Improving ship and cargo tracking with multi-source spatial data

The project will address the current shortcommings of AIS-based ship traching by fusing AIS and optical/radar satellite data ans develop advanced models for deriving new and more accurate information on ship and cargo tracking.

Project website:

Pål Gunnar Ellingsen is leading two of three work packages, while Roar Adland from SNF is the project principal investigator. As a part of the project, a new PhD student will be hired this year and a postdoctoral researcher next year at UiT in Narvik.

Project participants:

  • Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning (SNF) ved Norges Handelshøgskole (NHH)

  • (start-up company)

  • Utkilen

  • Western Bulk

  • Bergen Rederiforening


Pål Gunnar Ellingsen (Principal investigator)

Financial/grant information:

Funded by the Research Council of Norway with a 16 MNOK budget through "Samarbeidsprosjekt for å møte utfordringer i samfunn og næringsliv"