Smart Senja
The northern part of Senja has a large fish industry, but is located in an area with weak and unstable power supply. In this project, the communities of Husøy and Senjahopen will be used as demonstration sites to test new smartgrid technology. By using energy storage with a local market for flexible load, can the existing grid capacity be more effectivley utilized? This is what this large scale demo project will try out in practice.
Visit the project website for more information:
Financial/grant information:
Project leader: Julien Moisan (Troms Kraft Nett)
Project period: 2019 - 2025
Funded by: Enova & Troms Kraft Nett
Partners: Troms Kraft Nett, Troms Kraft Produksjon, UiT, Ishavskraft, Eaton, Powel, Nodes, Solbes, Enfo, Brødrene Karlsen, Nergård.
For more information, visit the ARC website