Safer offshore logistics using unmanned logistics helicopters

Weather is the main uncertainty when transferring cargo between supply ships and rigs, with operations highly dependent on wind, waves, and sight conditions. This causes an immediate danger for vessels involved in these operations, with high risk of collisions. This project aims to provide high-tech solutions to these problems, by developing autonomous multirotor systems to allow moving goods between ship and rigs, while keeping these in safe distances from each other. The electromechanical systems research group at UiT/IVT develops algorithms for path planning and robust automatic multirotor control, compensating for ship motion and external disturbances.


Raymond Kristiansen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)

Financial/grant information:

Project leader: Norce Tromsø
Project period: ---
Funded by: ---
Partners: Norce Tromsø, Griff aviation, Olympic Subsea, Stable and UiT.