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Høst 2025

BIO-3021 Sustainability Science - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi

Type of course

The course is mandatory for MSc students in biology on the Ecology and Sustainability specialization.

The course is available as a singular course.

Course overlap

BIO-8621 Sustainability Science 6 ects

Course contents

In this course, we explore the causes and consequences of global ecological changes and the sustainability challenges that society is facing as a result of these changes. The course introduces students to sustainability science and some of the key concepts and ideas articulated in global environmental assessments (IPBES, IPCC and Arctic Council working groups) and environmental policies (the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN Convention of Climate Change, the Paris Agreement, and Convention on Biological Diversity and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework). We emphasize the need to understand interactions between ecological and social systems in the pursuit of addressing sustainability challenges. The aim is to integrate theory, practice and reflections. The course is divided into the following modules:

Admission requirements

Local admission, application code 9371 - Master's level singular course.

Admission requires a Bachelor`s degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent qualification, with a major in biology of minimum 80 ECTS.

Recommended prerequisites: coursework in either ecology or sustainability science at BSc level.

Objective of the course

Knowledge and understanding:



Language of instruction


Teaching methods

We employ a diversity of teaching methods using online resources, readings and group activities combined with video and seminar for each module (300 hrs).

The time estimates are as follows: lectures - 34 hrs; preparations and participation in seminars work assignment for each module - 72 hrs; work assignments - 50 hrs; group exam and individual assignments are estimated to 75 hrs. The rest includes reading of syllabus associated with these activities