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Høst 2025

INF-3995 Individual Special Curriculum - Master's Degree - 20 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for informatikk

Type of course

The individual special curriculum is available for students on Computer Science - master 5-year and Computer Science - master 2-year.

Course contents

The course content may be based on ideas from the student, or supervisor or external partner collaborating with the student (e.g. a company or organization).

The chosen topic may be experimental or theoretical on an appropriate level and address research on acceptable computer science problems or topics that are not covered by regular courses of instruction.

The student must come to an agreement with a faculty member of the department as supervisor. The Individual special curriculum must be approved by the Department Council according to an application form. Exam is done by ordinary registration via Studentweb.

Assessment: The form of assessment is determined as part of the approval of the individual special curriculum. Several assessment methods can be chosen.

Objective of the course


Language of instruction

Examination questions will be given in English but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Individual guidance and supervision according to agreement. According to capacity and requirement, Individual Special Curriculum is offered in the spring or fall semester.