRCPL). 1ST ASEAN VIRTUAL REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC LIBRARIANS (1ST ASEAN VRCPL), Manila.

Vårheim, A. (2020, January 20)). Politikk på ABM-feltet. [Panel debate]. ALMPUBs sluttkonferanse: BIBLIOTEK, ARKIV OG MUSEER SOM OFFENTLIGHETSARENAER OG MØTEPLASSER I EN DIGITAL TID, Oslo, Norway.

Vårheim, A. (2020, September 23). Why are libraries important in crisis? [Keynote Address]. Chals 2020, Online, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Vårheim, A. (2020). LAMCOM—Libraries, archives, and museums in the community. LAMCOM—Libraries, Archives, and Museums in the Community.


LAMCOM – Libraries, archives, and museums in the community

+47 77 64 57 39

The LAMCOM research group is in the Department of Language and Culture at UIT The Arctic University of Norway. The LAMCOM group is in full operation since 2018.

LAMCOM was a core partner in the international research project The ALM-field, digitalization, and the public sphere (ALMPUB)The ALMPUB project, which started in 2016, and ran through 2020, was  funded by the Research  Council of Norway and the KULMEDIA program. The international partners included Scandinavian, German, Swiss, Hungarian, and U.S. universities.

Presently LAMCOM research focuses Sami national museums and cultural centers' roles in community resilience.

LAMCOM – Libraries, archives, and museums in the community

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, PO Box 6050 Langnes, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway
Tromsø campus, Department of Language and Culture, SVHUM E1012
+47 77 64 57 39
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