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Høst 2025

KJE-3002 Generic skills in molecular sciences - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for kjemi

Type of course

The course is reserved for students admitted to the master program in Molecular Sciences. Not available as singular course.

Course overlap

KJE-3001 Interdisciplinary molecular sciences: From quantum mechanics to medicine 10 ects

Course contents

The course will focus on the life cycle of results and data from scientific research projects with emphasis on the various stages of a project. This includes how scientific results and data are treated starting with project planning, collecting and processing, analysis and preservation, and finally sharing and reuse of data.

The course will cover principles and practices of data management, open data and open access publishing, as well as intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in molecular sciences.

Use of databases, software and electronic resources relevant to literature search, analysis, and referencing (e.g. ISI, Scifinder, Endnote) as well as knowledge in standards for presentation of literature in molecular sciences will be covered. Ethical issues, such as plagiarism, will also be discussed.

The course will cover basics of scientific dissemination such as graphical, oral and written presentations of scientific results such as structuring of written and oral presentations, scientific presentation standards and use of presentation software (e.g. Powerpoint, Excel, ExplainEverything, ChemDraw, 3-D visualisation software). The student will prepare reports and critically analyse work by others, e.g. previous master theses.

The mandatory projects the students will document and present include an interview with a representative from the relevant job market executed by the student. The focus is to gain insight into the competence needs for candidates in molecular sciences.

Objective of the course

After completing the course the student has acquired a solid and broad theoretical and practical basis for conducting and documenting projects in molecular sciences. This means that the student




Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English. All the syllabus is provided in English. Likewise, the oral presentation and the final report will be in English.

Teaching methods

The course will consist of approximately 40 h of classroom activities (lectures and seminars), 160 h of individual/group project work. The work will be summarised in written individual reports and oral presentations.