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Høst 2025

SVF-3607 Literature Review - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet

Type of course

The course is mandatory for students with admission to Contemporary Issues in Risk and Crisis Management - master. It will be available as an elective course for Master in Societal Safety at ITS/UiT.

May not be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

This course will provide insight into the different types of literature reviews, with a special focus on traditional and systematic literature reviews. The course will facilitate an understanding of how the students will do a review of existing research in order to identify gaps in the literature and justify the research problem they will choose for their own projects. The literature that will be reviewed must be in line with the research problem formulated early in the literature review process.

Objective of the course

The level of knowledge:

The student…


The student…

General competence:

The student…

Language of instruction

Language of instruction: English

The language of examination: English

Students can apply to write in a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Video lectures, project work, supervisions and digital workshops, a total of approximately 30-35 hours.