NUK - New Young Art

NYA – New Young Art is an arts festival for Northern Norwegian youth between the ages of 14-20 years. Each year, about 150 youths from all over Northern Norway visit Harstad during the Arctic Arts Festival to participate for a week in different arts and culture workshops.
This festival unique art and culture program provides a magical experience. NYA is a place to meet young people across gender, ethnicity, and functional ability, and to develop ones creative and artistic potential, no matter one's conditions and competence.
NYA is organized by the Artic Art Festival of Northern Norway.
It was established in 2016 after a pronounced restructuring process and the signing of a long-term collaboration agreement with UiT The Arctic University of Norway on major action research meant to evaluate the methods and results of the festival.
The research results will constitute the basis for major knowledge sharing and make the methodology available from an international perspective.
End: desember 28. 2022
Unit: Department of Social Education
Nanna Kathrine EdvardsenRikke Gürgens Gjærum
- Kulturmeldingen er ikke relevant og representativ - for alle (Feature article)
- International day of disability - film (Other presentation)
- Hva med dramafaget, Sanner? (Feature article)
- The Aesthetic Model of Disability (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- NUK og NFU Skånland i samarbeid; informasjons-, dialog- og rekrutteringsmøte (Lecture)
- Fly me to the moon! - skapende, utfordrende og estetisk læring (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Hvorfor er CRPD viktig, og hva gjør vi ved Institutt for vernepleie for å bidra til implementeringen av CRPD? (Popular scientific lecture)