The adventure of learning

Ambition: We will combine disparate aspects of learning theory into a coherent whole to highlight adventurous aspects of learning

To achieve our ambition, we will:

  • Develop a theory of learning premised on learning as an adventure.
  • Explore the nature of adventure learning experiences of adventure learning in multiple learning contexts.
  • Clarify and incorporate the role of interest development for learning. We will do this by developing ways to measure how interest waxes and wanes and how those changes influence learning.
  • Clarify and incorporate the role of courage for learning.  We will do this by solidifying the nature of noble goals. We will use that to elucidate when and how the balance among three key variables characteristic of courage (noble goals, desire to act and risk) matters for learning.

Sample publications and presentations

Dassler, T., Dahl, T. I., Skille, T. T., Pfuhl, G., & Fjellaksel, R. (2023). Life-long learning for safe mountain fun: Transforming back-country skiers’ practices through stimulating double-loop learning at avalanche courses. International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings, pp. 1120-1127.

Dassler. T., Fjellaksel, R., Dahl, T. I., Skille, T. T., & Pfuhl, G. (2023, October). Rethinking avalanche education: Transforming backcountry skiers’ practices through stimulating double-loop learning in avalanche courses. International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW). Bend, OR.

Dahl, T. I. (2021, 2022, 2023). Courage in the work place. Annual seminar for UiT The Arctic University of Norway members of level 1 and 2 leadership. Sommarøy, Norway.

Dahl, T. I. (2022, December 6). Do calls to courage during outdoor adventures matter for flourishing? Developing a tool to find out, and what we’ve learned so far. Paper presented at the 9th Annual International Adventure Conference, Queenstown, NZ.

Dahl, T. I. (2022). What if becoming information literate were an adventure? Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL), 13(1), 4-19.

Dahl, T. I. (2021, June). What if being or becoming information literate were an adventure? (Keynote). Creating Knowledge Conference, Tromsø, Norway. In Septentrio Conference Series (No. 2). Doi:

Dahl, T. I., & Nierenberg, E. (2021). Here’s the TRIQ: The Tromsø Interest Questionnaire Based on the Four-Phase Model of Interest Development. Frontiers in Education. Doi: 

Dahl, T. I. (2019). I will never tell you you’re awesome, but I will celebrate your courage. WorldView Blog [Internett] 2019-01-15. 

Hetland, A., Vittersø, J., Wie, S. O. B., Kjelstrup, E., Mittner, M., & Dahl, T. I. (2018). Skiing and thinking about it: moment-to-moment and retrospective analysis of emotions in an extreme sport. Frontiers in psychology, 9.

Vittersø, J., Prebensen, N. K., Hetland, A., & Dahl, T. I. (2017). The emotional traveler: Happiness and engagement as predictors of behavioral intentions among tourists in Northern Norway. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 13, 3-16.

Dahl, T. I. (May, 2017). Psykologi er med på reisen: verdien av utforskende tanker, følelser og lyst. Sluttkonferansen for Opplevelser i Nord: Kan norsk reiseliv bli en næring i verdensklasse? Oslo, Norway.

Dahl, T. I. (August, 2017). The psychology of storytelling: Get hooked and stay connected (Keynote). Our Stories Conference, Storslett, Norway.

Dahl, T. I. (September, 2016). From baselines to BASE jumping: How might focusing on interest and adventure change our teaching? (Keynote). Alaskans for Language Acquisition (AFLA) Annual Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

Slettvold, C., & Dahl, T. I. (September, 2016). What do menu texts make us hungry for, and how can we manipulate that in meaningful ways? A theoretically-grounded approach to menu design. Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research (NORTHORS) 25th Annual Meeting. Turku, Finland.

Dalbakk, J-A., & Dahl, T. I. (October, 2016). Signs for adventure along the way: Can road signs penetrate the bubble of travel by facilitating serendipity to enhance experiential wealth? 5th Annual International Adventure Conference, Sheffield, UK

Dahl, T. I. (October 2016). The evolution of adventure at the International Adventure Conference: Where have we been and where are we headed? 5th Annual International Adventure Conference, Tralee, Ireland.

Norberg, S., & Dahl, T. I. (October, 2016). Lost in beauty? What happens when we insert art into our nature experiences?  5th Annual International Adventure Conference, Tralee, Ireland.

Ekeland, C., Dahl, T. I. (2016). Hunting the light in the High Arctic: Interest development among English tourists aboard the coastal steamer Hurtigruten. Tourism, Culture  Communication, 16(1), 33-58.

Hetland, A., Vittersø, J., Fagermo, K., Øvervoll, M., & Dahl, T. I. (2016). Visual excitement: analyzing the effects of three Norwegian tourism films on emotions and behavioral intentions. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16(4), 528-547.

Dahl, T. I. (2016, January). I was looking forward to that, but then THIS happened: The emotional power of accidental tourism. Arctic Frontiers Conference. Tromsø, Norway.

Dahl, T. I. (2014). Moving people: a conceptual framework for understanding how visitor experiences can be enhanced by mindful attention to interest. In Creating experience value in tourism (pp. 79-94). Wallingford UK: CABI.

Vittersø, J., & Dahl, T. I. (2013). What’s in a face? Perhaps some elements of both eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(4), 337-345.

Dahl, T. I., & Dalbakk, J. A. (2015). Whizzing through the High North: Motorists' Psychological Experience of the Countryside. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1-2), 8-28.

Prebensen, N. K., Vittersø, J., & Dahl, T. I. (2013). Value co-creation significance of tourist resources. Annals of tourism Research, 42, 240-261.

Dahl, T. I., Entner, P. S., Johansen, A. M. H., & Vittersø, J. (2013). Is our fascination with museum displays more about what we think or how we feel?. Visitor Studies, 16(2), 160-180.


  • GUESSED project collaborators managed by CARE (Center of Avalanche Research and Education) (including Audun Hetland, PhD Candidate Tim Dassler and Richard Fjellaksel from UiT, Gerit Pfuhl from UiT and NTNU, Ralph Hertwig Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Christin Schulze, UNSW Sydney and others)
  • Interreg project collaborators Inger Birkelund, ihana! and UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Trude Indrebø, Halti Næringspark and collaborators in Sweden and FInland.
  • Northern InSights collaborators Nina Prebensen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and other colleagues at universities and research institutes throughout Northern Norway.
  • Jon-André Dalbakk, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Christian Ekeland, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Ellen Nierenberg, Høgskolen i Innlandet, Norway
  • Lisa Sethre-Hofstad, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, USA
  • Joar Vittersø, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • and years of BA, Clinical program and MA students.


Tove I. Dahl (Principal investigator)
Tim Dassler
Ellen Nierenberg

Financial/grant information:

Research Council of Norway Forskningsløft i Nord

NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure.

  • GUESSED Grappling with Uncertainty in Environments Signaling Spurious Experiential Decisions (GUESSED) | NordForsk

Interreg is an EU program that strengthens collaborations across country borders. Projects that advance regional development, knowledge exchange and sustainable economic development receive economic funding from Norway through 11 different Interreg programs.

  • Our Stories - Experience Our Stories along the Northern Lights Route