Cell Signalling and Targeted Therapy
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The cell signalling and targeted therapy group perform basic research into the mechanism of cancer cell signalling with the aim to identify novel strategies for cancer therapy.

We are particularly interested in understanding how specific protein kinases and protein phosphatases contributes to these processes.

Our research projects includes studies of

  • Role of DUSP2 in cancer cell signaling in hematological malignancies

  • Stress activated signaling pathways in cancer development

  • Targeting tissue acidosis in solid tumours

We are also involved in several collaborative projects within the Faculty of Health Sciences (Link microRNA), the University of Tromsø and the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium (link).

The research in our group is made possible with grants from the Norwegian Cancer society, Norwegian research Council, Helse Nord, and the Blix foundation.


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Latest publications


Boudghene-Stambouli, Fadia; Soulez, Mathilde; Ronkina, Natalia; Dörrie, Anneke; Kotlyarov, Alexey; Seternes, Ole Morten; Gaestel, Matthias; Meloche, Sylvain.
On the Therapeutic Potential of ERK4 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancers 2023 ;Volum 15.(1)  UiT

Tislevoll, Benedicte Sjo; Hellesøy, Monica; Fagerholt, Oda Helen Eck; Gullaksen, Stein-Erik; Srivastava, Aashish; Birkeland, Even; Kleftogiannis, Dimitrios; Ayuda Duran, Pilar; Piechaczyk, Laure Isabelle; Tadele, Dagim Shiferaw; Skavland, Jørn; Panagiotis, Baliakas; Hovland, Randi; Andresen, Vibeke; Seternes, Ole Morten; Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson; Aghaeepour, Nima; Gavasso, Sonia; Porkka, Kimmo; Jonassen, Inge; Fløisand, Yngvar; Enserink, Jorrit; Blaser, Nello; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore.
Early response evaluation by single cell signaling profiling in acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Communications 2023 ;Volum 14.(1) s. - UiB HAUKELAND UiO OUS UiT


Javary, Joaquim; Goupil, Eugénie; Soulez, Mathilde; Kanshin, Evgeny; Bouchard, Antoine; Seternes, Ole Morten; Thibault, Pierre; Labbé, Jean-Claude; Meloche, Sylvain.
Phosphoproteomic analysis identifies supervillin as an ERK3 substrate regulating cytokinesis and cell ploidy. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2022 s. -

Kaehler, Meike; Litterst, Merit; Kolarova, Julia; Bohm, Ruwen; Bruckmüller, Henrike; Ammerpohl, Ole; Cascorbi, Ingolf; Nagel, Inga.
Genome-wide expression and methylation analyses reveal aberrant cell adhesion signaling in tyrosine kinase inhibitor-resistant CML cells. Oncology Reports 2022 ;Volum 48.(2) s. -

 Zeyen Øyås, Lisa; Seternes, Ole Morten; Mikkola, Ingvild.
Crosstalk between p38 MAPK and GR Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 ;Volum 23.(6) s. -



Local collaborators:

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 International collaborators: 

Cell Signalling and Targeted Therapy

Prof. Ole Morten Seternes, Dept. of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health sciences, University of Tromsø

During last 20 years our research group has educated the following master students and phd candidates.

Phd thesis


År Etternavn Fornavn Tittel
2005 Ånonli Aileen Påvisning av BCR-ABL mutasjoner som gir resistens mot Glivec i behandling av pasienter med KML og ALL.
2006 Johansen Linda Eilen Targeted detection of mutations associated with imatinib-resistance.
2006 Hammer Stine Gangnæs Cloning and expression of wild-type and mutated forms of Bcr-Abl in a mouse pro-B cell line.
2006 Myrland Linn-Karina Mapping of Pax6 binding site(s) in a putative CREM enhancer.
2006 Eriksen Tonje Engevik Construction of inducible cell-lines for the transcription factor Pax6.
2007 Anthonsen Elin Benberg Use of electrophoration and magnetic cell sorting for the expression of Bcr-Abl in a mouse pro-B cell line.
2009 Weibust Elisabeth Identifisering av PAX og MMP uttrykk i tre prostatakreft cellelinjer.
2009 Nguyen Lan Huong Thi Identifisering av en gruppe glykosyltransferaser som mulige målgener for transkripsjonsfaktoren Pax6.
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