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Høst 2025

GEO-3126 Practical seismic processing - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for geovitenskap

Type of course

This course is available as single course.

Course overlap

GEO-8126 Practical Seismic Processing 5 ects

Course contents

The course will give a concise and practical treatment of the theoretical basis and philosophy for constructing each module in a typical seismic processing sequence, from loading the field data to the finished processed section. It provides a comprehensive overview of the steps that are commonly applied in seismic data processing and discusses their inherent assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. Through several practical exercises, participants will gain a working knowledge of the different processing methods and enable them to assess the quality of a processing result. The exercises will cover processing of a 2D seismic line, with documentation and reasoning for choosing processing parameters during the different steps.

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree in geology, or a similar degree following a program of study of at least three years, or similar education approved in accordance with the Norwegian Universities Act section 3-4. In addition, specialization in geology worth the equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits is required. Normally, an average mark of C or better is required at the bachelor's degree level or other program for basis of admission.

Application code: 9371.

Objective of the course


The student has


The student can

General competences

The student has

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English.

Teaching methods

A total of 40 hours of lectures and practical exercises.