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Høst 2025

BIO-3005 Seminar: Molecular Environmental Biology in Microbes and Plants - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi

Type of course

Master course for biology students - principally aimed at MSc-students specializing in Molecular Environmental Biology.

This is a seminar course which runs over multiple semesters. Students must remember to sign up for teaching all semesters and ONLY sign up for the exam the last (3. or 4.) semester.

The course is not available as a singular course.

Course contents

Subject of the seminar will be molecular biology approaches to analyse the interaction and communication of molecules, cell compartments, cells, microbial communities, microbes and photosynthetic organisms with their respective environments. Examples from ongoing research in the Molecular Environments Research Group will provide the platform for the contributions.Topics include the communication within plant and bacterial cells, communication of cells and organisms with their environment and communication in microbial soil communities as well as plant/microbial and plant/plant associations. Techniques in focus are genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses in plants, microbes and microbial communities.

Objective of the course



General competence:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Seminar: 30 hours spread over up to 4 semesters.