Data access
Projects applying for directly or indirectly identifiable personal data must provide lawfullness of processing in accordence with article 6 1 in the European Union's personal data protection regulation (GDPR) and the Personal Information Act. For most research project, the processing will be lawfull when it is necessary to perform a task carried out in the public insterest, cf. article 6 1 e or article 9 2 j GDPR.
The responsible Research Institution must assess whether a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is necessary. Projects anchored at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, that are processing personal information, must submit an assessment from the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (SIKT), in accordance with UiT's guidelines. Projects must also document any required approvals, for example from the Regional Ethics Committee (REK).
The application must be complete before the data and biobank committee processes it, and must contain:
- application form
- list of selected variables
- analysis plan on how you will use the variables, for example outcome measures, exposure and adjustment variables. The analysis plan can be part of the protocol or a separate document
- project description/protocol with publication plan
- REK-approval, if required
- data processing plan on how you plan to handle data in the project. The information in the data processing plan may be part of the protocol, other documents in the application or a separate document
Submit the application and attatchments by email to
Applications must be submitted at least two weeks before the next Data and biobank committee meeting in order to be processed at the meeting.
Here you can read more about Fit Future's guidelines for access to data and biological material and download a list of available variables in Fit Futures 1, Fit Futures 2 and Fit Futures 3. Here you can download an application form.
Fit Futures stores biological material from the three data collections in UiT's biobank at the Faculty of Health Sciences. FF has biobank number 3800 in the national biobank register.
Projects must pay given rates for access to research data and biological material. The fee helps to cover our expenses for the release, management and quality assurance of data. Student projects are exempt from this general rule.
Data and/or biological samples will be provided when all necessary documents have been submitted, an agreement is signed and the fee (if required) is paid.