Biopsychosocial regulation

This project deals with the understanding of newborn behaviour, the importance of responsivity, parent-child interactions.

The project also explore how health caregivers might share this understanding with parents in a way that improves their connectedness with their child and self-efficacy.

Helping the body to find balance and feeling safe Foto: Mostphotos

This research has been related to the studies Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms (TISP), the Northern Baby longitudinal study (SiN-study) and a self-initiated follow-up study (Well home study).

This winter, a survey is sent to nursing students that finish their education in 2024. The aim is to explore and shape an overview of students’ recognition and knowledge about the regulation that is generated by the autonomic nervous system, and becomes visible for nurses in individual persons physical, mental, and social activity and expressions.


Inger Pauline Landsem (Principal investigator)