Healthpunk - Speculative fiction for socially and environmentally responsible healthcare

Image caption Logo from the original Physiopunk Vol 1 publication (by

A crisis of imagination has been identified to be at the heart of the mounting social and ecological challenges we are facing now. Healthpunk is a new genre in speculative fiction developed by our group in the context of public health education for physiotherapists and occupational therapists. The focus of Healthpunk is to explore and utilize speculative fiction as a catalyst for more environmentally and socially responsible healthcare futures, such that the healthcare professions can more actively contribute to the transformative change we need today. 

Healthcare students, academics, clinicians, and patients all contribute to the exploration of urgently needed healthcare futures different from the status quo.


Maric, F. (2023). Mot løsninger på vår fantasikrise (Toward solutions for our crisis of imagination). Fysioterapeuten Tidsskriftet. 

Johnsen Saue, A. M. (2023). Lekens kurative kraft: En fremtidshistorie om fysioterapi (The healing power of play: A fictional story about physiotherapy). Fysioterapeuten Tidsskriftet. 

McPherson, K.,  Black, J., Byrne, A., Frost, B., Elder, M., Oliver, P. & Maric, F. (2023). PhysioPunk MiniZine: Punk it up! @Charles Sturt University. Environmental Physiotherapy Association.

Maric, F., Nikolaisen, L. J., Ntinga, N. M., & Webb, J. (Eds.) (2022). Healthpunk Vol 2: Healthcare + Fiction + You. Open Physio Journal.  

Maric, F., Nikolaisen, L.J., & Bårdsen, Å. (Eds.). (2021). Physiopunk Vol 1. OpenPhysio Journal.

Upcoming work 

We are currently developing a call for stories for Occupational Punk Vol 3. More information coming soon! 

For questions about Healthpunk please contact Filip Maric (PhD)


Filip Maric (Principal investigator) (Project manager)