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Høst 2025
MAT-2201 Numerical Methods - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Institutt for matematikk og statistikk
Type of course
The course is included in the study programs Applied Physics and Mathematics - master (5-years), Energy, Climate and Environment - master (5-years). It may also be taken independent of study program. This course is also available for inbound exchange students.
Course overlap
FYS-2011 Numerical simulations 10 ects
Course contents
This course gives an introduction to basic concepts and issues of numerical computation. The topics treated include: Binary representation and floating point numbers, round-off errors, conditioning, rates of convergence, truncation and discretization errors, best approximation, numerical stability, and complexity analysis. Selected methods will be covered for some of these classes of problems: Linear systems of equations, nonlinear equations, overdetermined linear systems, numerical differentiation and integration, and numerical solution of differential equations.
Admission requirements
Applicants from Nordic countries:
Generell studiekompetanse og følgende spesielle opptakskrav: Matematikk R1 og i tillegg enten:
- Matematikk R2
- Fysikk 1 + 2 eller
- Kjemi 1+ 2 eller
- Biologi 1 + 2 eller
- Informasjonsteknologi 1 +2 eller
- Geofag 1 + 2 eller
- Teknologi og forskningslære 1 + 2
Søknadskode 9197 (kravkode REALFA): Enkeltemner i realfag, lavere grad.
Objective of the course
After the course the student should:
- Be able to analyze methods for numerical calculations with respect to errors and complexity
- Have mathematical understanding for the methods they apply
- Know the main features in IEEE-standards for binary number representation
- Be able to use iterative methods, like the Jacobi-method for systems of linear equations, and Newtons method for non-linear equations, and be able to describe convergence properties.
- Be able to describe Gaussian elimination and LU factorization, and know QR factorization, and how this is used to find least squares solutions.
- Know the problem of polynomial interpolation, how to solve it, and how to prove unqueness. They should be able to use Chebychev polynomials as tools.
- Use Taylor¿s theorem to find errors of discretization when calculating dericatives and finite difference.
- Know simple methods for numerical calculation of integrals, such as the Trapezoid method and Simpson¿s formula, and general results about global errors, when local errors are known.
- Know the simplest algorithms for stepwise numerical solution of initial value problems for systems of first order differential equations, and know how to reformulate a higher order differential equation to such a system.
Language of instruction
The language of instruction and the syllabus is English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.
Teaching methods
Lectures: Approx 40 h. Coursework: Approx 30 h