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Høst 2025

KJE-3900 Master's Thesis in Molecular Science - 60 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for kjemi

Type of course

Only students on the Master's degree program in Molecular Sciences are eligible for this course. It is not available to any other category of students as a singular or elective course.

Application for approval must be submitted to the Program Board within a deadline, which is normally 1st of September in the autumn semester and 1st of February in the spring semester. Students apply by handing in a supervision contract (veiledningskontrakt for mastergradsoppgave) along with a project description. Students must register to the exam as for ordinary courses.

Course contents

A research project on a chosen topic within one of the relevant disciplines of Molecular Sciences, among those offered at the Department of Chemistry. The project is, dependent on topic, an experimental or a theoretical study, research work equivalent to a one- year full time work. The student is, under supervision, expected to plan the project, bring forward hypotheses, and test them with relevant methods for the topic chosen.

The project study shall result in a Master´s degree thesis including a theoretical background for the study, description of the methods used, and a presentation and discussions of the results obtained in a scientific way where relevant literature in the field is used.

Objective of the course

Knowledge - The candidate:

Skills - The candidate:

General competences - The candidate:

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and/or a Scandinavian language. The master thesis is written in English.

Teaching methods

Individual studies and supervision.