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Høst 2025

TEK-3002 Risk and Reliability Engineering - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet

Type of course

The course may be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

SM400 Reliability Engeneering, Introduction 5 ects

Course contents

The course content is organised in four modules:

Module 1: Introduction to Reliability Engineering and Life Data Analysis. This module discusses basic definitions and concepts of reliability, statistical theory related to reliability, the most commonly used distributions for product life, product life data classification, parameter estimation methods, confidence bounds determination, and goodness-fit-test methods for life data distribution.

Module 2: Introduction to System Reliability. This module discusses the fundamentals of system reliability, fundamentals of reliability block diagrams (RBDs), system reliability determination, system reliability optimization, and simulation on system reliability using Monte Carlo method.

Module 3: Introduction to reliability testing and design out of uncertainty. This module discusses acceleration life test, the typical failures in mechanical & electronic system, design out of uncertainty for typical engineering system, and maintainability & availability calculation.

Module 4: Introduction to risk assessment and management. This module discusses the concept of risk and vulnerability, theories and methods of risk analysis, hazard identification by using empirical data, risk evaluation, etc., and the decision process, economic loss evaluation, cost / benefit analysis, ALARP.

Admission requirements

Opptakskode 9371

Objective of the course


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The student ...

General competence

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Language of instruction


Teaching methods