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Høst 2025

KJE-2004 Bioinformatics - An introduction - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for kjemi

Type of course

Theoretical and practical subject. The course is available as a singular or elective course independent of study program, also to exchange students. The course is offered on condition that a minimum number of students register for the course.

Course overlap

BIO-2304 Introduction to Bioinformatics 10 ects

Course contents

With the recent revolution in our biological understanding and available data, and the rapid development of new technologies, it is today expected that modern biologists are competent in using bioinformatics tools. This course introduces students to Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics tools, and provides participants with hands-on training. Students will be introduced to biological sequence data (DNA and protein sequences, whole genomes, learn to access major sequence databases and use a variety of web-based services. During the course, the students will learn to retrieve, analyze, compare and visualize genetic sequences.

Admission requirements

Applicants from Nordic countries: KJE-1001 or equivalent is recommended.

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English. It is recommended that students have some prior knowledge of chemistry and/or biology (participants should have taken introductory level university courses, and achieved pass grades, in these subjects).

A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education website -

Application code: 9197 (Nordic applicants).

Obligatory prerequisites

KJE-1001 Introduction to chemistry and the chemistry of biology

Objective of the course

The student will have basic knowledge and proficiency within bioinformatics. This means that the student


Background basics

Biological databases

Sequence alignments

Protein structure prediction

Evolutionary processes




Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Reports may be written in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 27 h, Laboratory: 24 h PC-based exercises.