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Høst 2025

ENG-1122 Introduction to Literature - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for språk og kultur

Type of course

This course may be taken as a single course.

Course contents

In this course we will read a diverse selection of literature in multiple genres. We will learn to understand and apply the methods of formal literary critique, a methodology that aims to improve students' ability to interpret and appreciate literature in different historical and social contexts. In addition, emphasis will be put on the manner in which interpretation and analysis are articulated effectively in academic writing.

Admission requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification (generell studiekompetanse) or prior learning and work experience (realkompetanse).

Application code: 9199 - Enkeltemner (ikke realfag), lavere grad (Nordic applicants).

A good grasp of oral and written English is recommended.

Objective of the course

The students have the following learning outcome:


The students have:


The students are able to:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

13 weeks of teaching (4 hours per week).

Quality assurance:

All courses undergo a halfway evaluation once in a 3-year period at the bachelor's level. The study programme leader determines which programme options will be evaluated per year, and which courses will be evaluated by the students and the teacher per year.