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Høst 2025

TEK-3004 Specialization Project - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet

Type of course

A technical course. The course cannot be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

The students will carry out a research project within the field of engineering. The student's choice in specialization and the content of the course will depend on the planned profile of the master’s thesis, which normally is to be carried out in the following semester.

The Program Board must approve the project. Application for approval must be submitted to the Program Board within a deadline, which is normally 1 September in the autumn semester and 1 February in the spring semester. Students apply by handing in a supervision contract along with a project description. Students must register to the exam as for ordinary courses.

Objective of the course


The student …


The student …


The student …

Language of instruction

Guidance will be given in the Engelish language. Report to be written in the English language.

Teaching methods

Individual guidance and supervision according to agreement and of one semester duration. Maximum workload for the supervisor is 10 hours, you will receive supervision within these limits.