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Høst 2025

BIO-3805 Individual Special Curriculum - Master's Degree - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi

Type of course

Master course for biology students.

The course is not available as a singular course.

Course contents

The course content will be tailored to the students and the supervisors’ field of interest. The course can have a theoretical or practical content, or a combination of the two.

The total workload should represent about 150 hours of work, including teaching activities, individual work and exam.

For a curriculum based on a literature review, one ECTS represents between 40-50 pages of scientific literature (more for textbooks).

Objective of the course

This course will provide the student with a deeper understanding of a field of research defined by the student and supervisor.

The course should however not be used as part(s) of the master thesis (BIO-3950).

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Individual guidance and supervision according to agreement between the student and the supervisor.