News archive

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New Book on Children's Vulnerability

An international collaboration between children's rights researchers has resulted in a newly published anthology on children's vulnerability viewed in a legal context. Leader of the research group for Child Law Professor Trude Haugli and Associate Professor Mona Martnes from the Faculty of Law at UiT have led the book project as editors.



Unraveling Family Legality with Ida

Analyzing the protection of Children's right to family life.



“The Convention on the Rights of the Child has given us a common language”

This March, the research group on child law at UiT - Faculty of Law were lucky to welcome Professor Conor O'Mahony, from University College Cork in Ireland as a guest researcher.



Exciting position as a PhD fellow in legal sciences on Sami children's right to a future within their own culture!

The position is affiliated with the research school Changing Arctic.



Vacant postition as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Child Law Research group!

The postdoctoral position is connected to, but not part of the project Children’s Right to Health (ChildRight) funded by the Norwegian Research Council.



From the 13th until 16th of june the conference "Rethinking vulnerability theory within a children’s rights approach" was held in Tromsø.

The UiT research group on Child Law were the hosts of the conference. 

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Research group meeting at Sommarøya

September 28th the research group in Child Law met at Sommarøya to work on an exciting two year plan for research on child law!