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Join Us for the sedaDNA Society Conference: June 24–25, 2025!

Discover the Future of sedaDNA: Join the sedaDNA Society Conference!

We are thrilled to invite you to the sedaDNA Society Conference, happening June 24–25, 2025, in the stunning city of Tromsø, Norway.

🌟 Pre-conference Workshops: June 23, 2025
🌟 Post-conference Excursions: June 26, 2025

For registration, abstract submission, and detailed information about accommodation options, please visit our webpage:

Stay connected and be part of this exciting event exploring the latest advancements in environmental DNA research!


sedaDNA Society Conference: Save the Date!


ArcEcoGen at INQUA 2023 in Rome


Rekord slått igjen: Verdens eldste DNA funnet på Grønland

Bjørk, hare, reinsdyr, og mastodonter er noen av artene som er funnet i 2 millioner år gammelt DNA fra et varmere Grønland. Dette er det eldste DNAet som noen gang har blitt funnet.


Verdens eldste DNA: Forskere finner 2 millioner år gamle rester av planter og dyr

Nå er det oppdaget arvestoff fra elefantdyret mastodont, tuja og gran i et varmere Grønland. Det er det eldste DNA-et som noen gang er funnet.


PhD Fellow position 1 Genomic basis of eco-evolutionary responses to changing environments in arctic plant-herbivore systems Deadline 6th of April 2022

Genomic basis of eco-evolutionary responses to changing environments in arctic plant-herbivore systems



Ecosystem change at Kulivatnet since the end of the last ice age



Mammoths and other large animals survived in the north much longer than previously believed

New DNA research indicates that the climate, not humans, led to the demise of these large creatures.