People with disabilities and Sami background

Header image Photo: Tone Elvebakk

The goal of the project is to increase understanding for the situation of people with disabilities and Sami background. The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) has previously made public that there is little scientific research-based knowledge in this area.

 The project has aimed to answer three questions: 1)- How do people with disabilities and Sami background experience their daily lives? 2)- How do people with disabilities and Sami background experience important transitions in their lives? 3)- How do people with disabilities and Sami background participate in the democratic processes?

Start: april 01. 2014
End: desember 30. 2016
Unit: Department of Social Education

Project categories: Oppdragsprosjekt
Academic disciplines: Samfunnsvitenskap
Keywords: Funksjonshemming


Barne-, ungdoms og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir)


Line Melbøe
Ketil Lenert Hansen
Gunn-Tove Minde
Marit Ruth Rustad
Leif Svein Lysvik
Gunn Elin Fedreheim
Tone Åshild Dinesen
Bjørn Eirik Johnsen


  1. Situasjonen til samer med funksjonsnedsettelse(r) (Report)
  2. Ethical and methodological issues in research with Sami experiencing disability (Academic article)
  3. Når diagnoseperspektivet overstyrer din samiske bakgrunn (Feature article)
  4. Urfolks- og minoritetsbakgrunn som meningsalibi (Feature article)
  5. Når diagnoseperspektivet overstyrer din samiske bakgrunn (Feature article)
  6. Likeverd: same og funksjonshemmet (Article in business/trade/industry journal)
  7. Demokratisk deltakelse blant mennesker i en dobbel minoritetssituasjon som same og funksjonshemmet. (Academic article)
  8. Samer med funskjonsnedsettelse (Popular scientific lecture)
  9. Culturalisation, Homogenisation, Assimilation? Intersectional perspectives on life stories of Sami people with Disabilities (Academic lecture)
  10. Cultural sensitivity and barriers: Sami people with disabilities facing the welfare system (Academic article)
  11. Challenges in global Indigenous-Disability comparative research, or, why nation-state political histories matter (Academic article)
  12. Role of the “differently-abled” researcher: Challenges and solutions in inclusive research (Academic article)
  13. Identity construction of Sami people with disabilities (Academic article)
  14. Møtet med velferdstjenestene (Academic lecture)
  15. Samer får ikke likeverdige tjenester (Interview)
  16. Culturalisation, Homogenisation, Assimilation? Intersectional Perspectives on the Life Experiences of Sami People with Disabilities (Academic article)
  17. Inkluderende og bærekraftig utdanning for alle, også for elever med funksjonsnedsettelser og samiske bakgrunn (Lecture)
  18. Hate speech targeting Sami people with disabilities (Academic lecture)
  19. Hate speech targeting Sami people with disabilites (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  20. Personer med utviklingshemming får liten tilgang til kjønnsidentitet (Interview)