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Høst 2025

HEL-8040 Theory of science, research ethics and research design - 7 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Type of course

The course is incorporated in the essential part of the PhD education at the Faculty of Health Sciences, and is compulsory for PhD students at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The course can be taken as a singular course

PhD students and students at the Student Research Program at UiT The Arctic University of Norway register for class and exam in Studentweb by September 1st for autumn semester and February 1st for spring semester.

Other applicants apply for the right to study by June 1st for courses that are taught in the fall semester and December 1st for courses that are taught in the spring semester. Application is sent through SøknadsWeb. Please use the application code "9301 - Singular courses at the PhD level". If granted admission to the course students must register for class and exam in Studentweb by September 1st for autumn semester and February 1st for spring semester.

Course overlap

SVF-8600 Philosophy and Ethics of Science 3 ects

Course contents

This course has three components, theory of science, research ethics and research design. In the course, we will focus on how and why these elements are highly integrated in research.

Theory of science analyses the methods of inquiry used in various sciences. The overall aim is to clarify and question assumptions scientists often take for granted or do not explicitly discuss. The shaping of scientific theories and results is partly due to historical, political, societal and cultural forces. It is also important to clarify cultural and societal consequences of scientific activity. Through the presentation of theory of science, the course focuses on which kinds of activity count as science, and what is the basis of scientific methods.

Both society and science change continually and new ethical challenges have arisen, in relation to e.g. frontiers of new technologies, open science, dilemmas according to authorship and conflicting interests in multi-professional research teams.

Conducting research according to ethical principles is fundamental. The course will address the requirements of international conventions and Norwegian legislation and the importance of reflexivity on ethical dilemmas in one's own research and how such dilemmas may be resolved.

The course will address the requirements of international conventions and Norwegian legislation and the importance of reflection on ethical dilemmas in one¿s own research and how such dilemmas may be resolved.

Both basic theory of science and different schools of knowledge have a strong impact on research designs, defining the nature of hypotheses, problems, research questions, methodology, methods and analysis. The course will address how to develop relevant research hypotheses or problems and choose adequate designs to address these, particularly how to do research in collaborative settings and work with complex interventions.

Overall, the course emphasizes how societal health problems or biomedical challenges are linked to relevant research approaches in terms of e.g. collaboration, engaged research, ethics and complex designs based on relevant theory of science. The aim is to enable students to understand their own research in a wider perspective and to critically reflect upon the basic assumptions, design and ethical dilemmas.

Admission requirements

PhD students and students at the Student Research Programme, or holders of a Norwegian master´s degree of five years or 3+2 years (or equivalent) may be admitted.

This course has a maximum capacity of 50 students. If there are more applicants than available seats in the course, students will be given priority from category 1 to 3:

1. PhD students and students participating in the Student research Programme, both at the Faculty of Health Science

2. PhD students and students at a Student Research Programme at UiT and other universities

3. Applicants who have minimum a master’s degree or equivalent, but have not been admitted to a PhD programme

Should we have to make priorities within category 1, students who have gotten the furthest in their course of study and have this course as a compulsory part of their training, will be given priority.

Objective of the course


By the end of this course, the candidate has knowledge that enables him/her to:


By the end of this course, the candidate has skills that enables him/her to:

General competence:

By the end of this course, the candidate is able to:

Language of instruction

The language of teaching will be English.

The language of the written assignments/exam is English or Norwegian.

Teaching methods

Hel-8040 is a 6- day course- given in two 3-day parts.

This course comprises lectures combined with active student teaching groups led by a mentor from Faculty of Health Sciences at UiT.