Rethinking work inclusion for people with intellectual disability

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The primary objective of this project is to develop research-based knowledge relevant to strengthen competencies in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. Knowledge will be generated using several methods in collaboration between people with intellectual disabilities, academic staff and students in the bachelor program in Social Education, and service providers, employers and facilitators in relevant workplaces (daycentres, sheltered workshops, supported employment, ordinary workplaces and social enterprises). 

The main research question is: How can work inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities be improved? To answer the main research question we have developed four secondary research questions, linked to four interrelated work packages. We will develop knowledge about “how to do” work inclusion, based on people with IDD´s own experiences and meanings. By work inclusion we refer to different kinds of work activities in ordinary labour market.During a period of three years (2018-2020) the Institute of Social Education at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) will conduct a research project where the primary objective is to develop research-based knowledge relevant to strengthen competencies in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. The project “Rethinking work inclusion for people with intellectual disability” is funded by the Norwegian Research council. Collaboration partners are NTNU, HINN (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), HSN (The university college of Southeast-Norway) and the University of Iceland. The project consist of four work packages using different methods and exploring work inclusion from different perspectives.

During a period of three years (2018-2020) the Institute of Social Education at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) will conduct a research project where the primary objective is to develop research-based knowledge relevant to strengthen competencies in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability. The project “Rethinking work inclusion for people with intellectual disability” is funded by the Norwegian Research council. Collaboration partners are NTNU, HINN (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), HSN (The university college of Southeast-Norway) and the University of Iceland. The project consist of four work packages using different methods and exploring work inclusion from different perspectives. The main research question is: How can work inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities be improved?


Start: January 01. 2018
End: June 01. 2021
Unit: UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Project categories: Applied Research
Academic disciplines: Social sciences
Keywords: Sicial innovation / Work inclusion / Persons with intellectual disability


Hege Kristin Gjertsen
Lisbeth Kvam
Frank Jarle Bruun
Hans A. Hauge
Silje Mevold
Hanne Elisabeth Eriksen Nydal
Line Melbøe


  1. Nye måter å tenke arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemning (Academic lecture)
  2. Meningen med arbeid for mennesker med utviklingshemming, eller nedsatt arbeidsevne. Foreløpige resultater. (Lecture)
  3. Drivers in and obstacles to innovation in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability; a new organization of the work measure Permanently Adapted Work in Public. Proceedings from InnArbeid International Conference on work inclusion for persons with intellectual disabilities 2019, Kristiansand, Norway 23rd May 2019 (Academic lecture)
  4. Drivers in and obstacles to innovation in work inclusion for people with intellectual disability; a new organization of the work measure Permanently Adapted Work in Public (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  5. Sosial innovasjon for å lykkes med økt arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming (Academic lecture)
  6. Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  7. Betydningen av arbeid (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  8. Behov for å tenke nytt om arbeidsinkludering (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  9. Arbeidsgiveres holdninger til ansettelse av utviklingshemmede (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  10. Utviklingshemmede ekskluderes unødvendig i ordinært arbeidsliv (Feature article)
  11. Utviklingshemmede ekskluderes unødvendig i ordinært arbeidsliv (Feature article)
  12. Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming (Lecture)
  13. Større valgmuligheter for arbeid via ny praksis i VTA-tiltaket (Academic lecture)
  14. Fra arbeid i skjermet til ordinær virksomhet - arbeidsinkludering via en arbeidsinkluderingsbedrift (Academic lecture)
  15. Hvorfor jobber ikke flere utviklingshemmed ei arbeidsmarkedstiltaket "Varig tilrettelagt arbeid" (VTAO)? (Academic article)
  16. Sosialt entreprenørskap for inkludering av utviklingshemmede i ordinært arbeid? (Programme management)
  17. Sosial innovasjon i overgangen til arbeidslivet (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  18. Sosialt entreprenørskap for "normalisering" av utviklingshemmedes deltakelse i det ordinære arbeidslivet (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  19. Arbeidsinkludering for utviklingshemmede i lys av den norske arbeidslivsmodellen (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  20. Behov for å tenke nytt om arbeidsinkludering (Chapter)
  21. Arbeidsrettede tiltak for personer med utviklingshemming (Chapter)
  22. Å jobbe både i skjermet og ordinær virksomhet via VTA (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  23. Arbeidsinkludering, sosial innovasjon og selvbestemmelse (Chapter)
  24. Arbeidslinja - ikke for personer med utviklingshemming (Academic article)
  25. Samskaping om arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  26. The Norwegian work line - not for people with intellectual disabilities? (Academic lecture)
  27. Employer's understandings of workers with intellectual disabilities (Academic lecture)
  28. Når krysspress skaper trøbbel for arbeidsinkludering av VTA-arbeidstakere (Lecture)
  29. Når krysspress skaper trøbbel for arbeidsinkludering av VTA-arbeidstakere (Academic lecture)
  30. Når krysspress skaper trøbbel for arbeidsinkludering av personer med utviklingshemming (Academic article)