Arctic Samprax - The Bachelor Program in Nursing explores new models of clinical placements

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway educates nurses from 10 campuses in Northern Norway including clinical placement in communities with scarce and widespread population, often in substantial distance to the nearest hospital. The aim is to build capacity and competence for supervising students, by exploring new models for supervising and offering formal training of nurses in the communities.  Ultimately, the hope is to strengthen the recruitment of recently graduated nurses in rural areas. 


Project group at UiT: Anne-Sofie Sand, Bente Norbye, Kari Birkelund, Nina B. Cheetham, Ingrid Waldahl, Stefan Bye, Nina Johnsen and Lisa Øien


Arctic samprax is in collaboration with six municipal healthservices improving quaility in nursing students clinical placements by: 

  • Establishing combined position for collaboration with municipal/primary healthcare servises. 
  • Piloting two new supervision models; 1. Supervision by collegues as a team. 2. digital supervision from nurse lecturers 
  • Piloting two content models; 1. The Patient pathway where students follow up patients across clinical heathservices. 2. Cultural sensitivity in a Sapmi municipality
  • Digitalisation for collaboration between nursing student- placement supervisor and nurse education lecturer.
  • Digitalisation for a secure digital gateway of assessment of the nursing students progress during placement.
  • Capasity building Increasing capasity for nurses supervising students during placement by offering 10ECTS modul in supervision skills.   


Bente Norbye (Principal investigator)
Stefan Bye
Ingrid Waldahl
Nina Bøhle Cheetham
Kari Birkelund Olsen

Financial/grant information:

The project is financed by The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills in collaboration with UiT The Arctic University of Norway