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Høst 2025

SVF-3206 Safety Management and Accident Investigation - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet

Type of course

The course is reserved for students with admission to Master in Societal Security or Master in Technology and Safety and may not be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

The course will provide both theoretical and empirical components to address the course content. The first section of the course will provide an introduction to safety management, by introducing established theoretical approaches, the systems approach and perspectives on regulation. The second section will focus on the practices of safety management: safety policy, standards, risk assessment, learning, safety culture, monitoring, reporting and auditing. The third section is dedicated to accident investigation. Here students will be introduced to different approaches to accident investigation.

Objective of the course


The student ...


The student ...

General competence:

The student ...

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, exercise, group-work and own studies