Prepare for health - Accompanying research

Prepare for Helath (Prepp til helse) is a pilot project initiated by Menn i helse, and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) holds the main responsibility, in close collaboration with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) Troms and Finnmark, Troms county municipality, Finnmark county municipality, and the municipalities Sør-Varanger, Alta, Harstad, and Tromsø.

The Department of Social Education (IVP) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway leads the accompanying research project. The project is lead by Gunn Elin Fedreheim and Barbara Stein at IVP and they are joined by Bjørn Ingulfsvann Hagen and Ida Martine Pettersen from the same department. Tina Hansen joins them from the Department of Child Welfare and Social Work (IBS) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

The project's (effect) goals are to contribute with knowledge on how Prepare for Health contributes to permanent labour force participation. The project is structured in several (result) goals:

  • To evaluate how the recruitment process affects the carrying through of Prepare for Health
  • To learn more about restraints and faciliators of NAV's measures
  • To learn more about how the Prepare for Health-model motivates participants to carry through with Prepare for Health
  • To look closer at how collaboration between different actors can contribute to participants carrying through with Prepare for Health
  • To evaluate the transfer value of the Prepare for Health-model to other occupational courses
Start: oktober 01. 2022
End: desember 31. 2024
Unit: Department of Social Education

Project categories: Bidragsprosjekt
Academic disciplines: Samfunnsvitenskap
Keywords: Innvandring / Arbeidsinkludering


KS - Kommunesektorens organisasjon


Barbara Sophia Stein
Gunn Elin Fedreheim
Ida Martine Pettersen
Bjørn Ole Ingulfsvann Hagen
Tina Hansen


  1. Prepp til helse – veien til fagbrev for innvandrere med svake norskferdigheter? (Lecture)
  2. Morrakaffeprat. Hvordan kan innovative utdanningsmodeller bidra til integrering? (Lecture)
  3. Integrering, hvordan oppfyller vi vårt samfunnsansvar? (Popular scientific lecture)
  4. Forskning MED NAV – en suksesshistorie om et pilotprosjekts bidrag til tjenesteutvikling i NAV (Academic lecture)
  5. Prepp til helse - følgeforskning 2022-2023 (Academic lecture)